Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Issue paper


FAO's Work on Climate Change. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2018

The Conference of the Parties (COP) of UNFCCC is a prime opportunity to communicate FAO’s work on climate change and to liaise with potential partners, at the numerous side events and parallel events organized around the COP. This booklet seeks to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change on food security and nutrition and advocate for the importance of having the agricultural sectors properly considered in climate change mechanisms, policies and finances.

Training & e-learning


Organization Analysis and Development

Effective organizations are critical for sustainable development, particularly for food security and agriculture. This course explains how to carry out effective analysis and development of state and non-state organizations in member countries. It also provides illustrations of organizational change, including in government ministries, producer organizations and research institutes. Users will learn:  The importance of analysing organizations’ strengths and weaknesses How to carry out comprehensive analyses of organizations How to design and implement organizational change How to engage in effective multi-stakeholder processes How to monitor progress in organizational development

Case study


E-agriculture in Action

E-agriculture or ICT in agriculture holds great promise in providing access to innovative solutions to many challenges faced by smallholder resource-poor farmers. Access to the right information at the right time makes a great impact on the livelihoods of communities involved in agriculture and allied activities. This publication presents case studies in innovative use of emerging technologies to significantly improve the living standards of farming communities.  

Training & e-learning


Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture

This is a training course on multisectoral approach to sustainable food and agriculture. It examines the challenges facing agriculture and food production systems and presents a common vision and coordinated approach towards sustainable food and agriculture developed through intensive consultations and discussions among agriculture specialists. It illustrates in detail the five key principles that allow the transition toward a more sustainable and productive agriculture, highlighting examples of strategies, policies and technologies and explaining several sustainability frameworks and programmes which can underpin the efforts towards the implementation of sustainability in food and agriculture.  

Case study


Regional analysis of the Nationally Determined Contributions of the countries in Southern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The main objective of this report is to provide a regional synthesis of the current climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments in the agriculture sectors of the Southern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (SEECA) region, as set forth in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and to identify opportunities for enhancing mitigation and adaptation ambitions, capturing their synergies and leveraging climate finance and international support options in the region. This analysis builds on FAO’s previous regional analysis and enhances its methodology and findings. It aims to guide FAO – and policy makers and practitioners in the region – committed to [...]

Case study


Regional analysis of the Nationally Determined Contributions of Eastern Africa

This report aims to guide FAO – and other international actors – committed to providing developing countries with the support required for implementing their NDCs and ensuring future commitments are transparent, quantifiable, comparable, verifiable and ambitious. The agriculture sectors in Eastern Africa represent a pivotal opportunity for simultaneously leveraging the mitigation potential of the region, while enhancing adaptive capacity and food security outcomes through a transition to more sustainable agriculture and land use. However, change will only come about if supported by appropriate policies, institutional arrangements, capacity development and finance mechanisms. By highlighting the gaps in the coverage of mitigation [...]



Putting the voluntary guidelines on tenure into practice. A learning guide for civil society organizations

This learning guide was developed in partnership between several divisions of the FAO and FIAN International. The methodology draws upon the one used in the People’s manual on the guidelines on governance of land, fisheries and forests: A guide for promotion, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, developed by the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) and a set of publications, among which we would like to particularly acknowledge the relevance of Enhancing stakeholder participation in national forest programmes: a training manual (FAO, 2010). This learning guide incorporates some content from these publications when relevant. This learning guide was tested in 2015 in [...]



Assisting farmers in El Niño affected areas in the Philippines

El Niño, which swept the Philippines from 2015 to 2016, had a significant impact on agricultural production and food security. The project aimed to restore agriculture-based livelihoods of drought-affected farmers in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and the Region XII, where a state of calamity was declared in four provinces. The project provided relevant agricultural inputs to the most affected and most vulnerable farm households and technical assistance through capacity building  of the relevant institutions, extension workers and farmers in building resilience to shocks, effective drought management and more robust monitoring and forecasting systems. Find more Project Highlights here.



Turning nationally determined Contributions into action: FAO support to countries

This brief summarizes FAO’s analysis of NDCs and provides an overview of how the Organization, through policy processes, capacity development and technical interventions on the ground, supports the implementation of NDCs in the agriculture sectors. 



First meeting of the ad hoc working group established by the parties to the agreement on port state measures to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report. FIAP/ R1212

This document contains the report of the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group (Part 6 Working Group) established by the Parties to the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, held in Oslo, Norway, from 1 to 2 June 2017. The Part 6 Working Group discussed the main requirements and priorities of developing States in the implementation of the Agreement and recommended that support should consider legal and policy aspects, institutional set-up and capacity, and operations and procedures. It recognized that assistance should be tailored to accommodate the specific needs of countries and regions, and highlighted the [...]