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Rural migration in Senegal. Infographic

This two-page infographic highlights the main results of the study "Characteristics, Dynamics, and Drivers of Rural Migration in Senegal" and was carried out in the framework of the project "Fostering productive investments to create decent farm and non-farm jobs for rural youth in migration-prone areas in Senegal”. This infographic provides information on the main facts and statistics of rural migration in Senegal, the drivers of migration and the characteristics of migrants and migrant households



Rural migration in Senegal

This animated video provides a snapshot of rural migration in Senegal, focusing on the rural regions of Kaolack and Matam - which are particularly affected by out-migration. The video highlights main facts and statistics, the drivers of migration and the characteristics of migrants and migrants’ households.  



Rural migration in Tunisia

The RuMiT (Rural Migration in Tunisia) research addresses the determinants of migration and mobility, the patterns and types of rural youth outmigration and the impact of rural youth migration on rural livelihoods and societies in origin regions in Tunisia. The research used a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods, providing comparative insights into: international and internal migrants and non-migrants; pre- and post-2011 migrants; households with and without migrants.  Main results show that migrants from rural areas are increasingly highly educated and leaving to pursue their studies abroad. This particularly applies to women, who also register a decrease in marriage-related migration. [...]



Training farmers and enhancing food security in Swaziland

Agriculture has traditionally been the backbone of Swaziland’s economy but has experienced severe decline. Its contribution to GDP has decreased gradually over the last two decades due to a number of factors, including recurring drought, chronic underinvestment and the impact of HIV and AIDS. Despite this, agriculture-based products account for around 75 percent of the country’s total export revenues. With key extension officers lacking the skills to disseminate nutrition and gender-sensitive agricultural technologies and practices, the project sought to strengthen national capacities through the establishment of Farmer Field Schools, with farmer representatives trained as facilitators in order to support on-the-ground [...]



Organic agriculture and small-scale farmers in Cambodia, Lao people’s Democratic Republic and Myanmar

Organic producers have new opportunities to supply their products to the markets as the demand for safe product is increasing in Asia and in the world. The high cost and paperwork associated with the third-party certification hamper smallholder farmers to benefit from this trend. At the same time, consumers are faced with difficulties to trust organic or safe products in the market. In response, a pilot project in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Cambodia addressed the certification and marketing issues through the promoting of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). Through a training of trainers (ToT) 13 participants (46 percent women) from [...]

Forums and community of practice


Youth employment in agriculture as a solid solution to ending hunger and poverty in Africa. Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition. Report of activity No. 153

This document summarizes the online discussion Youth employment in agriculture as a solid solution to ending hunger and poverty in Africa, which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 16 July to 10 August 2018. The discussion was organized to gather views in advance of the 20-21 August regional conference “Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to Ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Engaging through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Entrepreneurship” in Kigali, Rwanda. The major thematic areas of the conference focused on youth and entrepreneurship, digital innovation, and [...]

Case study


Approche Pays Intégrée (API) de la FAO pour la promotion de l’emploi décent des jeunes en milieu rural au Sénégal

L'emploi et le travail décent en milieu rural sont essentiels pour parvenir à la sécurité alimentaire et à la réduction de la pauvreté. L'un des programmes phares de la FAO dans ce domaine est l'Approche Pays Intégrée (API) pour la promotion de l’emploi décent des jeunes en milieu rural. Jusqu'à présent, le programme API a été mis en œuvre dans cinq pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne et de l’Amérique latine. Au Sénégal, la mise en œuvre du programme a commencé en 2015.



Agricultural trade and employment: links, evidence and policy implications. Trade Policy Brief No. 32. Trade & Employment

Trade Policy Brief No. 32 With agriculture accounting for roughly 70 percent of employment and 30 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in low-income countries, trade in agricultural products has the potential to significantly affect rural employment, incomes and poverty in these countries. See the complete series: Trade Policy Briefs  

Forums and community of practice


Sustaining the impact of capacity development initiatives for African youth in agriculture. FSN Forum No. 11

This document summarizes the online discussion Sustaining the impact of capacity development initiatives for African youth in agriculture, which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa (FSN Forum Africa) from 25 October to 17 November 2017. The aim was to solicit opinions on capacity development sustainability initiatives for young agripreneurs in Africa, and to contribute to identifying challenges and opportunities related to sustaining the impact of all interventions (existing and future ones) aimed at developing capacities and engaging youth in agriculture. See all ongoing and past discussion on the Global Forum on Food Security and [...]



Food security through commercialization of agricultural sector in marginalized areas in Kenya and South Sudan under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) Framework, with Focus on Women and Youth: GTFS/RAF/478/ITA

HELPING SMALLHOLDER PRODUCERS TO ACCESS MARKETS IN MARGINALIZED AREAS OF KENYA AND SOUTH SUDAN Low agricultural production and low household incomes mean that food security in the northwest of Kenya and the southeastern part of South Sudan continues to be a challenge. With smallholder producers and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs often marginalized and excluded from access to markets at national and regional levels, there was an urgent need to devise innovative approaches to developing and reinforcing efficient business linkages between value chain actors. Project duration: July 2013 –June 2017 Download Project Highlight pdf