Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

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Food systems at risk − New trends and challenges

The way food systems have evolved over past decades means that they now face major risks, which in turn threaten the future of food systems themselves. Food systems have seriously contributed to climate change, environmental destruction, overexploitation of natural resources and pollution of air, water and soils. Despite the global average improvement in calorie production and major development of the food and agricultural product markets, huge inequalities in food access and repartition of the added value have emerged, leading to new serious nutritional and social problems. Based on a review of the most recent scientific knowledge, this report emphasizes Low-Income [...]

Case study


Report of capacity development workshop on the voluntary guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication for indigenous peoples of Central America

For centuries, fishing has been an activity of great importance for indigenous peoples. They inhabit and relate to water ecosystems, which conserve their cultural heritage, food sovereignty (the right to access healthy and culturally appropriate food) and in many cases are a main source of income. In Central America the situation is not different: today indigenous peoples live in more than 75% of the marine-coastal zones of the Caribbean Sea and extensive areas adjacent to continental waters and the Pacific Ocean, and have in fishing their main incomes. Precisely these areas present the highest indicators of poverty and malnutrition in [...]

Issue paper


Asistencia técnica para la implementación de la política agraria en el marco de las directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional − Junio 2019

Guatemala es un país que depende de la agricultura, porconsiguiente, la importancia del acceso a la tierra ha sidocontinúa siendo uno de los temas centrales para avanzaren el desarrollo rural.A lo largo del tiempo los conflictos históricos y recienteshan sucedido como resultado de: i) la falta de certezay seguridad jurídica sobre la tenencia de la tierra; ii) ladistribución inequitativa de los recursos; iii) las pocasoportunidades de acceso para el trabajo productivo;iv) la ausencia de un mercado de tierras que funcione, yv) la debilidad de la institucionalidad estatal.El Estado guatemalteco ha tenido dificultades paraatender la demanda y garantizar el desarrollo ruralintegral [...]

Issue paper


Agro-ecological zones in Punjab, Pakistan

Agriculture contributes approximately one-quarter of provincial gross domestic product (GDP) in the Punjab Province. The provincial share is two-third of the total national agricultural output, leading in major commodities meant for food security in the country. The sector employs roughly 13 million people or 45 percent of the Punjab labor force. However, the overall added value from agriculture in Punjab’s economy is disproportionately low compared to other sectors of the economy. The agricultural sector offers significant opportunities for rapid economic growth and potentially help millions to improve their livelihood. Production and productivity have remained nearly stagnant during the last two decades. [...]



Promoting greater coherence between small-scale fisheries and social protection policies, mechanisms and programs in Cambodia

The aim of this document is to make policy-relevant suggestions related to the following questions: 1) How can vulnerable fisher-farmers' access to social protection be enhanced; and 2) What potential exists for social protection and fishery-related policies, institutions, mechanisms and programs to mutually reinforce poverty reduction and incentivize conservation and sustainable use of fisheries and related natural resources.



Detoxifying agriculture and health from highly hazardous pesticides

While all pesticides can be dangerous when used inappropriately, highly hazardous pesticides are of particular concern due to the severe adverse effects they can cause to human health and the environment. With adequate investment in scaling-up existing and new ecological alternatives for pest control, pesticides that pose unacceptable risk to humans and the environment can be phased out from agriculture and other use sectors. The brochure explains the risks pose by HHPs, the possible alternatives and what can be done to phase them out and opt for more sustainable solutions.  

Issue paper


Decision-making and economics of adaptation to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector

With increased international climate finance for adaptation, and the emergence of national adaptation plans and adaptation projects, there is a greater focus on the economic appraisal of adaptation. Economic appraisal is standard practice in public sector investment decisions in many countries, as well as in international development finance and overseas development assistance. It provides support to decision makers to help ensure the appropriate use of public finance, and to assess alternative options available for meeting objectives, by assessing costs, benefits and performance against other decision criteria. This publication reviews available information on the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation [...]



Meat Market Review

The publication provides a review on global meat price and policy developments. It aims to provide a snapshot view of global meat price movements and their underlying factors along with a review of global policies that contribute to world meat production and trade dynamics. The publication supports the division’s objective in providing market information relevant for policy makers, helping them in the process to take evidence-based policy decisions. The bulletin reaches over 500 email subscribers and anyone seeking impartial information on world meat market developments.   



Tool for agroecology performance evaluation (TAPE) − Process of development and guidelines for application: Test version

With the help of multiple partners, FAO has developed a global analytical framework for the multidimensional assessment of the performance of agroecology: the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE), which aims to: Inform policy makers, development institutions, and other stakeholders by creating references to the multidimensional performance of agroecology and its potential to contribute to multiple SDGs; Build knowledge and empower producers through the collective process of producing and sharing data and evidence based on their own practices; Support agroecological transition processes at different scales, in different locations and different timeframes by proposing a diagnostic of performances over time and by identifying areas [...]

Issue paper


On the path to universal coverage for rural populations. Removing barriers of access to social protection

Social protection is recognized as an effective strategy for poverty eradication. It also contributes to promoting good health and well-being, achieving decent employment, fostering economic growth and reducing inequalities – objectives that are reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG targets 1.3, 3.8, 5.4 and 10.4). When designed to reduce and prevent poverty, food insecurity, and vulnerability across the life cycle – social protection policies and programmes can effectively support vulnerable households to improve their lives. The issue lies in the fact that only 45 per cent of the global population is currently effectively covered by at least one social benefit [...]