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Restoring Food Security to Flood-Affected Families in Sierra Leone

After heavy and above-average rains fell in September 2015 in the Southern Province and Western Area, an estimated 22 000 people were affected and thousands of hectares of land were destroyed. The worst of the damage occurred in Bo, Bontheand Pujehundistricts. Because many households in Sierra Leone depend on agriculture for their food and income, the loss of crops and seeds devastated the food and nutrition security of farmers in these areas, who were already at the peak of the lean season. This project was implemented to immediately improve household food security while allowing farmers to restart agricultural production during [...]



Tackling radicalization and food insecurity in Northern Cameroon

The Boko Haram insurgency in Cameroon’s Far North region has led to a large influx of refugees from neighbouring Nigeria and of internally displaced people. Local communities, already disproportionately affected by years of low socio-economic development, have suffered from the impact upon the environment, food security, nutrition and basic social services. In an attempt to prevent radicalization of youths and women, the project aimed to build the capacity of local, traditional and religious auth orities to better understand the vulnerabilities, plan the response, tackle the crisis, contribute to the dialogue for peace and constitute a solid basis for peaceful coexistence [...]



Implementing the food and nutrition security strategy in Afghanistan

Food and nutrition insecurity is a severe and widespread problem in Afghanistan. About 30 percent of the population is food insecure, and 40 percent of Afghan children under five years of age suffer from chronic undernutrition. The majority of vulnerable and food insecure people live in rural areas, and depend on agriculture and livestock as their main sources of livelihood. The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) developed a strategy to address the critical issues of food a nd nutrition security. However, its institutional structures and technical and management capacities need strengthening in order to effectively implement this strategy. Find [...]



Understanding the Codex Alimentarius. 5th Edition

The Understanding Codex will be at its 4th Edition and it is a very useful tool to introduce the Codex Alimentarius and its collection of international food standards to the public. The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of international food standards that have been adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Such standards cover all the main foods and also  material used in the further processing of food. Codex provisions concern the hygienic and nutritional; quality of food, including microbiological norms, food additives, pesticides and veterinary drug residues, contaminants, labelling and presentation, and methods of sampling and risk analysis. The Codex Alimentarius [...]



Leaving no one behind. Empowering Africa’s Rural Women for Zero Hunger and Shared Prosperity

This brochure presents the key findings and recommendations of the study entitled “the Regional Outlook on Gender and Agri-food Systems,” which was jointly conducted by the FAO and the African Union Commission. The brochure describes gender gaps in (i) access to and control over productive resources and opportunities, (ii) influence and collective capacity, and (iii) agricultural policies, investment and rural context. Additional analysis on progress and good practices across countries in Africa informed the brochure further to provide recommendations and next steps to move from commitments to collective actions. Also available in French. 



Leveraging institutional food procurement for linking small farmers to markets: Findings from WFP’s Purchase for Progress initiative and Brazil’s food procurement programmes. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study 1

Institutional food procurement programme (IFPPs) refers to initiatives that are designed to link demand for food from institutions such as school, hospitals and school feeding programmes to broader development objectives. In developing countries, IFPPs are increasingly viewed as approaches that facilitate the integration of small farmers into formal food systems. This publication shares lessons from the United Nations World Food Programme’s (WFP) Purchase for Progress pilot initiative (P4P) and Brazil’s National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) and the Public Food Procurement Programme (PAA), with insights on the policy and institutional reforms required for developing and implementing institutional food procurement programmes. In [...]



Kyrgyzstan. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

During the period 2007–2017, the government’s main policies for the agricultural sector aimed at reinforcing support to farmers, strengthening disaster risk management and rehabilitating degraded pastures. The government increased non-contributory social assistance expenditure for categorically targeted programmes from 1.3 percent of GDP in 2008 to 2.2 percent in 2014 (higher than levels in Europe and Central Asia). Nevertheless, the performance of the social assistance system in terms of coverage, targeting accuracy and adequacy, remains a challenge. See all FAPDA country fact sheets.



The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2018

This edition of The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets focuses on the complex and underexplored intersection between agricultural trade, climate change and food security. The report makes an important contribution to the policy debates on climate change adaptation and mitigation under the Paris Agreement and the multilateral agricultural trade rules. The report discusses policies – both domestic support and trade measures – that can promote food security, adaptation and mitigation, and improve the livelihoods of family farmers around the world. Given both the slow- and rapid-onset impacts of climate change, policies that can significantly promote climate change adaptation and mitigation [...]

Issue paper


Fisheries of the Pacific Islands: Regional and national information. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 625

The publication consolidates a variety of sources of information into a single coherent review in order to provide a quick and general understanding of the status of fisheries and aquaculture in the Pacific Islands region. It is an update of the 2011 FAO publication ‘Fisheries of the Pacific Islands: Regional and national information’ by Robert Gillett and the 2010 FAO online fishery and aquaculture country profiles for the 14 independent Pacific Island countries. The 400-page book consists of two main parts: a regional overview, and the updated fisheries and aquaculture country profiles for the 14 independent Pacific Island countries:  The regional chapter describes the region’s two main categories of fishery resources: oceanic [...]

Issue paper


Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture. Synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 627

An overview of the current scientific knowledge available on climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture is provided through three technical papers that were presented and discussed during the Expert Workshop on Climate Change Implications for Fisheries and Aquaculture (Rome, 7�9 April 2008). A summary of the workshop outcomes as well as key messages on impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems and on fisheries- and aquaculture-based livelihoods are provided in the introduction of this Technical Paper. The first paper reviews the physical and ecological impacts of climate change relevant to marine and inland capture fisheries and aquaculture. The paper begins [...]