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Issue paper


FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme

The COVID-19 pandemic is jeopardizing human health and disrupting the food systems that are the foundations of health. Unless we take immediate action, we could face a global food emergency of severity and scale unseen for more than half a century.FAO is calling for USD 1.2 billion in initial investments to finance FAO’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme that aims to provide an agile and coordinated global response to ensure nutritious food for all both during and after the pandemic.The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme enables donors to leverage the Organization’s convening power, real-time data, early warning systems and technical expertise to direct support where and when it is [...]

Issue paper


Disaster risk reduction in times of COVID-19: What have we learned?

The COVID-19 pandemic has more than ever shown the changing risk environment, as well as the systemic and overlaying nature of risks that affect and threaten all sectors. It has reinforced the call for multi-sectoral, multi-hazard and preventive and anticipatory approaches that consistently integrate disaster, climate and crisis risk management for strengthening the resilience of people, their agricultural livelihoods and the ecosystems they depend on in a sustainable manner. In her opinion paper, FAO Natural Resources Officer Wirya Khim discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the agriculture and food systems through a disaster risk reduction lens and offers some key [...]

Issue paper


The food system and the challenges of COVID-19. Contribution of public and private supply establishments to food access and the functioning of the food system in Latin America and the Caribbean

The publication provides a description of the establishments that function to supply food to the population, in seven countries of the region. This analysis includes supermarkets, retail markets, wholesalers, restaurants and public companies in the food sector. It includes some general reflections, based on the cases analyzed, with a focus on measures that must be taken for their best performance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.Last updated date 7/10/2020 Click here for more COVID19-related resources



The food system and the challenges of COVID-19. COVID-19 and the food phenomena

The document presents the definitions and components of the food system, as well as proposing a definition and search areas for food phenomena. It also updates the empirical evidence and the opinion of experts based on how these eating phenomena are defined in the literature. Finally, it presents a reflection on the identified phenomena, how they are presented and should be addressed in the Latin American and Caribbean region, in the current COVID-19 scenario. Some of the phenomena mentioned are: food deserts and swamps, eCommerce and regulatory standards for critical ingredients in food. See more publications on COVID19 here.



Moving forward. Selected achievements of the FAO Forestry Programme in 2018–2019

The sixth edition of this biennial publication showcases the breadth of work and main achievements and partnerships of FAO Forestry in implementing the FAO Strategic Objectives as well as its linkages to the SDGs, with descriptive information on project and programme delivery and funding resources. It is also intended to serve as a reference for delegates attending the 25th Session of the Committee on Forestry during discussions on programme implementation as well as a resource for new staff, partners and the media to help them better understand FAO's forestry programme and its linkages with other sectors, partners and international processes. Approximately [...]

Issue paper


El estado del campo natural en el Uruguay.

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO), a través de Global Environment Facility (GEF) junto a la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), desarrolló un proyecto global centrado en la Degradación y en el Manejo Sostenible de Tierras en las zonas de pastoreo compuestos por praderas y pastizales (Proyecto GCP/GLO/530/GFF). El Proyecto global tenía por objetivo fortalecer la capacidad de los actores locales y nacionales en las zonas de pastoreo compuestas por pastizales para evaluar la Degradación de Tierras (DT), tomar decisiones informadas hacia la promoción del Manejo Sostenible de Tierras [...]



Exploring the decoupling of direct payments to farmers in North Macedonia. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 30

North Macedonia’s ambition to join the European Union (EU) makes it necessary to reform the agricultural sector, such that it aligns with the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This involves the “decoupling” of farm subsidies, i.e. a shift to payments that are not linked to area and production levels of specific commodities, livestock numbers, and input use. The decoupling of direct payments has significant impacts on production decisions, prices and therefore on farmer’s income. The study underlying this policy brief identifies five possible scenarios for North Macedonia to align their direct payment scheme with EU regulations and analyses the impact [...]



Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean. Towards inclusive, responsible and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Bulletin 15

The crisis has heavily affected fisheries and aquaculture. The restrictive health measures have had adverse effects on the free operation of the sector. The sector needs short term action; it also needs to modify some aspects of the activity that have been dragging on for some time. Thus for example, technology and innovation can play an essential role. Also available in Spanish. See here more FAO publications on COVID19.



The International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture statement on the impact of COVID-19 on child labour in agriculture

The members of the International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture (IPCCLA), namely FAO, ILO, IFAD, IUF, IFPRI has released a joint statement on the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour 2020, focusing on the Impact of COVID-19 on child labour in agriculture. The statement reflects on the potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the prevalence of child labour in agriculture and the potentially lasting deleterious effects on child growth and development, urging for a call for immediate nationally and internationally coordinated responses. Click here for more publications on COVID19

Issue paper


FAO framework on ending child labour in agriculture

The purpose of the FAO’s framework is to guide the Organization and its personnel in the integration of measures addressing child labour within FAO’s typical work, programmes and initiatives at global, regional and country levels. It aims to enhance compliance with organization’s operational standards, and strengthen coherence and synergies across the Organization and with partners. The FAO framework is primarily targeted at FAO as an organization, including all personnel in all geographic locations. But the framework is also relevant for FAO’s governing bodies and Member States, and provides guidance and a basis for collaboration with development partners. The framework is [...]