Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Issue paper


Characteristics, patterns and drivers of rural migration in Senegal

Although migratory flows from rural areas are a common phenomenon in most developing countries, we possess little information on their dynamics and determinants. In this context, in September 2017, in the framework of the project “Fostering productive investments to create decent farm and non-farm jobs for rural youth in migration-prone areas in Senegal”, FAO and the Senegalese National Agency of Statistics and Demography (ANSD) conducted a household survey with the aim of generating information on migration phenomena in rural areas. The survey results described in this study contribute to broadening the available knowledge base on the causes and dynamics of [...]



Regional analysis of the nationally determined contributions in the Caribbean – Synthesis

The main objective of this report is to provide a regional synthesis of the climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments in the agriculture and land use sectors set forth in the Nationally Determined Contributions of countries in the Caribbean and to identify opportunities for enhancing mitigation and adaptation ambitions, capturing their synergies and leveraging climate finance and international support options in the region. It aims to guide FAO – and policy makers and practitioners in the region – committed to providing the country support required for accelerating progress on and scaling up NDCs in the agriculture and land use sectors, [...]



International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management. Guidelines for personal protection when handling and applying pesticides

These guidelines are intended to provide guidance on pesticide risk reduction through reduced exposure by effective personal protection with special attention to the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). First, they provide technical information on personal protection and on the selection and use of PPE. Second, in line with the FAO/WHO International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management, they address policy issues and recommend measures to improve personal protection and specifically the use and availability of adequate quality and affordable PPE. They are primarily aimed at government authorities in charge of pesticide management and risk reduction, but are also considered useful [...]



Sustainable food production and climate change

The leaflet provides a brief overview of two projects implemented by FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division and when combined create a model that can be adapted and used in various different regions. The leaflet also sheds light to the projects in practice, in Zambia and Sri Lanka - what has been accomplished so far and in what ways the project has been successfully implemented.  



FIRST - FAO–EU Partnership Policy Assistance Mechanism

The FIRST Programme is a strategic partnership between FAO and the European Union (EU), acting as a broker between those who want change –the Governments–, those who are willing to support those efforts with additional funding –like the EU– and those who can provide their expertise and technical assistance, like FAO. Through the services it provides to governments in setting the conditions for investments to achieve impact, FIRST adds value to every euro invested. From Ethiopia to the Pakistan and from Fiji to Niger, FIRST supports governments in identifying national priorities and addressing context-specific bottlenecks, so that the conditions are [...]

Issue paper


Indicators to monitor and evaluate the sustainability of bioeconomy. Overview and a proposed way forward

FAO has been working for many years on non-food biomass products (including sustainable bioenergy) and biotechnology, and it received a mandate to coordinate international work on ‘food first’ sustainable bioeconomy by 62 Ministers present at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2015. Moreover, FAO has received support from the Government of Germany to develop guidelines on sustainable bioeconomy development (Phase 1: 2016; Phase 2: 2017-mid 2020). This involves work on the bioeconomy monitoring, including the selection and use of indicators. The ultimate aim of FAO’s work on sustainability indicators is to provide technical assistance to countries and stakeholders [...]



Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme

The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme is the first international initiative to tackle the wild meat challenge by addressing both wildlife conservation and food security. This African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) initiative is funded by the European Union through the 11th European Development Fund (EUR 45 Million). The SWM Programme mobilizes an international group of partner organizations with strong expertise and experience in wildlife conservation, food security and policy development. It is implemented through a consortium partnership, which includes the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Wildlife [...]



The Sustainable Land Management Mainstreaming Tool

This document provides technical guidance for countries to integrate Sustainable Land Management (SLM) into national policies and programs. It was developed in the context of the project "Desicion Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up Sustainable Land Management (DS-SLM)" supporting country teams in designing operational strategies for mainstreaming information on land degradation and SLM into national and subnational decision-making processes.

Issue paper


Inspiration, inclusion and innovation: FAO–China South–South Cooperation Programme (2009-2019)

The People’s Republic of China (China) has been one of FAO’s main partners in the promotion of South-South and triangular cooperation. In terms of cooperation among developing countries, China upholds the principles of equality and mutual trust, building equal partnerships with parity of ownership and responsibility, mutual benefit and win–win cooperation, which are highly valued by FAO. Together, FAO and China offer considerable development knowledge and solutions that are relevant to South-South exchanges. After more than two decades of increasing collaboration in supporting flows of technical assistance between developing countries, FAO and China established in 2009 the FAO-China South-South Cooperation [...]

Issue paper


The future of livestock in Nigeria. Emerging public health risks in urban and peri-urban areas

Nigeria's society and the economy will grow swiftly and transform extensively in the next three decades. Along this transformative process, the demand for animal-source food will exponentially increase and livestock is likely to become the most important sector of agriculture.This document is the executive summary and it condenses the main reflections of a broader report about the feasible future scenarios for livestock in the country and how to be prepared to ensure sustainable livestock production.