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Issue paper


Social Protection in Protracted Crises, Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts. FAO’s Agenda for Action for Social Protection and Cash-Based Programmes

FAO recognizes that scaling-up cash-based programming and risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection systems is a strategic priority in particular to improve food security and nutrition and protect households' assets as well as increase income of the most vulnerable population. Over the past 15 years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of countries implementing social protection schemes, mainly cash-based. Today, more than 1.9 billion people in 136 countries benefit from social assistance programmes and approximately 718 million people are enrolled in cash transfer programmes.



RIMA-II: Moving Forward the Development of the Resilience Index Measurement and Ananlysis Model

Building more resilient livelihoods is increasingly being recognized as one of the most powerful means to mitigate – or even prevent – food security crises.Since 2008, FAO has been at the forefront of efforts to measure the resilience capacity of people to food insecurity and the effectiveness of resilience strenghtening interventions. In this framework, FAO has pioneered the development and the use of Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA).RIMA is an innovative quantitative approach that explain why and how some households cope with shocks and stressors better than others do. The first version of RIMA has been technically improved based [...]

Issue paper


Migration, Agriculture and Rural Development. Addressing the Root Causes of Migration and Harnessing its Potential for Development

This booklet is directed towards FAO Member States, UN system and all other potential partners, and sheds light on the role that agriculture and rural development and the sustainable management of natural resources can play in curbing migration pressure in rural areas. It also outlines the main entry points where FAO can support international efforts to address global movements of refugees and migrants. Together with its partners, FAO is committed to further strengthening its efforts on migration within humanitarian and development contexts while building on its comparative advantage in agriculture and rural development issues.



Addressing Rural Youth Migration at its Root Causes: A Conceptual Framework

This document presents the conceptual framework for distress migration of rural youth. The framework focuses on the migration of rural youth (aged 15–24), who account for a large proportion of migrants and are a particularly vulnerable group. The framework comprises three sections: Analysis of the main factors determining the propensity of rural youth to migrate; Assessment of the likely impacts of distress migration of rural youth in terms of rural development for local areas of origin; Illustration of the most promising policies and programmes to reduce distress migration of rural youth and maximize its developmental benefits for the communities of origin.



The State of Food and Agriculture 2016. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

What is the evidence that climate change is affecting food security and agriculture? What should governments, farmers and food producers do in order to facilitate an effective response to a changing global climate? How can the agriculture sectors contribute to containing greenhouse gas emissions? The 2016 edition of The State of Food and Agriculture provides answers to these and other questions. The report includes an analysis of current and future impacts of climate change, indicating viable paths that a range of stakeholders should pursue in order to respond to them. It also shows how to overcome barriers that could prevent the [...]



Resilience in protracted crises

Protracted crises exist in over 20 countries potentially affecting half a billion people. In these situations, undernourishment is severe, long-standing and almost three times more frequent than in other developing countries. Julius Jackson, Technical Officer of the FAO Agriculture Development Economics Division together with Luca Russo, Strategic Advisor of the FAO Resilience Management Team describe the complexity of protracted crises situations and explain the importance of strengthening resilience for improved food security and nutrition under these conditions. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR [...]



Sustainable food and agriculture

Agriculture is feeding the world’s 7.3 billion people but at an unbearable social and environmental cost. Clayton Campanhola, Director of the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division, explains the need for sustainable food and agriculture on a global scale. He describes the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to achieve this goal. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP

Issue paper


Climate Change and Food Security: Risks and Responses

End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition are at the heart of the sustainable development goals. The World has committed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2030. But climate change is undermining the livelihoods and food security of the rural poor, who constitute almost 80% of the world’s poor. The effects of climate change on our ecosystems are already severe and widespread. Climate change brings a cascade of impacts from agroecosystems to livelihoods. Climate change impacts directly agroecosystems, which in turn has a potential impact on agricultural production, which drives economic and social impacts, which impact livelihoods. In other [...]



Managing Climate Risk Using Climate-Smart Agriculture

Since  the  effects  of  climate  change  are  already  being  felt,  incorporating adaptation  into agricultural policies, plans and investments is needed to maintain and enhance the benefits obtained from agriculture. Risk  management  strategies have  a  prominent  role  to  play  in adaptation,  ranging  from  increasing resilience  of  agro-ecosystems  through  better management  of  ecosystem services,  increasing  resilience of livelihoods through social protections policies to disaster risk response.



Gender mainstreaming as a key strategy for building resilient livelihoods. Increase the resilience of both men and women’s livelihoods to threats and crises. Gender and resilience brief

Women and men play specific and complementary roles in agriculture and food and nutrition security, and building the resilience of their livelihoods in different ways. In most countries, women have less access to productive resources, services and employment opportunities than men. The gender gap is found for many assets, inputs and services such as land, livestock, labor, education, information services, and technology, all affecting the capacity to protect their communities from crises. While men account for the majority of direct casualties during wartime, women and children suffer more from displacement, reduced access to services and assistance, and loss of livelihoods. [...]