Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Issue paper


Protecting livelihoods – Linking agricultural insurance and social protection

The aim of this study is to provide readers with an overview of how agricultural insurance and social protection interventions can complement each other, within the frame of disaster risk management for vulnerable agricultural actors. Specifically, it aims to underline the operational nuances, challenges, opportunities and constraints associated with employing agricultural insurance within social protection systems. Furthermore, it presents a number of practical lessons learned and considerations that can be used by relevant public stakeholders (such as local policymakers and development agencies) to introduce aspects of agricultural insurance in programmes and initiatives that seek to strengthen social protection for vulnerable [...]



Technical guidelines on rapid risk assessment for animal health threats. FAO animal production and health / guidelines 24

The occurrence and spread of an animal health threat can be prevented when a timely assessment of the risk is carried out to inform prevention, response and control measures. These technical guidelines on rapid risk assessment (RRA) are designed as a simple and practical tool to be used by veterinary services to build risk assessment capacities and assist decision-makers in conducting qualitative RRA on the emergence, occurrence and/or spread of animal health threats. Using available evidence, data and information, a multidisciplinary team can conduct an RRA in a short time (within two weeks).The publication provides a simple and flexible methodology [...]



Disaster risk management in fisheries. CC4FISH policy brief: November 2020 - Issue 2

Disasters precipitated by climate change and climate variability are already wreaking havoc in the Caribbean fisheries sector. Examples include hurricanes: Irma 2017 in Barbuda, Maria 2017 in Dominica, Dorian 2019 in The Bahamas. Doing nothing different from current practices will result in increasing damage and critical losses to the fisheries sector. This policy brief highlights the disaster risk management (DRM) cycle for the fisheries sector; summarises ongoing DRM initiatives; presents supporting policy actions for adaptation; and aligns with Sustainable Development Goals, the Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Issue paper


How to feed the world in times of pandemics and climate change? Opportunities for innovation in livestock systems

Progress towards Zero Hunger must be protected from the dual challenges of pandemics and climate change. The frequency of infectious disease outbreaks – including the emergence of novel viruses and zoonotic diseases – is expected to continue rising as livestock, food security, economies, and global health are increasingly threatened by a destabilizing climate. At the same time, malnutrition is unacceptably high across all regions of the world. In 2019, nearly one in ten people in the world were exposed to severe levels of food insecurity.The 13th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) in 2021 is seeking recommendations, guided by [...]



While peace awaits, do not let crises compromise the way forward

The Government of Palestine officially endorses a new national food and nutrition security policy and a corresponding National Investment Plan. Read the whole article here.



Guidance on sustainable cricket farming – A practical manual for farmers and inspectors

This manual systematically describes basic management techniques needed to ensure best practices in raising crickets for food production. These techniques are based on 20 years of practical experience in cricket farming in Thailand, and previously unpublished data and knowledge collected by the author and support team. Robust research data related to cricket farming is still lacking, but will undoubtedly increase over time. However, in the interim, the growing cricket farming sector can be enhanced through the application of known best practices and related guidance. Also available in Burmese.

Issue paper


SMART IRRIGATION – SMART WASH - Solutions in response to the pandemic crisis in Africa. Land and Water Discussion Paper 16

Uncertainties related to the impacts of COVID-19 on daily life are increasingly growing. Inherent effects have grown beyond the well-defined spear of health risks and have shocked the livelihood and food security in several countries. Particularly in the poorest countries, the impact is more devastating due to the limited availability of resources to slow down the spread of the disease. These countries require immediate actions to safeguard food security and human health. Irrigation has a great role in improving crop productivity and ensuring food security. However, expanding irrigation could impact the availability of water for sanitation and hygiene which has a central role in slowing down the spread of the disease. [...]



Social protection coverage toolkit

In partnership with the Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) has developed a toolkit with a new step-by-step methodology to calculate the extent to which a population is covered against the risks that affect them throughout their life cycle (Bacil et al. 2020). This approach focuses on identifying different social groups and the risks to which each of them is vulnerable, defining a coverage function for each risk that enables a calculation of how much an intervention is capable [...]



Indigenous peoples' health and safety at risk due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). - FAO Statement on COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples

FAO  urges  governments,  academia,  NGOs,  international  community  and  indigenous  peoples authorities to take specific measures that ensure the respect to indigenous peoples’ rights during the pandemic and that includes an intercultural approach when dealing with the emergency, safety and health aspects of the response. Also available in Spanish and French

Issue paper


Ecosystem approach to aquaculture management. Handbook

The Ecosystem approach to aquaculture mangament handbook aims to provide skills and tools to develop in stakeholders and facilitators the necessary know-how to develop an Ecosystem approach to aquaculture managment plans targeting sustainable and climate change resilient aquaculture. The handbook will provide the necessary knowledge on how to:- manage aquaculture under holistic approaches;- address aquaculture issues and challenges;- apply Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management strategies- reduce user group conflicts;- work cooperatively with other stakeholders;- empower communities towards political changes- help unlock financial resources to implement plantThe handbook also provides the information to understand the principles of EAAM, how [...]