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The role of digital technologies in livestock traceability and trade

This policy brief provides an overview on the role of digital technologies in optimizing traceability in trade for animals and animal products. It highlights the ways in which digital technologies can the enhance performance for monitoring and controlling animal disease, managing food safety and fraud risks, complying with animal production and food standards, facilitating trade and raising consumer awareness.



Trade finance and digital technologies: Facilitating access to international markets. FAO Trade Policy Briefs No. 35 Trade & Agriculture Innovation

This policy brief provides an overview of how digital technologies can help facilitate access to trade finance for market participants, in particular micro, small and medium sized enterprises, by addressing numerous challenges in traditional trade finance. Find more FAO Trade Policy briefs here.



Making the wheat sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina more competitive and resilient. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 26

In Bosnia and Herzegovina wheat is a key staple, yet domestic production is small and low quality. Current policy environment tends to disadvantage wheat producers and makes them vulnerable in face of changing climate. Government interventions should focus on improving competitiveness of wheat producers and building resilience to climate change. Key reforms should encompass land consolidation, on-farm investments, access to high quality inputs and equipment, extension services and access to risk management tools. Find more FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Briefs here



Reducing export restrictions on timber to sustain commercial forestry investments in Uganda. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 25

Over the last 20 years, the Government of Uganda has implemented several policies to promote investments in commercial forest plantations. As a result of these policy efforts, the supply of commercially produced pine is set to increase dramatically over the next few years. This brief summarizes a cost-benefir analysis based on interviews carried out in July 2019. The findings highlights a significant challenge facing the sector. Without reforms to the current market situation in the country, plantation owners are unlikely to replant pine once existing trees are harvested. The Government of Uganda now should consider implementing policies to sustain the sector, [...]

Case study


Desafíos de la producción y comercialización de algodón orgánico en Perú . Aprendizajes de agricultores familiares de Chincha y Cañete

El estudio “Desafíos de la producción y comercialización de algodón orgánico en Perú: Aprendizajes de agricultores familiares de Chincha y Cañete” presenta la experiencia que duró casi una década, del 2000 al 2009, de un grupo de agricultores familiares, productores de algodón de los valles de Cañete y Chincha, ubicados en la costa central de Perú, que se embarcaron en una iniciativa de hacer la transición del sistema convencional al sistema orgánico de producción de algodón. El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido identificar los aprendizajes sacados de esta experiencia desde la perspectiva de los propios agricultores que de [...]

Issue paper


Stocktake analysis of the agriculture sector in Solomon Islands. Final Report

This report assesses activities in the agriculture sector in the Solomon Islands – including activities funded by development partners and the private sector, as well as activities across subsectors and export-oriented production – in order to identify policy activities and current status of key agricultural indicators. It also provides information to inform a strategic sectoral plan, which will include gaps and opportunities for future development and sectoral growth. The stocktake was designed to identify key constraints and opportunities, and to inform the government, particularly the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) in further developing strategic direction and assist them to [...]



Enabling sustainable food systems. Innovators’ handbook

Sustainable food systems are fundamental to ensuring that future generations are food secure and eat healthy diets. To transition towards sustainability, many food system activities must be reconstructed, and myriad actors around the world are starting to act locally. While some changes are easier than others, knowing how to navigate through them to promote sustainable consumption and production practices requires complex skill sets. This handbook is written for “sustainable food systems innovators” by a group of innovators from Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe who are leading initiatives to grow, share, sell and consume more sustainable foods in their local contexts. [...]



Trade and Sustainable Development Goal 2 – Policy options and their trade-offs

With trade recognized as a means of implementation under Agenda 2030, policy-makers will need to ensure that trade, and policies affecting trade and markets, are taken into consideration as part of their efforts to achieve SDG 2. The five targets that set out the level and ambition of SDG 2 (ending hunger; ending all forms of malnutrition; doubling the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers; ensuring sustainable food production systems; and maintaining genetic diversity), as well as trade itself, often constitute distinct policy priorities for governments. Trade and related policy measures that may be designed to achieve one target [...]



Trade and Sustainable Development Goal 2: Policy options and their trade-offs

With trade recognized as a means of implementation under Agenda 2030, policy-makers will need to ensure that trade, and policies affecting trade and markets, are taken into consideration as part of their efforts to achieve SDG 2. The five targets that set out the level and ambition of SDG 2, as well as trade itself, often constitute distinct competing policy priorities for governments. It is therefore important that policy-makers identify and recognize areas in which difficult tradeoffs may be needed between competing policy objectives, and identify possible ways in which these can be addressed. Furthermore, while the different targets set [...]



COVID-19 crisis and support for agrifood: Public sector responses through the financial sector

This policy brief aims to provide useful information for policymakers and other stakeholders in developing countries who are in the process of designing COVID-19 response programmes addressing the needs of agrifood and rural sectors through dedicated rural finance instruments and broader financial sector involvement. The brief discusses emerging patterns on how countries are currently responding to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. It looks at a number of innovations, good practices and policy options that emerge as most relevant for developing country contexts. See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19