Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Governing land for women and men

This e-learning course, entitled "Governing land for women and men" will help you gain a clear understanding of why it is important to take into account gender and social issues when dealing with land tenure, and what actions must be adopted so that women and men from different social groups can equally participate in and benefit from land tenure governance processes.  



Safeguarding land tenure rights in the context of agricultural investment. Governance of Tenure Technical Guide 4

A technical guide on safeguarding land tenure rights in line with the Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, for government authorities involved in the promotion, approval and monitoring of agricultural investments This technical guide elaborates on specific aspects of the VGGT relating to agricultural investments by providing detailed guidance to government authorities and others on actions they can take to help them to create an enabling environment for responsible and sustainable investments. In following this guidance and applying the principles of the VGGT, governments will be more [...]



Aquaculture Zoning, Site Selection and Area Management under the Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture

The selection of the spatial area designated for aquaculture development and careful selection of farm sites are essential first steps to ensure the success and sustainability of aquaculture. They should be carried out in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, (CCRF) and the Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA) FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries, No. 5, Suppl. 4. Rome, FAO. 53 pp.

Issue paper


Towards a Water and Food Secure Future. Critical Perspectives for Policy-Makers

The aim of this paper is to provide policy-makers with a helpful overview of the technical and economic aspects of water use in agriculture, with particular emphasis on crop and livestock production. Through 2050, in many countries, agriculture will remain an important determinant of economic growth, poverty reduction, and food security, even as, over time, the proportion of agricultural revenue in national gross income declines. Water use in agriculture will remain substantial, irrigated areas will expand and competition for water will increase in all sectors. Most likely, overall supplies of land and water will be sufficient to achieve global food [...]



FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

Consistent with its mandate to pursue a world free from hunger and malnutrition, the following “FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” has been formulated so as to ensure that FAO will make all due efforts to respect, include and promote indigenous issues in relevant work. In so doing, it joins the international community’s increasing mobilization in favour of the rights and concerns of indigenous peoples, most of whom suffer disproportionately from multiple adversities such as discrimination, poverty, ill health, political under-representation, and environmental and cultural degradation. Although much attention is focused on the challenges that indigenous peoples face, it [...]



Drivers Affecting Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS): An Overview

Negative and positive drivers affecting forests in the GMS co-exist. Negative drivers result in deforestation and forest degradation, and positive drivers promote sustainable forest management (SFM), forest conservation, afforestation and reforestation. Negative drivers are still more dominant than positive ones. Nevertheless, growing signs of positive drivers are starting to emerge in the GMS countries. Policy makers, forest managers and practitioners need to be aware of these drivers and find ways to enhance the positive ones, while reducing the negative ones. In order to promote SFM and address deforestation and forest degradation, the GMS countries need to foster integrated land-use planning [...]



Water for Food Security and Nutrition. A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. HLPE Report 9

Water is key to human life. It is key to human food security and nutrition. Safe drinking water and sanitation are fundamental to the good nutrition, health and dignity of all. How can the world ensure food and nutrition security given increasingly scarce water resources, especially in some regions, and the increasing competition for water uses?  This policy-oriented report from the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) presents a synthesis of existing evidence on the multiple relations between water and food security and nutrition, from global levels to household levels. The aim of this report, given the diversity [...]



Global Guidelines for the Restoration of Degraded Forests and Landscapes in Drylands. Building Resilience and Benefitting Livelihoods. FAO Forestry Paper 175

Drylands cover nearly half of the earth’s land surface and are home to one-third of the global population. They face extraordinary challenges, including those posed by desertification, biodiversity loss, poverty, food insecurity and climate change. Up to 20 percent of the world’s drylands are degraded, and people living there are often locked into a vicious circle of poverty, unsustainable practices and environmental degradation. It is clear that serious efforts are needed to arrest dryland degradation and restore degraded lands, and the simple but urgent aim of these guidelines is to support such efforts. It is the first time that global guidelines on [...]

Issue paper


Abastecimiento de alimentos por el Estado como medida de protección social. Debates en torno a la Ley Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria de la India

Esta publicación ofrece una visión general sobre los principales temas debatidos durante el desarrollo y la aprobación de la Ley Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria de la India (2013), que obliga jurídicamente a los Gobiernos nacional y estatales para ampliar el alcance de la protección social a la población del país. En ella se plantean muchos debates intensos y pertinentes que pueden ser útiles tanto para los responsables de elaborar políticas como para activistas que deseen reforzar los marcos programáticos y jurídicos para la alimentación y la nutrición, especialmente en países de bajos ingresos, así como en economías emergentes.

Issue paper


A Review of Women's Access to Fish in Small-Scale Fisheries

Women play a critical role in every link of the value chain in small-scale fisheries, although their best-known roles are in processing and marketing of fish and other fishery products. This perception of the highly gender-segregated division of labour (men fishing / women processing) has shaped the generalized approach in supporting development initiatives for small-scale fisheries. More often than not, this approach targets men as fishers, and women as processors and marketers of fishery products. However, this generalization has also made fisheries governance blind to women’s other valuable inputs to the sector. In fact, their roles can and should go [...]