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AIDmonitor gathers information from diverse databases to help users analyze Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows with a focus on Food Security, Nutrition, Agriculture and Rural Development, determine priorities for assistance and formulate resource mobilization strategies. AIDmonitor takes into account only commitments, without including negative (aggregate) re-allocations to the donor country. This might generate a discrepancy with the ODA CRS on the total value for donor, without influencing any other result.



Food Loss and Food Waste Database

The Food Loss and Waste database is the largest online collection of data on both food loss and food waste and causes reported throughout the literature. The database contains data and information from openly accessible reports and studies measuring food loss and waste across food products, stages of the value chain, and geographical areas. In October 2019, more than 480 publications and reports from various sources (e.g., subnational reports, academic studies, and reports from national and international organizations such as the World Bank, GIZ, FAO, IFPRI, and other sources), which have produced more than 20 thousand data points, were included. Data [...]

Case study


Meet the women revolutionising Peru’s fishing sector - A FAO-supported programme lends a hand to innovative entrepreneurs

When Peruvian fisher, Karin Abensur, caught nearly 800 kilograms of fish early one morning five years ago, she calculated roughly how much she would earn. “I thought, worst case scenario, they would give me 6 soles (USD 1.76) per kilo,” Karin said. But when she returned to the port of Pucusana in central Peru, after four hours on the high seas, she was disappointed to be offered just 1 sol per kilogram – roughly USD 0.30. "They told me to take it, because no one would give me more.”  Read the whole story here.




Global time series have been maintained over more than 60 years. To meet diverse user needs, data from each statistical collection are available through various formats, tools and information products.



Sustainable Development Goals - FAO

FAO’s Statistical Capacity Assessment survey for SDG Indicators provides insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. Details on the assessment conducted by FAO in 2018/19 and the resulting country profiles can be found here.



Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue (FAM)

The Food and Agriculture Microdata (FAM) Catalogue provides an inventory of datasets collected through farm and household surveys which contain information related to agriculture, food security,  and nutrition. The FAM catalogue is populated by datasets which are collected directly by FAO and datasets whose collection are supported in some way by FAO. Our aim is to be a one-stop-shop containing metadata on all agricultural censuses and surveys which are publically available as well as provide direct access and/or links to the microdata.FAM is continuously updated as new datasets from FAO and member countries become available. Organizations which collect relevant data [...]



RuLIS - Rural Livelihoods Information System

The FAO Statistics Division, the World Bank and IFAD have joined forces to build RuLIS, as a tool to support policies for reducing rural poverty. Information on agricultural income and rural livelihoods is crucial for the formulation of evidence-based development policies.



Africa Open D.E.A.L: Open Data for Environment, Agriculture and Land & Africa's Great Green Wall

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the African Union Commission (AUC) led a land-use data collection and analysis between 2018 and 2020. With the support of the Panafrican Agency of the Great Green Wall (GGW), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and 30 African countries, FAO and the AUC coordinated the data collection operation on a scale unseen before in agriculture, environment, and land use. The Africa Open D.E.A.L (Data for Environment, Agriculture and Land) initiative has made Africa the first continent to complete the collection of accurate, comprehensive, and harmonized digital land use and [...]

Issue paper


Seizing the opportunities of the African Continental Free Trade Area for the economic empowerment of women in agriculture

The links between gender, trade, agriculture, and food security are inherently complex and difficult to generalize. It is therefore vital that the operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement ensures that future trade practices and regulations promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the African continent, especially in supporting women to seize the new opportunities created by the AfCFTA in agriculture.

Issue paper


Gender-responsive digitalization. A critical component of the COVID-19 response in Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by governments on social distancing and mobility restrictions have contributed to boosting the use of digital technology to bridge some of the physical access gaps. An increasing number of services and extension/information activities are delivered through digital tools and applications. E-commerce has also flourished. As a result, the potential of digital technologies has gained prominence in immediate response and recovery strategies and programmes.See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19.