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Issue paper


Gender, agriculture and rural development in Uzbekistan

Gender equality is a key to eliminating poverty and hunger, as it has been demonstrated by the FAO throughout its research worldwide. As part of the FAO efforts on generating evidence and knowledge, and in compliance with the FAO Policy on Gender Equality, the purpose of the Country Gender Assessment for Uzbekistan is to contribute to the production of knowledge for better informed, targeted and gender sensitive actions in agriculture and rural development. It has been produced as it is required in the FAO Policy on Gender Equality. This Gender Assessment has served as a resource for the Country Programming [...]



FAO framework on rural extreme poverty. Towards reaching Target 1.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals

Today, about 783 million people live in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is primarily a rural phenomenon, with 80 percent of the extreme poor living in rural areas, across greatly diverse rural landscapes. Despite great progress in poverty reduction, the standard of living of the poorest of the poor has remained almost unchanged in the past 35 years, signaling that a huge gap in policy making and programmatic approaches are leaving them behind.  FAO has established a Corporate Framework on Rural Extreme Poverty to orient and bring to bear the relevant work of the Organization towards reaching Target 1.1 of the SDGs. [...]

Case study


FAO + France: partnering for food security and prosperity

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, FAO’s mandate has been reinforced and scaled up to a depth and scope that calls for a greater commitment in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Much still needs to be done in order to mobilize sufficient resources and support to meet the global necessities related to the eradication of hunger, malnutrition and poverty globally. Deepening our engagement with key resource partners and fostering new alliances with like-minded players is essential for generating real and far-reaching impact on the ground. This report provides a comprehensive overview of France's partnership [...]



Appui à la création d’observatoires des agricultures du monde au Sénégal et en Tunisie

Les exploitations agricoles font l’objet d’analyses statutaires et structurelles classiques qui ne permettent pas de rendre compte de la diversité de ces systèmes de production, encore moins de leurs spécificités et des disparités régionales. Au Sénégal comme en Tunisie, les institutions chargées de la collecte des données, de la formulation et de l’analyse des politiques ne disposent pas encore d’une connaissance fine et de référentiels de la diversité des exploitations agricoles et de leurs transformations. Le projet devait permettre de développer et de tester une proposition de système d’information de type «Observatoire». Available only in French

Issue paper


Meeting the climate change mitigation commitments of Least Developed Countries: The role of the agricultural sectors and the need for urgent action

For the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), achieving the commitments following the ratification of the Paris Agreement will require a great effort, as the availability of financial, social, and technical resources are often limited or directly dependent upon the higher income nations. The 47 LDCs account for 13 percent of the global population, 1 percent of global GDP and 5.75 percent of global GHG emissions. These countries not only face more challenging tasks than other countries, as overall conditions within each nation may not facilitate the accomplishment of the stated goals, but they are more vulnerable to climate change and therefore [...]



Pulses. A nutrient powerhouse to combat malnutrition

Pulses are a sub group of legumes with extraordinary nutritional and environmental benefits. Pulses are rich in proteins, in comparison with other plant-based protein sources and hence, act as major protein sources for vegetarians and in regions where meat and dairy are not physically or economically accessible. Pulses have a greater genetic diversity than the other crops, with many varieties of pulses resistant to floods, drought and other extreme and marginal environmental conditions.   Considering the benefits of pulses, the Government of Sri Lanka has initiated several programmes to promote pulses to address micronutrient deficiencies, which are widespread, particularly among nutritionally vulnerable [...]



Linking Nationally Determined Contributions and the Sustainable Development Goals through agriculture . A methodological framework

This paper identifies potential “climate action-sustainable development pathways” spanning 17 major agricultural climate action categories and the 17 SDG targets. The aim of this mapping exercise is to explore the extent to which the two agendas are aligned for the prioritization of those climate actions that have the potential to co-deliver on the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda. As the window of opportunity is closing to bridge the emission gap and adapt to climate change before it is too late, the inter-linked and mutually reinforcing climate and sustainable development agendas present a natural framework for designing policies that leverage synergies [...]



ABS Elements. Elements to facilitate domestic implementation of access and benefit-sharing for different subsectors of genetic resources for food and agriculture

The Elements to Facilitate Domestic Implementation of Access and Benefit-Sharing for Different Subsectors of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture aim to assist governments considering developing, adapting or implementing access and benefit-sharing measures to take into account the importance of genetic resources for food and agriculture, their special role in food security and the distinctive features of their different subsectors, while complying, as applicable, with international instruments.



Forest Futures. Sustainable pathways for forests, landscapes and people in the Asia-Pacific region

Forests and landscapes in the Asia-Pacific region are under increasing pressure from economic development, climate change, demographic shifts, conflicts over tenure and land use, and other stressors. This, the third Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook Study, presents scenarios and a strategic analysis to help policymakers and other actors understand the implications of these stressors for forests and forestry in the Asia-Pacific region and how best to address the challenges ahead.  The product of outstanding collaboration among institutions, networks and more than 800 individuals across the region, the study examines the drivers of change in the region’s forest sector and explores three scenarios [...]

Issue paper


Food Price Monitoring and Analyisis Bulletin

This bulletin is prepared by the Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Team of the Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) in the Trade and Markets Division of FAO. It contains latest information and analysis on domestic prices of basic foods mainly in developing countries, complementing FAO analysis on international markets. It provides early warning on high food prices at country level  that may negatively affect food security. The July 2019 edition is also available in: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.