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Renforcer la coherence entre l’agriculture et la protection sociale pour lutter contre la pauvreté et la faim en Afrique: outil de diagnostic

L’agriculture et la protection sociale sont intrinsèquement liées dans le contexte des moyens d’existence ruraux en Afrique. La subsistance des familles pauvres et en situation d’insécurité alimentaire dépend principalement de l’agriculture et, dans une moindre mesure, de revenus non agricoles et de transferts de fonds privés; ces familles sont donc la cible première des interventions de protection sociale. Lorsqu’elle s’inscrit dans le cadre plus vaste du développement rural, une cohérence accrue entre les interventions agricoles et de protection sociale contribue à améliorer le bien-être des petits exploitants familiaux pauvres en facilitant leur inclusion dans l’économie productive, en améliorant leurs capacités [...]



Renforcer la cohérence entre l’agriculture et la protection sociale pour lutter contre la faim et la pauvreté en Afrique: Cadre d’analyse et d’action

L’agriculture et la protection sociale sont intrinsèquement liées dans le contexte des moyens d’existence ruraux en Afrique. La subsistance des familles pauvres et en situation d’insécurité alimentaire dépend principalement de l’agriculture et, dans une moindre mesure, de revenus non agricoles et de transferts de fonds privés; ces familles sont donc la cible première des interventions de protection sociale (FAO, 2015a). Lorsqu’elle s’inscrit dans le cadre plus vaste du développement rural, une cohérence accrue entre les interventions agricoles et de protection sociale contribue à améliorer le bien-être des petits exploitants familiaux pauvres en facilitant leur inclusion dans l’économie productive, en améliorant [...]



Food loss and food waste

Approximately 30% of food produced for human consumption around the world is either lost or wasted each year. This is equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes of food. Robert VanOtterdijk, Agro-Food Industries Officer and Camelia Bucatariu, Technical Officer of the FAO Nutrition and Food Systems Division explain the importance of actively preventing and reducing food loss and waste and its direct contribution to food and nutrition security for all. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP



Sustainable small-scale fisheries

Capture fisheries support the livelihoods of over 120 million people. Small-scale fisheries produce two-thirds of all catches destined for direct human consumption and provide 90% of the employment in the sector. Nicole Franz, Fisheries Planning Analyst and Yvette Diei Ouadi, Fishery Industry Officer of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department explain the importance of supporting small-scale fishers, fish workers and their communities to ensure food security for all. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series:  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP



Sustainable food and agriculture

Agriculture is feeding the world’s 7.3 billion people but at an unbearable social and environmental cost. Clayton Campanhola, Director of the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division, explains the need for sustainable food and agriculture on a global scale. He describes the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to achieve this goal. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP



Sustainable intensification of agriculture

If global population and food consumption trends continue, by 2050 the world will need 60 percent more food than is available today. Matthias Halwart, Senior Strategic Programmer Officer of the FAO Sustainable Agriculture Programme, explains the importance of sustainable agricultural intensification and its contribution to meeting this demand. He describes the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to achieve food security.  See all videos in the Policy and Governance series:  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP



Ecosystem services and biodiversity

The productivity and sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries depend on healthy and biodiversity-rich ecosystems. Thomas Hofer, Team Leader of the FAO Forestry Department and Caterina Batello, Senior Officer with the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division explain the importance of ecosystem services and its contribution to food security. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to achieve this goal. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP

Issue paper


Climate Change and Food Security: Risks and Responses

End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition are at the heart of the sustainable development goals. The World has committed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2030. But climate change is undermining the livelihoods and food security of the rural poor, who constitute almost 80% of the world’s poor. The effects of climate change on our ecosystems are already severe and widespread. Climate change brings a cascade of impacts from agroecosystems to livelihoods. Climate change impacts directly agroecosystems, which in turn has a potential impact on agricultural production, which drives economic and social impacts, which impact livelihoods. In other [...]



Senegal. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

In Senegal, the government has given great importance and priority to the development and promotion of national rice production to achieve self-sufficiency by 2017. Besides, emphasis has been placed on risk management with the creation of the National Agricultural Insurance Company (CNAAS) and several plans dedicated to flood and water management.



Burundi. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

The government of Burundi has timidly decreased State involvement in strategic value chains, with a view to open the market, enhance effectiveness, and reduce the fiscal deficit. With regards to social protection, no specific national programmes are in place, though the country joined the Scaling Up Nutrition movement in 2013 committing to tackle the alarming levels of malnutrition in the country (the highest in the region). For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.