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Training & e-learning


Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) - An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities

This course focuses on how to practically operationalize the indigenous peoples’ right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) throughout all stages of the project cycle. The course describes each of the recommended six steps of the process and the related actions to be undertaken.System RequirementsThe online version of this course runs on the latest versions of the major browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox.The downloadable version only runs on Windows PC’s and no additional software is needed.AudienceThe course is primarily intended for professionals directly engaged in the development and implementation of projects involving indigenous peoples. In particular, [...]

Issue paper


FAO’s work on the right to food

The right to feed oneself in dignity and to be free from hunger is guaranteed by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which today has been signed and ratified by 170 State Parties. As such, the right to food is a legal obligation anchored in international law. In order to fulfill this obligation, many countries and international organizations have led concrete actions to infuence policies and laws for the realization of the right to food.FAO, as the United Nations Specialized Agency mandated with the achievement of food security and nutrition, has supported Member Countries committed towards this [...]



Print Send Challenges and opportunities of recognizing and protecting customary tenure systems in Myanmar. Policy Brief

This policy brief was developed in order to enable a meaningful engagement and policy dialogue with government institutions and other relevant stakeholders about challenges and opportunities related to recognizing and protecting customary tenure in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. It aims at strengthening the recognition and legal protection of customary tenure systems in the country in line with the key principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) (FAO/CFS, 2012). Also available in Burmese.

Issue paper


Geographical Indications for sustainable food systems. Preserving and promoting agricultural and food heritage

A geographical indication (GI) is a label that applies to products with specific quality, reputation or other characteristics resulting from their geographical origin. These specific characteristics can be the result of natural or human factors. GIs are protected by intellectual property rights (IPR) according to the World Trade Organization agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the Geneva Act. GIs represent a collective asset linked to local heritage and reputation. Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French and Russian.

Issue paper


Asistencia técnica para la implementación de la política agraria en el marco de las directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional − Junio 2019

Guatemala es un país que depende de la agricultura, porconsiguiente, la importancia del acceso a la tierra ha sidocontinúa siendo uno de los temas centrales para avanzaren el desarrollo rural.A lo largo del tiempo los conflictos históricos y recienteshan sucedido como resultado de: i) la falta de certezay seguridad jurídica sobre la tenencia de la tierra; ii) ladistribución inequitativa de los recursos; iii) las pocasoportunidades de acceso para el trabajo productivo;iv) la ausencia de un mercado de tierras que funcione, yv) la debilidad de la institucionalidad estatal.El Estado guatemalteco ha tenido dificultades paraatender la demanda y garantizar el desarrollo ruralintegral [...]



Global Conference on Tenure and User Rights in Fisheries 2018. Achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

Marine and inland fisheries provide millions of people around the globe with food security and livelihood opportunities. Advancing knowledge on how the world’s marine and inland capture fisheries are accessed, used, and managed using various types of rights-based approaches (RBAs) is a crucial step towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and attaining food and nutrition security and livelihood benefits. The Global Conference on Tenure and User Rights in Fisheries 2018 created a neutral platform for a wide variety of participants, including government officials; fishers from industrial, small-scale and indigenous/traditional communities; fisheries-related stakeholders; nongovernment organizations (NGOs); civil society organizations (CSOs); intergovernmental organizations [...]



Fifteen years implementing the Right to Food Guidelines. Reviewing progress to achieve the 2030 Agenda

Since 2004, the Right to Food Guidelines have introduced an approach that has influenced the global agenda to eradicate hunger and malnutrition and is relevant to today’s global efforts towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, grounded in human rights and hence recalling the importance of the progressive realization of the right to adequate food. This publication highlights efforts of a number of countries, organizations, groups, at the global, regional and national level, in taking legislative actions, designing policies and strategies, setting up accountable institutions and bodies, to respect, protect and fulfil this human right. [...]



Right to Food Methodological Toolbox

The purpose of the Methodological Toolbox is to provide a practical aid for the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines. It contains a series of analytical, educational and normative tools that offer guidance and hands-on advice on the practical aspects of the right to food. It covers a wide range of topics such as assessment, legislation, education, budgeting and monitoring.  It emphasises the operational aspects of the right to food and contributes to strengthening in-country capacity to implement this right.  



Study on the State of Agriculture in the Caribbean Region

Strategic investments in the agriculture sector are a catalyst for sustainable, economic growth and poverty reduction.  Through their partnership, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have produced this comprehensive study on the State of Agriculture in the Caribbean, drawing upon decades of research on the many drivers of change affecting the CDB’s Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs), including international trade, institutional policies, and climate change. This report follows forty years of structural change in the agriculture sector of BMCs, and can support the development of an updated Agriculture Sector Strategy, by identifying [...]



Questions and answers about the Chilean food act

This document includes critical information on the policy design and implementation process. Its purpose is to describe the content of the standard, elements of the policy and the main questions arising from different sectors, during the process of drafting the law and legislative procedure, as well as during the policy design and implementation of the standard. Likewise, it aims to present the challenges and the factors that allowed progress in its implementation. The main audience for this paper will be decision-makers, parliamentarians, high-level officials from ministries, and civil society institutions.  Also available in Spanish.