Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Renforcement des capacités de planification de l’adaptation pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition: Saga-Sénégal

​Le projet «Renforcement des capacités de planification de l'adaptation pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition» au Sénégal est un projet de collaboration multi-acteurs développé par la FAO et le gouvernement du Québec avec le soutien du gouvernement du Sénégal. L'objectif principal de ce projet, qui intervient dans deux pays francophones, Haïti et le Sénégal, est de renforcer la résilience des secteurs agricoles face au changement climatique pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition.



Sustainable food production and climate change

The leaflet provides a brief overview of two projects implemented by FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division and when combined create a model that can be adapted and used in various different regions. The leaflet also sheds light to the projects in practice, in Zambia and Sri Lanka - what has been accomplished so far and in what ways the project has been successfully implemented.  

Training & e-learning


Introduction to Climate-Smart Agriculture

This course analyses climate change impacts on agriculture, food security and food systems and provides an overview of the main climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture. It also introduces the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach and describes the 5-step process to implement it.  Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours Publication Date: November 2018 AudienceThis course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective, but is written for the general public. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking the course include: Policy makers Development practitioners and programme managers Sectoral specialists and academics Trainers and extension agents ContentThe course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 15 to 25 minutes duration each: Lesson 1 [...]



Guidelines for increasing access of small-scale fisheries to insurance services in Asia

The purpose of these insurance guidelines is fourfold, i.e.:  to increase awareness about the needs of small-scale fishers for better risk management, disaster preparedness and insurance services;  to guide policy and decision makers to help introduce insurance services to small-scale fishers, with the ultimate objective to strengthen the sustainability and ecological and economic viability of these fisheries;  to build capacity among insurance providers, fisherfolk organizations, NGOs, and concerned government agencies, to design and implement insurance programmes that suit the needs of small-scale fishing communities and enhance social protection;  to promote insurance services that incentivize and reward a responsible and sustainable conduct of fishing operations [...]



Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme

The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme is the first international initiative to tackle the wild meat challenge by addressing both wildlife conservation and food security. This African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) initiative is funded by the European Union through the 11th European Development Fund (EUR 45 Million). The SWM Programme mobilizes an international group of partner organizations with strong expertise and experience in wildlife conservation, food security and policy development. It is implemented through a consortium partnership, which includes the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Wildlife [...]



Indigenous Peoples Rome Declaration on the Arctic Region Fisheries and Environment

We, Indigenous  peoples of the Arctic,from  three  of  the  seven  socio-cultural  regions -the  Arctic,  North America  and  Russia -representing the  Inuit, Saami, Sakha, Itelmen, Yukaghir,  Ulchi,  Evenki,Golganand Chickaloonpeoples, have travelled from Finland, Greenland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and USA to meet in Rome on the 23rdand 24thSeptember 2019 at the headquarters of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Prompted by the urgent need to address current threats and challenges facing the Arctic, its peoples and natural resources, we have gathered to share our perspectives and knowledge with researchers, FAO and Government officials from the region.

Issue paper


Microbiome: The missing link? Science and innovation for health, climate and sustainable food systems

Unhealthy diets now pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than unsafe sex, alcohol, and drug and tobacco use combined. They are at the root of the global obesity and diet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) pandemic. The ways of food production that lead to these unhealthy diets also pose a major threat to climate stability and ecosystem resilience, and constitute the most important driver of environmental degradation and natural resources depletion.In the short term, there is little that we can do to curb the global demand for food and other products that depend on biological resources. Demand will continue to [...]

Issue paper


Handbook on climate information for farming communities – What farmers need and what is available

The content of this guide is twofold: to describe the most important weather and agroclimatic products that are available by the National Meteorological Service (NMS) and to identify the most important needs of farmers concerning climate information. Special consideration will be given to the local knowledge used by rural farmers, too often neglected, but a key factor to their ability to cope with climate variability and change.An additional objective of this guide is to improve communication among the NMS staff, in particular, meteorologists and agrometeorologists and to encourage Agro-Pastoral Field School (APFS) trainers and facilitators to be more aware of [...]



Toolkit for value chain analysis and market development integrating climate resilience and gender responsiveness. Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) Programme

This toolkit aims to help countries in selecting and analysing value chains for opportunities to improve climate change resilience and reduce gender inequalities. It intends to provide policy makers, planners, project developers, technical advisors and implementers at local, regional or national level with good practices of climate-resilient and gender-responsive value chain development. It aims to act as a repository of relevant tools and methodologies for identifying relevant stakeholders and engaging with them to collect data and analyse it to design interventions. Climate change threatens agricultural value chains, and having a gender-responsive value chain approach is useful in analysing the climate [...]

Issue paper


Sustainable healthy diets. Guiding principles

Considering the detrimental environmental impact of current food systems, and the concerns raised about their sustainability, there is an urgent need to promote diets that are healthy and have low environmental impacts. These diets also need to be socio-culturally acceptable and economically accessible for all.Acknowledging the existence of diverging views on the concepts of sustainable diets and healthy diets, countries have requested guidance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) on what constitutes sustainable healthy diets.These guiding principles take a holistic approach to diets; they consider international nutrition recommendations; the [...]