Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security

Part of a series of materials that raise awareness on the VGGT among indigenous peoples and local authorities in India, this booklet explains through simple cartoons how the Voluntary Guidelines can be implemented at national and local level. This guideline is only available in Hindi.



Agricultural trade and employment: links, evidence and policy implications. Trade Policy Brief No. 32. Trade & Employment

Trade Policy Brief No. 32 With agriculture accounting for roughly 70 percent of employment and 30 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in low-income countries, trade in agricultural products has the potential to significantly affect rural employment, incomes and poverty in these countries. See the complete series: Trade Policy Briefs  

Forums and community of practice


Sustaining the impact of capacity development initiatives for African youth in agriculture. FSN Forum No. 11

This document summarizes the online discussion Sustaining the impact of capacity development initiatives for African youth in agriculture, which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa (FSN Forum Africa) from 25 October to 17 November 2017. The aim was to solicit opinions on capacity development sustainability initiatives for young agripreneurs in Africa, and to contribute to identifying challenges and opportunities related to sustaining the impact of all interventions (existing and future ones) aimed at developing capacities and engaging youth in agriculture. See all ongoing and past discussion on the Global Forum on Food Security and [...]



Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference (MC11): outcomes for agriculture and fisheries. Trade Policy Technical Notes No. 31. WTO negotiation

The briefs presents the main outcomes of MC11.  Four Ministerial decisions on various trade issues, including on fisheries subsidies, e-commerce and small economies are briefly presented.  No update for agriculture as no specific agreements were reached on agricultural issues, including domestic support, public stockholding for food security purposes, export restrictions, market access, and the special safeguard mechanism (SSM) for developing countries.  See the complete series: Trade Policy Technical Notes

Training & e-learning


The CFS principles for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems

This fact sheet describes the course which introduces the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (also known as the CFS-RAI), a set of ten principles that apply to all types and sizes of agricultural investment including fisheries, forests and livestock. The principles address all stakeholders and apply to all stages of the value chain. As a soft law instrument, they are globally applicable and include actions to address a range of environmental, social and economic issues.



Rome-based Agencies' collaboration on Sustainable Food Value Chains for Nutrition

In the context of Agenda 2030, food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture are essential not only for achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, but also for the broad set of SDGs.  The Rome-based Agencies (RBAs) - including FAO, IFAD and WFP and Bioversity International - set up a working group in 2015 on nutrition-sensitive value chains, acting also as a platform for knowledge sharing and partnership development.  This brief aims to disseminate the activities undertaken and the way forward of the RBAs working group on sustainable food value chains for nutrition. 



Thailand. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

The country fact sheet provides a contribution to organizational outcome by monitoring and analysing recent policy trends related to food and agriculture in the specific country, thus providing evidence on what policies are implemented or not in the country and what could be challenges or policy gaps. Thailand country fact sheet provides a glimpse of the overarching agriculture, food security and nutrition policy frameworks and highlight trends in key national policy decisions affecting producers, consumers and trade in the country. The fact sheet synthesizes policy information that is stored in the online policy database, the FAPDA tool. See all FAPDA country fact sheets.



Food Loss and Waste and the Linkage to Global Ecosystems

This brief highlights the environmental impacts of food loss and waste, the collective efforts to reduce food loss and waste and presents key considerations and recommendations.

Case study


Feeding People, Protecting the Planet. FAO and the GEF

Aligned with the GEF cross-cutting corporate strategy on capacity development (CD) FAO believes that robust and systemwide CD approaches are essential to enhance the impact, sustainability and scale of GEF projects through deepening country ownership, commitment and mutual accountability for results. Supporting countries through system-wide CD interdependently empowers people, strengthens organizations and enhances the enabling policy and institutional framework based on assessed needs. For GEF, 15 country projects have benefited from incorporating a step-by-step CD approach with innovative methodologies2 during project formulation and implementation. Findings reveal that the project quality increased substantially through complementing the biophysical with socio-economic and institutional elements, more effective and needs-based CD interventions across [...]



More People, More Food, Worse Water? A Global Review of Water Pollution from Agriculture

We need a much better understanding of the causes and effects of agricultural water pollution as well as effective means to prevent and remedy the problem. In the existing literature, information on water pollution from agriculture is highly dispersed. This report is a comprehensive review and covers different agricultural sectors (including crops, livestock and aquaculture), and examines the drivers of water pollution in these sectors as well as the resulting pressures and changes in water bodies, the associated impacts on human health and the environment, and the responses needed to prevent pollution and mitigate its risks.