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Issue paper


Land degradation neutrality in small island developing states

During COP 13, the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD and FAO strengthened their collaborative efforts to support Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to set national targets to achieve LDN. The purpose was to identify lessons learned from the LDN target setting process in SIDS in order to generate recommendations to policy makers and interested stakeholders on future actions and to consider cross-cutting issues and linkages between emerging and existing challenges and priorities. This briefing note presents an overview of these recommendations.



Land degradation neutrality for water security and combatting drought

Countries have acknowledged the inter-dependency of land and water management and the multiple benefits of reversing land degradation for sustainable development, water security and resilience to natural hazards such as drought. Achieving LDN contributes towards the achievement of several SDGs, particularly SDG 6 on water. To ensure that countries reach their LDN objectives, improve synergies between LDN, water security and drought mitigation and achieve the SDGs through LDN approaches, this brifing note presents recommendations for countries, with the support of their national and international partners.



The Sustainable Land Management Mainstreaming Tool

This document provides technical guidance for countries to integrate Sustainable Land Management (SLM) into national policies and programs. It was developed in the context of the project "Desicion Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up Sustainable Land Management (DS-SLM)" supporting country teams in designing operational strategies for mainstreaming information on land degradation and SLM into national and subnational decision-making processes.



Print Send Challenges and opportunities of recognizing and protecting customary tenure systems in Myanmar. Policy Brief

This policy brief was developed in order to enable a meaningful engagement and policy dialogue with government institutions and other relevant stakeholders about challenges and opportunities related to recognizing and protecting customary tenure in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. It aims at strengthening the recognition and legal protection of customary tenure systems in the country in line with the key principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) (FAO/CFS, 2012). Also available in Burmese.



Online collection of bibliographical references on FDI and Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI)

Links to the publications, papers and articles on Foreign Direct Investment and Responsible Agricultural Investment.



Towards a national land policy in Niger

The États généraux, gathering more than 300 participants from all sectors and regions of the country, was one of the largest platforms for exchange between actors ever mobilized in the sub-region. It provided a forum to openly discuss the Rural Code in Niger, its implementation over thelast 25 years and its contribution to food and nutrition security and agricultural development.



The Ex-Ante Carbon-Balance Tool (EX-ACT)

The Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) is an appraisal system developed by FAO providing estimates of the impact of agriculture and forestry development projects, programmes and policies on the carbon-balance. The carbon-balance is defined as the net balance from all greenhouse gases (GHGs) expressed in CO2 equivalent that were emitted or sequestered due to project implementation as compared to a business-as-usual scenario. EX-ACT is a land-based accounting system, estimating C stock changes (i.e. emissions or sinks of CO2) as well as GHG emissions per unit of land, expressed in equivalent tonnes of CO2 per hectare and year. The tool helps project designers [...]

Issue paper


Emerging opportunities for the application of blockchain in the agri-food industry

Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and smart contracts provide a unique opportunity to bring greater efficiency, transparency and traceability to the exchange of value and information in the agriculture sector. By utilising digital records, cryptography and the disintermediation of transaction processing and data storage, DLTs can improve both agricultural supply chains and rural development interventions in a number of ways. The technology has the potential to simplify and integrate agricultural supply chains, enhance food safety, facilitate access to trade finance and other types of agricultural financial services, improve market transparency, provide greater legal certainty to land-tenure systems and strengthen accountability for [...]

Training & e-learning


SDG Indicator 5.a.2 - Ensuring women’s legal rights to land ownership and/or control

This course focuses on SDG Indicator 5.a.2 which assesses women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control. The course describes the indicator, explains its rationale and provides countries with step-by-step guidance for conducting the assessment.

Case study


Iniciativa de Comunicacion para el Desarrollo en apoyo al reconocimiento y la gobernanza de tierras comunales en Guatemala

La FAO ha desarrollado una iniciativa de Comunicación para el Desarrollo (CpD) orientada a informar y documentar experiencias relevantes en tema de gobernanza y reconocimiento de tierras comunales en Guatemala, con fines de acceso y uso sustentable de los recursos naturales.  Se ha producido un Módulo de Comunicación y Capacitación sobre Tierras Comunales que incluye: un video didáctico, cinco cortos documentales realizados con comunidades indígenas y campesinas donde existen buenas prácticas y casos exitosos, una cartilla para los usuarios y una guía metodológica para los facilitadores, además de microprogramas radiales en idiomas Maya (Chorti’, Mam y Q’echi’). La iniciativa busca facilitar procesos [...]