Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Mercados mayoristas: acción frente al COVID-19

La  Oficina  Regional  de  la  FAO  para  América Latina y el Caribe y la FLAMA establecerán una estrategia conjunta para monitorear y publicitarlas  actividades  de  los  mercados  mayoristas  y Centros  de  Abastos  de  la  Región  en  esteperíodo  de  crisis  debido  a  la  pandemia  de COVID-19. El  presente  boletín  tiene  como  objetivo compartir   periódicamente   las   principales estrategias  de  prevención  de  la  contaminación adoptadas  por  los  Mercados  Mayoristas  e informar sobre sus actividades y las condiciones operativas  de  los  Mercados  para  garantizar  el suministro   de   alimentos,   que   continúan cumpliendo  su  papel  estratégico  y  fundamentalen  el  suministro  de  alimentos  de  las  ciudades. Con  informaciones  [...]



Interim guidance note: Mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and nutrition of schoolchildren

This joint note from FAO and WFP intends to provide government decision makers, school administrators/staff and partners with preliminary guidance on how to support, transform or adapt school feeding (in the short term) to help safeguard schoolchildren’s food security and nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specific recommendations are provided according to the various target groups involved in school feeding. An additional section is focused on the case of homegrown school feeding. This guidance note will be regularly updated as the situation evolves, and new information becomes available. It complements other guidance from specialized UN agencies, such as the, UNESCO, UNICEF, [...]



COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chains: How to respond?

This policy brief is part of a series that aims at analysing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food and agriculture sectors. This brief, specifically, analysis possible impacts of the measures adopted by countries to fight the pandemic, on food supply chains. It identifies and illustrates what countries should do in order to keep food supply chains alive.  Also available in Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian



Marco de la FAO para la alimentación y la nutrición escolar

El Marco de la FAO para la Alimentación y Nutrición Escolar tiene como objetivo apoyar a los gobiernos y las instituciones para que desarrollen, transformen o fortalezcan sus políticas, programas y otras iniciativas a fin de lograr un mejor impacto en la alimentación, la nutrición escolar y adolescente, el desarrollo socioeconómico comunitario y los sistemas alimentarios locales. El Marco representa una respuesta directa al llamado internacional para mejorar la nutrición a lo largo del ciclo de vida y para transformar los sistemas alimentarios, en el contexto de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), la Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN2) y el [...]



Trade policy & partnerships

Trade in most agricultural commodities is expected to expand, trade rules are becoming more complex and some countries are using trade instruments in times of food crises to guarantee food supplies for their own people. Trade policy can have significant implications for food security, nutrition and employment. Given this, FAO will continue to support its Members in capacity development. This will be aimed at enhancing market transparency, exports and agricultural and food systems, via better aligned trade and agricultural policies. FAO also promotes sustainable production and trade by facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural value chains. It supports the World Banana [...]



Amélioration de la gestion des pertes après-récolte dans les filières céréales et légumineuses au Burkina Faso

Cette note d’orientation politique est basée sur les travaux de l’atelier de consultation national qui s’est tenu à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso le 15 mars 2017, dans le cadre du projet «Intégration des initiatives pour la réduction des pertes alimentaires pour les petits producteurs dans les zones à déficit alimentaire» décrit ci-après. L’atelier a réuni des représentants des Directions techniques du Ministère de l’Agriculture et des Aménagements Hydrauliques, des organisations professionnelles, des instituts de recherche et des universités, et des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF), du Gouvernement du Burkina Faso, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), le Programme [...]

Training & e-learning


Introduction to Climate-Smart Agriculture

This course analyses climate change impacts on agriculture, food security and food systems and provides an overview of the main climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture. It also introduces the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach and describes the 5-step process to implement it.  Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours Publication Date: November 2018 AudienceThis course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective, but is written for the general public. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking the course include: Policy makers Development practitioners and programme managers Sectoral specialists and academics Trainers and extension agents ContentThe course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 15 to 25 minutes duration each: Lesson 1 [...]

Issue paper


Indicators to monitor and evaluate the sustainability of bioeconomy. Overview and a proposed way forward

FAO has been working for many years on non-food biomass products (including sustainable bioenergy) and biotechnology, and it received a mandate to coordinate international work on ‘food first’ sustainable bioeconomy by 62 Ministers present at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2015. Moreover, FAO has received support from the Government of Germany to develop guidelines on sustainable bioeconomy development (Phase 1: 2016; Phase 2: 2017-mid 2020). This involves work on the bioeconomy monitoring, including the selection and use of indicators. The ultimate aim of FAO’s work on sustainability indicators is to provide technical assistance to countries and stakeholders [...]

Issue paper


FAO’s work on the right to food

The right to feed oneself in dignity and to be free from hunger is guaranteed by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which today has been signed and ratified by 170 State Parties. As such, the right to food is a legal obligation anchored in international law. In order to fulfill this obligation, many countries and international organizations have led concrete actions to infuence policies and laws for the realization of the right to food.FAO, as the United Nations Specialized Agency mandated with the achievement of food security and nutrition, has supported Member Countries committed towards this [...]

Issue paper


Microbiome: The missing link? Science and innovation for health, climate and sustainable food systems

Unhealthy diets now pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than unsafe sex, alcohol, and drug and tobacco use combined. They are at the root of the global obesity and diet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) pandemic. The ways of food production that lead to these unhealthy diets also pose a major threat to climate stability and ecosystem resilience, and constitute the most important driver of environmental degradation and natural resources depletion.In the short term, there is little that we can do to curb the global demand for food and other products that depend on biological resources. Demand will continue to [...]