Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Partners, policies and pastoralism: Bringing pastoral voices to the global stage

Millions of pastoralists worldwide provide food and important environmental benefits, yet they have little say in policies that affect them. In this video, experts and pastoral representatives discuss the importance of pastoralism and the role of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub in bringing together various stakeholders to advocate sustainable pastoralism. For more information on the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, please visit http://www.fao.org/pastoralist-knowledge-hub/en/ 

Case study


E-agriculture in Action

E-agriculture or ICT in agriculture holds great promise in providing access to innovative solutions to many challenges faced by smallholder resource-poor farmers. Access to the right information at the right time makes a great impact on the livelihoods of communities involved in agriculture and allied activities. This publication presents case studies in innovative use of emerging technologies to significantly improve the living standards of farming communities.  



Controlling foot and mouth disease in Pakistan

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is the most prevalent and economically important infectious disease of livestock in Pakistan. The project aimed to develop a national FMD control program and control FMD outbreaks, improve the livelihood of livestock farmers, curtail the losses caused by the disease and improve overall productivity of livestock.

Issue paper


A mapping of social protection needs and opportunities for forest-dependent communities in Uganda. Social Protection and Forestry Working Paper 2

This study provides a rationale for building linkages between social protection and sustainable forestry in developing countries through: the development of a conceptual framework for understanding the two-way relationship between social protection instruments and forestry policies; a review of evidence of the role of forestry policies in reducing vulnerabilities and fostering livelihoods among forest-dependent people; a review of the evidence of the impact of social protection instruments on th e resilience of forest-dependent people and on the promotion of sustainable forest management; and a discussion of ways of developing linkages between social protection and forestry policies.

Issue paper


Parliamentary fronts against hunger and legislative initiatives for the right to adequate food and nutrition

A summary of the most significant legislative results achieved on food security and nutrition, school meals, and family farming in Latin America. It includes lessons learned, an overview of mechanisms that have proved useful and an annex with detailed information on 15 regional laws from parliamentary front initiatives. Also available in French and Spanish.

Forums and community of practice


What role can Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services play in realizing gender equality and improved nutrition? FSN Forum No. 141

This document summarises the online discussion "What role can agricultural extension and advisory services play in realizing gender equality and improved nutrition?" which invited to reflect on the role that agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) can play in contributing to reducing gender inequities and improving nutrition. The online discussion was hosted on the FSN Forum from 16 June to 9 July 2017.  See all ongoing and past discussion on the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition • FSN Forum  



Nigeria. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

During the period 2007-2017, Nigeria’s agriculture sector has undergone major reforms. The introduction of the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) reformed the input delivery system, strengthened famers’ resilience to shocks and enhanced agricultural credit. In 2016, the government launched the Social Investment programme which aims at strengthening school feeding, conditional cash transfers and food bio-fortification programmes. 



Kenya. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

In recent years, government's investments in agriculture have focused on increasing land under irrigation, subsidizing inputs, strengthening the agricultural extension service and reforming agricultural sector institutions through the privatization of a number of parastatals. Although agriculture represents the largest contributor to Kenya's GDP, the allocation of public expenditure to the sector has remained below the five percent over the past decade.



Food security, sustaining peace and gender equality: conceptual framework and future directions. SP5 discussion paper

This study offers a framework to better understand how addressing the specific priorities of men and women in nutrition and food interventions in conflict-affected contexts may shape peacebuilding processes and improve gender equality in the aftermath of violent conflicts.



Strong rural–urban linkages are essential for poverty reduction. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 5

By 2050, two-thirds of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Should we thus be more concerned with urban development? On the contrary, we should still focus on rural development, as this will remain critical to ensuring food security and eliminating poverty. With the ongoing demographic change, however, successful rural development will need to heavily rely on strong linkages between rural and urban economies. See the complete series here.