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Case study


The quest for zero hunger: Stories from Africa

Without rapid progress in reducing and eliminating hunger and malnutrition by 2030, the full range of Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved. We can advance faster if we work together. In its quest to achieve a Zero Hunger world, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) works in partnership with communities, governments, and organizations across Africa to address malnutrition, boost the productivity and resilience of small-scale farmers, share knowledge about innovative farming practices, and build sustainable food systems. FAO’s bold approach focuses on empowering women and employing youth, providing them with the skills and resources (land, capital, emerging technology) they need [...]

Issue paper


An inclusive rural transformation in progress, but with unequal pace and characteristics across countries. 2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Document 6

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text also discusses the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.

Issue paper


Rural transformation. Looking towards the future of Latin America and the Caribbean. 2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Document 1

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text also discusses the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.  



FAO’s work on social protection. Contributing to zero hunger, poverty reduction and resilience in rural areas

This brochure highlights the important role that social protection has to play in addressing many of the barriers poor rural households face in building resilient and sustainable livelihoods. Despite progress in recent decades, 736 million people worldwide still live in extreme poverty. Most are in rural areas, possess few or no assets and depend on agriculture and the use of natural resources for their livelihoods. A number of programmes have demonstrated not only that social protection can have significant impacts on poverty, but also that even low-income countries can afford to provide it for their citizens, if they commit to [...]



Youth Agri-Food Policy Assistance

More than 70 million young people are unemployed worldwide and 160 million young workers are living in poverty. Rural youth and women, in particular, face significant obstacles in obtaining quality education and training. Many depend on agriculture for their livelihoods and face severe constraints without access to land, credit or markets. FAO has designed an integrated country approach to work with governments to design youth-inclusive agri-food development policies. Through capacity building, entrepreneurial support and investment promotion, countries can increase job opportunities in the agri-food system, boosting youth employment and ensuring a high-quality agricultural workforce.

Case study


Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in Samoa

The objective of the Assessment is to analyse the agriculture and rural sectors from a gender perspective at the macro level (policy), meso level (institutional) and micro level (community and household). The Assessment seeks to identify gender inequalities in access to critical productive resources, assets, services and opportunities. The assessment looks at the priorities, needs and constraints of both women and men in agricultural and rural communities, and the gaps that exist in responding to these issues. It also provides recommendations and guidance to promote gender sensitivity in future programmes and projects, and identifies possible partners for gender-related activities. This Assessment [...]

Issue paper


Asistencia técnica para la implementación de la política agraria en el marco de las directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional − Junio 2019

Guatemala es un país que depende de la agricultura, porconsiguiente, la importancia del acceso a la tierra ha sidocontinúa siendo uno de los temas centrales para avanzaren el desarrollo rural.A lo largo del tiempo los conflictos históricos y recienteshan sucedido como resultado de: i) la falta de certezay seguridad jurídica sobre la tenencia de la tierra; ii) ladistribución inequitativa de los recursos; iii) las pocasoportunidades de acceso para el trabajo productivo;iv) la ausencia de un mercado de tierras que funcione, yv) la debilidad de la institucionalidad estatal.El Estado guatemalteco ha tenido dificultades paraatender la demanda y garantizar el desarrollo ruralintegral [...]

Issue paper


On the path to universal coverage for rural populations. Removing barriers of access to social protection

Social protection is recognized as an effective strategy for poverty eradication. It also contributes to promoting good health and well-being, achieving decent employment, fostering economic growth and reducing inequalities – objectives that are reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG targets 1.3, 3.8, 5.4 and 10.4). When designed to reduce and prevent poverty, food insecurity, and vulnerability across the life cycle – social protection policies and programmes can effectively support vulnerable households to improve their lives. The issue lies in the fact that only 45 per cent of the global population is currently effectively covered by at least one social benefit [...]

Issue paper


Child labour in the Arab Region. A quantitative and qualitative analysis

This study will be technically led by the ILO and its Regional Office for the Arab States, with technical and financial support of FAO, in collaboration and coordination with the League of Arab States and the Arab Council for Childhood and Development (ACCD) . The current study will be based on sectoral analysis of child labour in the Arab countries, drawing comparisons between countries (or groups of countries with similar child labour characteristics) according to economic sectors of children’s involvement in the labour market. It will provide quantitative and qualitative analyses concerning the main sectors where child labour is concentrated, in [...]



Managing climate risks through social protection

FAO recognizes that those living in rural areas whose livelihoods depend heavily on natural resources, are disproportionately affected by climate risks because of their great likelihood of living in high-risk geographical locations as well as their high vulnerability to, and limited capacity to cope with, climate hazards due to low incomes, lack of savings, weaker social networks, low asset bases and heavy reliance on agriculture and natural resources. Protecting poor and vulnerable small scale producers from the negative impacts of climate risks is an imperative in order to reach FAO’s strategic objectives and achieve Sustainable development goal one and two. Managing [...]