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Governing tenure rights to commons. Governance of tenure technical guide 8

This Technical Guide on Governing Tenure Rights to Commons aims to support states, community-based organizations and civil society organizations, the private sector and other relevant actors to take proactive measures to implement the standards and recommendations of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests. This Technical Guide is now also available in Chinese, French and Spanish. 



Improving governance of pastoral lands. Governance of Tenure Technical Guide 6

This publication sheds light on the inherent challenges pastoralists face, the shortcomings of governments in securing pastoral tenure, and the emerging examples of success and progress from around the world.  Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese and Russian



Strengthening of Fishery data bases in Central Africa: TCP/SFC/3501

Strengthening of statistical systems for fishery in Central Africa There is a widely recognized need of strengthening statistical and information systems for fisheries in Central Africa in order to support the process of managing maritime fishing resources in a sustainable manner. To meet these needs, the project aims to strengthen national capacities of data collection on fisheries, to develop and implement databases as well as to develop an information exchange system on a sub-regional level which will be compatible with national information systems. Duration: 01/05/2014  - 01/11/2016

Issue paper


Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Fisheries and Aquaculture

This fact sheet presents an overview of current gender equality and women’s empowerment issues in the fisheries sector. Women’s engagement in fisheries can be viewed from social, political and technical perspectives, all of which show that the role of women is often underestimated. This inadequate recognition of women’s contributions hampers the sustainable development process, resulting in increased poverty and food insecurity. This fact sheet provides information on policy, institutions and planning processes; statistical dimensions in gender analysis; and specific concerns in the field of fisheries industries. It identifies lessons learned and opportunities for gender mainstreaming at macro, meso and microoperational levels. The information provided does not represent an exhaustive analysis of the subject, [...]

Issue paper


Exploring the Human Rights-Based Approach in the Context of the Implementation and Monitoring of the SSF Guidelines. Workshop Proceedings

The SSF Guidelines are based on internationally accepted human rights standards and are to be interpreted and implemented in accordance with those standards. Their objectives are to be met through the promotion of a human rights-based approach (HRBA). This approach seeks to ensure the participation of small-scale fishing communities in nondiscriminatory, transparent and accountable decision-making processes by putting particular emphasis on the needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups and developing countries. While the HRBA has been recognized by FAO as a principle that informs the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects, there is still limited experience in its practical application in the context of small-scale [...]



Towards Gender-Equitable Small-Scale Fisheries. Proceedings of the “Expert workshop on gender-equitable small-scale fisheries in the context of the implementation of the SSF Guidelines”. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings 54

The Expert Workshop on gender-equitable small-scale fisheries in the context of the implementation of the SSF Guidelines was held on 28-30 November 2016 in FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. In keeping with the need expressed by various stakeholders during capacity development on the SSF Guidelines, it was considered important to develop gender guidance to support the application of the SSF Guidelines. It was therefore decided that a Gender Implementation Guide be developed to enhance the understanding of the gender dimensions of small-scale fisheries and support gender equitable small-scale fisheries. Within this context, the Expert Workshop aimed at presenting and discussing a [...]

Training & e-learning


Responsible Governance of Tenure: How to Monitor and Promote Policy Changes on Governance of Tenure

The course provides guidance on some of the main issues to consider when implementing a monitoring activity: from how to select the most appropriate approach or to identify the best data sources for monitoring to how to effectively communicate the results of the monitoring activity to maximize its effect on policy change. Who is the course for?The different professionalsinvolved in monitoring of governance of tenure, and in particular representatives of civil society and non-governmental organizations, can find in this course indications on the main issues to consider before implementing a monitoring initiative. Language: English See all courses at the FAO e-learning centre

Training & e-learning


Responsible Governance of Tenure: Addressing Disputes and Conflicts Over the Tenure of Natural Resources

This course provides guidance on managing competition over the use of land, fisheries and forests. It introduces a process for analyzing the underlying causes of disputes and conflicts. It also illustrates a range of dispute resolution mechanisms and options for policy and legal reforms to prevent disputes and reduce vulnerability to conflict. Whote is the course for? The curriculum primarily addresses “change agents” - i.e. people who can have a direct impact by introducing changes in how tenure is governed. They include national policy makers and administrators, surveyors, trainers, legal support providers, civil society and non-governmental organizations, advocacy, control and monitoring professionals.  Language: English, French and Spanish See all [...]

Issue paper


Scoping Study on Decent Work and Employment in Fisheries and Aquaculture: Issues and Actions for Discussion and Programming

Worldwide small-scale fishers, boat crew members, fish-processors, fish traders and fish processing workers face serious labour related challenges specifically linked to the nature of the sector, including prevailing informality, seasonality, remoteness and hazardous nature of work. Inadequate knowledge and skills make many fishers dependent on unpaid family labour including those of women and children. Where labour regulation exist are of difficult application. The study explores wide-ranging decent work concerns in fisheries and aquaculture sector with the objective to inform and guide FAO programming and partnering with governments, civil society organizations, private sector and other UN organizations in promoting decent working conditions along [...]

Training & e-learning


End Child Labour in Agriculture

The course is designed to raise awareness and build knowledge among agricultural stakeholders about the importance of addressing child labour in agriculture, including livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture. It aims to build specific skills, depending on work-related responsibilities and tasks and/or interests, by providing concrete ideas and guidance that can be applied in real life agricultural policy and programming situations. Duration: 12 hours