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Asia and the Pacific − Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2018: Accelerating progress towards the SDGs

This report reveals that some 486 million people remain undernourished in the region, highlighting that the reduction in the number of hungry and malnourished people – including children – has come to a virtual standstill. It also calls for greater resolve from governments to end hunger.

Forums and community of practice


Addressing water scarcity in agriculture. How can indigenous or traditional practices help? Report of activity No. 149

This document summarizes the online consultation Mainstreaming biodiversity in agriculture, fisheries and forestry for improved food security and better nutrition held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 7 May to 1 June 2018. The online consultation aimed at gathering experiences and examples from practitioners to define further the objectives and partnerships of the FAO Biodiversity Mainstreaming Platform and to advance the development of its work programme. Technical facilitation was provided by the following FAO staff: Irene Hoffmann, Secretary of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and Paulo Augusto Lourenço Dias Nunes, Natural Resources Officer in the Climate, [...]



Policy priorities relating to rural migration depend on country contexts. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 13

Many different policies affect rural migration through their impacts on agriculture, rural development, food insecurity and poverty. As countries at different levels of development face different challenges and policy priorities (as shown in the typology based on rural migration drivers), the migration context matters for related policy formulation and implementation. The challenge for policy-makers is to maximize the benefits of rural migration while minimizing the negative effects and, as much as possible, to create conditions so that migration is a voluntary decision based on real and informed choices. For this purpose policies must aim at: creating attractive rural livelihood opportunities, [...]



Demystifying the link between migration and development informs policy. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 12

Contrary to popular belief, development is more likely to increase rather than reduce emigration from countries at lower levels of income. The notion that better economic opportunities at home will reduce the incentive to migrate ignores what happens when development actually occurs: aspirations change, education levels improve, and financial constraints to migration become less binding. The net impact of these factors on emigration will vary depending on the development path taken by country. Providing attractive alternative opportunities for prospective rural migrants where they reside, such as through a territorial development approach that focuses on rural–urban linkages, is one way to [...]



Achieving positive rural migration outcomes in rural areas. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 11

Migration from rural areas is significant, and policy-makers must seek to maximize its positive impacts on development. The movement of people out of agriculture and into other sectors with higher productivity – manufacturing and services, mostly located in urban areas – contributes to economic growth and higher incomes for migrants from rural areas. However, migration also has profound impacts on rural areas of origin, some positive and some negative. Hence policies should support productive capacity and livelihoods in rural areas as migrant labourers move away. It is also important to enhance the contribution of migrants to the development of rural [...]



The State of Food and Agriculture 2018. Migration, agriculture and rural development

Migration is an expanding global reality, one that allows millions of people to seek new opportunities. But it also involves challenges for migrants and for societies, both in areas of origin and of destination. This report analyses migratory flows – internal and international – and how they are linked to processes of economic development, demographic change, and natural-resource pressure. The focus is on rural migration, the many forms it takes and the important role it plays in both developing and developed countries. The report investigates the drivers and impacts of rural migration and highlights how related policy priorities depend on [...]



Restoring Food Security to Flood-Affected Families in Sierra Leone

After heavy and above-average rains fell in September 2015 in the Southern Province and Western Area, an estimated 22 000 people were affected and thousands of hectares of land were destroyed. The worst of the damage occurred in Bo, Bontheand Pujehundistricts. Because many households in Sierra Leone depend on agriculture for their food and income, the loss of crops and seeds devastated the food and nutrition security of farmers in these areas, who were already at the peak of the lean season. This project was implemented to immediately improve household food security while allowing farmers to restart agricultural production during [...]



Tackling radicalization and food insecurity in Northern Cameroon

The Boko Haram insurgency in Cameroon’s Far North region has led to a large influx of refugees from neighbouring Nigeria and of internally displaced people. Local communities, already disproportionately affected by years of low socio-economic development, have suffered from the impact upon the environment, food security, nutrition and basic social services. In an attempt to prevent radicalization of youths and women, the project aimed to build the capacity of local, traditional and religious auth orities to better understand the vulnerabilities, plan the response, tackle the crisis, contribute to the dialogue for peace and constitute a solid basis for peaceful coexistence [...]



Emergency assistance to vulnerable wheat producers in Libya

Political disputes and the deterioration of the economic and security situation in Libya continue to threaten the agricultural sector and its infrastructure. The cereal sector and, above all, wheat production, the most important crop for food security, are particularly affected. To improve food security conditions, farmers need to have access to improved seed, especially wheat seed. The wheat seed assistant programme was implemented to help small farmers in selected governorates to increase wheat production and productivity by distributing improved seed to producer households affected by the political situation, and by providing training and extension. Find more Project Highlights here.  



Implementing the food and nutrition security strategy in Afghanistan

Food and nutrition insecurity is a severe and widespread problem in Afghanistan. About 30 percent of the population is food insecure, and 40 percent of Afghan children under five years of age suffer from chronic undernutrition. The majority of vulnerable and food insecure people live in rural areas, and depend on agriculture and livestock as their main sources of livelihood. The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) developed a strategy to address the critical issues of food a nd nutrition security. However, its institutional structures and technical and management capacities need strengthening in order to effectively implement this strategy. Find [...]