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Programa de la FAO de respuesta y recuperación de la COVID-19

La pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) está poniendo en peligro la salud humana y desestabilizando los sistemas alimentarios que conforman los cimientos de la salud. A menos que tomemos medidas inmediatas, podríamos enfrentarnos a la emergencia alimentaria mundial más grave y de mayores proporciones registrada en más de medio siglo.La FAO solicita inversiones iniciales por valor de 1300 millones de USD para dar una respuesta global ágil y coordinada que permita garantizar alimentos nutritivos para todos, tanto durante la pandemia como después.El Programa de respuesta y recuperación de la COVID-19 permite a los donantes aprovechar el poder de [...]



Food systems transformation. CRoP – Climate Resilience of Production

This action sheet is part of a series of action sheets developed under the seven key priority areas of the FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery programme, the FAO umbrella programme designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Each action sheet includes a project proposal in support of countries most in need for which FAO is leveraging high-level political, financial, and technical expertise. All action sheets are gathered on the Food Coalition web hub, where members of the Coalition - a multi-stakeholder global alliance for unified global action in response to COVID-19 -  can easily access [...]



Support to the development of national strategies for post-harvest loss reduction. United Nations Rome-based Agencies support to the development of the Republic of Uganda's national strategy on post-harvest loss reduction in grain supply chains

This technical brief discusses the process of development of the Uganda national strategy on post-harvest loss reduction in grain supply chains which was developed in the framework of the project using the FAO food loss analysis methodology. The brief shares recommendations and lessons learned from the development of the strategy, which can be used or adapted by governments developing a postharvest loss reduction strategy to coordinate interventions, engage with key stakeholders, and invest and allocate resources to achieve post-harvest loss reduction goals.

Issue paper


Avances legislativos sobre prevención y reducción de pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos en América Latina y el Caribe

Prevenir y reducir las pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos es esencial para avanzar en la promoción de sistemas alimentarios sostenibles y lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030. En particular, la meta 12.3 que busca reducir a la mitad las pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos en todas las fases de la cadena productiva al año 2030.Entre las distintas estrategias adoptadas para hacer frente a esta situación, los esfuerzos normativos desplegados por los Estados revisten la mayor importancia. Con el objeto de contribuir a estos fines, el presente estudio legislativo, relativo a los avances legislativos sobre prevención y [...]



Framework for boosting intra-African trade in agricultural commodities and services

The African agricultural and food market is expanding quickly as indicated by World Bank projections that show that the value of Africa’s agriculture and agribusiness industry is expected to more than triple to reach USD 1 trillion by 2030, compared to 2010 (World Bank, 2013).This provides an opportunity to not only boost trade in food and non-food agricultural commodities and services within the continent but also enhance food security in Africa. Regional integration is also gaining momentum as evidenced by progress in the creation of customs unions and the initial steps in setting up a common external tariff at the [...]



Disaster risk management in fisheries. CC4FISH policy brief: November 2020 - Issue 2

Disasters precipitated by climate change and climate variability are already wreaking havoc in the Caribbean fisheries sector. Examples include hurricanes: Irma 2017 in Barbuda, Maria 2017 in Dominica, Dorian 2019 in The Bahamas. Doing nothing different from current practices will result in increasing damage and critical losses to the fisheries sector. This policy brief highlights the disaster risk management (DRM) cycle for the fisheries sector; summarises ongoing DRM initiatives; presents supporting policy actions for adaptation; and aligns with Sustainable Development Goals, the Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.



State of school-based food and nutrition education in 30 low- and middle-income countries. Survey report

Progressively more countries are reportedly incorporating school-based food and nutrition education (SFNE) into their education, nutrition and school feeding policies, acknowledging its role in impacting children’s food outlooks and practices, and that of their parents, families and the community. Despite this increasing interest and global recognition, there is no clear picture of SFNE implementation at school level, which makes it challenging to identify gaps, take corrective measures, make reforms or introduce new policy initiatives.Framed under FAO’s school food and nutrition work, the aim of the survey was to determine the current role, approach, scope and linkages of government run SFNE [...]



Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture and food systems - A handbook for gender focal points

Gender focal points are part of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAOs) institutional architecture for gender, and play a key role in supporting the delivery of gender-related work.This handbook is intended to support the gender focal points, at FAO headquarters and in the decentralized offices, in addressing gender issues in their work.More specifically, the purpose of the handbook is to serve as a comprehensive and practical reference tool for gender focal points to support their respective divisions and offices in complying with the requirements set by the corporate Policy on Gender Equality. It can also serve as a valuable resource [...]



Developing shock responsive social protection systems to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, facilitate speedy recovery and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable people in ASEAN

In 2020, the corona virus spread around the globe, and its containment measures resulted in unprecedented socio-economic impacts. ASEAN region’s economy is estimated to experience a decline between 3.5 and 4.7 per cent for 2020. The restrictions to contain the virus spread, although necessary, hit many households income, particularly of the most vulnerable. Yet other disasters have continued to hit the region. Convergence of the impacts of compounded shocks from multiple hazards, can push vulnerable households into deeper or prolonged deprivation and poverty.Social protection is a core part of the efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, facilitate speedy recovery [...]



Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020

This short version of the Regional Overview adresses the region's latest progress in meeting zero hunger and the regional trends related to hunger, food insecurity and the triple burden of malnutrition. It describes the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, putting an emphasis on lagging territories; it also presents a diagnosis and the main trends in recent days. Finally it analyzes the main public policies that the countries of the region are developing to secure food security and nutrition for laggard territories. Also available in Spanish and Portuguese