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Predicting the Occurrence of Transboundary Threats to the Food Chain: A New Integrated Approach

Transboundary animal diseases (terrestrial and aquatic), plant pests and diseases (agriculture and forest plants) and Food safety hazards, are raising public awareness for their potential impact on food and nutrition security, human health, livelihoods, and trade. The ability to predict FCC threats through a forecasting process is imperative for Governments to act quickly by taking necessary measures to prevent these threats, limit their geographic spread and minimize their impact. To address this challenge, FAO Food Chain Crisis-Intelligence and Coordination Unit (FCC-ICU) developed an Integrated Forecasting Approach. See also the quarterly Early Warning Bulletins that integrate information on threats to the food chain [...]

Case study


Estrategias innovadoras de gestión de riesgos en mercados financieros rurales y agropecuarios. Experiencias en América Latina

El presente estudio aporta un marco analítico que describe las principales barreras a la inversión y financiación agropecuaria, las cuales se pueden agregar en la gestión de riesgos financieros, de producción, mercadeo, climáticos e institucionales, y en modelos de negocio que reduzcan costos de transacción para brindar de manera viable productos mejor adaptados a las necesidades de una diversidad de clientes rurales. A su vez, se presenta cómo las tendencias en los mercados agropecuarios han influenciado en la región latinoamericana el sistema financiero rural en general, y el sistema financiero agropecuario en particular, sugiriendo un auge en modelos de negocio [...]



Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership (LEAP+)

The LEAP (Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance) Partnership is a multi-stakeholder initiative that is committed to improving the environmental performance of livestock supply chains, whilst ensuring its economic and social viability.  Farmers, consumers and other livestock stakeholders are increasingly in need of more information about the environmental performance and the sustainability of livestock supply chains. Although a wide range of environmental assessment methods have been developed, there is a need for comparative and standardized indicators in order to switch focus of dialogue with stakeholders from methodological issues to improvement measures.  LEAP develops comprehensive guidance and methodology for understanding the environmental performance of [...]

Case study


Innovations for Inclusive Agricultural Finance and Risk Mitigation Mechanisms. The Case of Tamwil El Fellah in Morocco

The Government’s Green Morocco Plan (Plan Maroc Vert) underlines agriculture’s important role and sets strategies to promote the sector’s development. Despite these efforts, however, important challenges remain. An important one refers to the availability of appropriate financial services for rural actors engaged in agriculture. The average capital required yearly to finance agriculture is estimated at 30 billion Dirhams. The Moroccan banking sector finances only 17 percent of such demand and Credit Agricole du Maroc is responsible for about 80 percent of this share of financing to agriculture. A significant part of the rural population composed of poorer households continues to [...]



Tool for Designing, Monitoring and Evaluation Land Administration Programmes in Latin America

The main focus of this tool is to provide methodological and instrumental frameworks for assessment of the impact of LAPs on Land Administration Institutions (LAI) and their users (module 2), territorial entities such as indigenous communities and territories (module 3) and households directly benefiting from the programmes (module 4). It also contains information for the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Analysis of LAPs (module 5). See the introduction of the LAP tool.

Case study


Ukraine. Water Along the Food Chain. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Investment Centre (IC) Division, is assisting the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in its goal to improve the impact of future EBRD agribusiness investments regarding water efficiency. To this end, in 2013, a joint FAO/EBRD project entitled “Water along the food chain” was initiated in four pilot countries – Ukraine, Turkey, Jordan and Kyrgyz Republic. The specific objectives of this project are four-fold: (i) conduct selected analyses of water efficiency along the food chain to inform EBRD’s agribusiness investment decisions; (ii) identify potential agribusiness clients for [...]



Bangladesh: Socio-economic context and role of agriculture (Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends)

How have governments responded to the 2007/08 food crisis and how has their approach evolved since then? Which measures have gained the attention of national policy makers in recent years? What are the emerging issues in the context of national food security policy, and which areas of investigation should be considered further? The new series of country fact sheets launched by FAPDA attempt to answer these questions presenting key food and agriculture policy trends since the 2007/08 food security crisis. FAPDA country fact sheets are prepared in collaboration with national partners and FAO country and regional offices. Each fact sheet provides a [...]



Asia Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor

The Asia Pacfiic Food Price and Policy Monitor (APFPPM) is a monthly report tasked to monitor food prices in local markets and provide readers with up to date food/agricultural policy developments across the Asia Pacific region. See all Asia Pacific Food Price and Policy Monitor issues



Strengthening of Fishery data bases in Central Africa: TCP/SFC/3501

Strengthening of statistical systems for fishery in Central Africa There is a widely recognized need of strengthening statistical and information systems for fisheries in Central Africa in order to support the process of managing maritime fishing resources in a sustainable manner. To meet these needs, the project aims to strengthen national capacities of data collection on fisheries, to develop and implement databases as well as to develop an information exchange system on a sub-regional level which will be compatible with national information systems. Duration: 01/05/2014  - 01/11/2016



Support for Responsible Land and Natural Resource: GCP/KEN/077/EC

Ensuring fairer access to land for Kenyan pastoralist communities Rapid population growth in Kenya has led to increased demand and competition for land and the goods and services associated with it. With research showing that effective control of land has great influence on people’s capacity to construct livelihoods, overcome poverty and malnutrition and improve food and nutrition security, the project was implemented to support the Government of Kenya in its efforts to provide more equitable access to land resources for communities in two pilot areas of the country, Tana River and Turkana counties. This was to be achieved using existing national and global [...]