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World Food and Agriculture – Statistical pocketbook 2019

The implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda is just at the onset. Pursuing the wide and ambitious Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs) poses major challenges at all levels, from the sub-national, to the regional and the international level, and calls for a timely decision of effective policy actions in a quickly-evolving world of scarce resources. In this context, the ability to design sound policies and monitor their outcomes is a key requirement. Measuring progress towards international goals and their national and subnational specifications is of paramount importance. This pocketbook presents, at a glance, selected key indicators on agriculture and food security, [...]



Fifteen years implementing the Right to Food Guidelines. Reviewing progress to achieve the 2030 Agenda

Since 2004, the Right to Food Guidelines have introduced an approach that has influenced the global agenda to eradicate hunger and malnutrition and is relevant to today’s global efforts towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, grounded in human rights and hence recalling the importance of the progressive realization of the right to adequate food. This publication highlights efforts of a number of countries, organizations, groups, at the global, regional and national level, in taking legislative actions, designing policies and strategies, setting up accountable institutions and bodies, to respect, protect and fulfil this human right. [...]



Right to Food Methodological Toolbox

The purpose of the Methodological Toolbox is to provide a practical aid for the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines. It contains a series of analytical, educational and normative tools that offer guidance and hands-on advice on the practical aspects of the right to food. It covers a wide range of topics such as assessment, legislation, education, budgeting and monitoring.  It emphasises the operational aspects of the right to food and contributes to strengthening in-country capacity to implement this right.  



Methodological Proposal for Monitoring SDG Target 12.3. Sub-Indicator 12.3.1.a The Food Loss Index Design, Data Collection Methods and Challenges. SDG 12.3.1: Global Food Loss Index

FAO and UNEP are both custodians of the indicators to measure the Sustainable Development Target 12.3. “By 2030, to halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.” Given that the existing measurement methods differ greatly for the production and consumption stages, the custodian agencies, FAO and UNEP, recommend that an additional sub-indicator 12.3.1.b on Food Waste be formally considered for the 2020 comprehensive review of the Global Indicator Framework. By acknowledging that an additional sub-indicator can only be approved in 2020, FAO and UNEP [...]



Enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems

The operation of agricultural and food systems is key to the transition from subsistence to commercially-oriented food production, which will underpin rural poverty reduction and eradication of hunger. Sustainable food systems can also address the burgeoning challenges of malnutrition and obesity, working to deliver diets that promote and sustain optimal health for the world’s growing population.



FAO Blue Growth Initiative & Indigenous Peoples

The FAO Blue Growth Initiative seeks to balance the sustainable management of aquatic resources with economic and social benefits for local communities and Indigenous Peoples. The Blue Growth Initiative values the crucial role Indigenous Peoples play as custodians of traditional knowledge and practices and stewards of the ecosystems in which they live. Blue Growth approaches support the needs of Indigenous Peoples, ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes that affect them, supporting access rights to their traditional lands and territories, and encouraging the preservation of their cultural heritage through sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management that benefits future generations.

Issue paper


E-agriculture in Action. Big data for agriculture

According to Forbes, we generate almost 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. The next generation of agriculture heavily depends on data. The ability to capture, sort, analyze and extract actionable intelligence from large data sets to reveal patterns (human, climate, market) and related trends is an important emerging field.  The increase in the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices would only add to this data deluge. The Economist rightly called data as the world’s most valuable resource, while some calling data the new oil. Agriculture would be one of the major users of IoTs. How can individuals, organizations and [...]



Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and more sustainable

The following series of flyers highlights the work being carried out by FAO's Strategic Programmes. This flyer is specifically on "Strategic Programme 2: Making agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and more sustainable". The vision of FAO for sustainable food and agriculture, enshrined in the 2030 Agenda, requires a radical rethink of the status quo and of current agricultural policies. Farmers, pastoralists, foresters and fishers are encouraged to produce more while using less in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way. Building more efficient and equitable agriculture and food systems and investing in rural development can accelerate achievement of goals [...]



National forest policy in United Republic of Tanzania

Forests and woodlands in the United Republic of Tanzania play an important role in the economy and in nature conservation, with forests ensuring a beneficial environment for community livelihoods by providing a variety of products and services. However, forest degradation and deforestation are among the challenges faced by the national forest sector. In response to this, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania sought technical and financial support from FAO to support a review of forest policy.



Livestock policy analysis and monitoring in Viet Nam

Viet Nam has seen remarkable progress in the reduction of rural poverty in recent decades, with the agriculture sector making a substantial contribution. In 2017, the sector had a growth rate of almost three percent per year, with the livestock sector being one of the fastest growing subsectors. However, the sector is faced by many challenges, including the growing demand for high-quality, safe and consistent livestock products, difficulties related to diseases, and growing environmental pollution caused by livestock waste from intensive livestock production and processing. Efforts to understand and manage changes in the livestock sector as a whole have been [...]