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Issue paper


Mountain agriculture. Opportunities for harnessing Zero Hunger in Asia

Why does mountain agriculture deserve special attention in a Zero Hunger context? Firstly, because hunger remains common in many mountainous areas. While on a global scale, food insecurity has tended to go down, mountain dwellers have fared worse than people living in plains. Secondly, because mountains cover a large part of the world, especially in Asia: the continent hosts more than one-third of the world’s mountains. Many Asian countries are dominated by mountains: for instance, nearly the entire land area in Bhutan is mountainous, and Lao PDR has 89 percent of its land area classified as mountainous or upland – [...]



Situación rural de América Latina y el Caribe con 2 grados de calentamiento. 2030 Alimentación, agricultura y desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe. Documento nº 10

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text will also discuss the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.  



Earth Observation — Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS)

The software programme for calculating the Agricultural Stress Index (ASI) was developed by the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) based on a methodology proposed by FAO CBC. VITO also developed the processing chains used to generate the ASI and other quick-look maps available on the online tool. EST-GIEWS is responsible for the global operation of the processing chain.



Climate-smart agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals. Mapping interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs and guidelines for integrated implementation

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets presents a universally accepted and comprehensive framework addressing all aspects and dimensions of sustainability. The integration of the climate-smart agriculture (CSA) approach with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda provides an opportunity to enhance the overall sustainability of CSA results and synergize CSA interventions with other sustainable development efforts.To achieve this integration, a clear understanding of how the CSA implementation process can engage with the 2030 Agenda throughout the five CSA implementation steps is required. Moreover, the interlinkages between CSA objectives and [...]

Data and statistics


Dare to Understand and Measure (DaTUM). A literature review of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) frameworks for Climate-Smart Agriculture

The main objective of this report is to review the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks, tools and guidance documents that are available for climate-smart agriculture (CSA), and in particular for objective (“pillar”) two on adaptation and resilience. The report is a literature review and does not propose a new methodology. It is not an exhaustive list, but summarises the main M&E frameworks. This report represents the first step towards the development of operational guidelines for the design and implementation of national M&E frameworks for CSA, to be developed during the first quarter of 2019. The envisioned operational guidelines will address [...]

Training & e-learning


Climate-Smart Agriculture in action: from concepts to investments. Dedicated Training for Staff of the Islamic Development Bank

In October 2019, the IsDB and FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa partnered to deliver the first Regional Workshop on Climate-Smart Agriculture in the NENA region. The IsDB now aims to ensure that all their offices are aware of CSA and are able to make investments that meaningfully take CSA and its principles into account. In so doing, they aim to enhance the capacity of the agricultural systems to support food security, incorporating the need for adaptation and the potential for mitigation into sustainable agriculture development strategies. FAO is proud to bring the four-day training on [...]



Operational guidelines for the design, implementation and harmonization of monitoring and evaluation systems for climate-smart agriculture

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is recognized as critically important for tracking progress, whether it serves the purpose of accountability to donors, informs future improvements to CSA practices, or contributes to the aggregate global progress toward meeting the SDGs or the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement. There has been a growing chorus acknowledging the need to align the indicators and M&E frameworks of major donors with those of the three global agreements. Monitoring and reporting has begun on the SDGs, although the development of methodologies for various indicators is an evolving process. The development of specific indicators for the agriculture [...]



Food systems at risk − New trends and challenges

The way food systems have evolved over past decades means that they now face major risks, which in turn threaten the future of food systems themselves. Food systems have seriously contributed to climate change, environmental destruction, overexploitation of natural resources and pollution of air, water and soils. Despite the global average improvement in calorie production and major development of the food and agricultural product markets, huge inequalities in food access and repartition of the added value have emerged, leading to new serious nutritional and social problems. Based on a review of the most recent scientific knowledge, this report emphasizes Low-Income [...]

Issue paper


Agro-ecological zones in Punjab, Pakistan

Agriculture contributes approximately one-quarter of provincial gross domestic product (GDP) in the Punjab Province. The provincial share is two-third of the total national agricultural output, leading in major commodities meant for food security in the country. The sector employs roughly 13 million people or 45 percent of the Punjab labor force. However, the overall added value from agriculture in Punjab’s economy is disproportionately low compared to other sectors of the economy. The agricultural sector offers significant opportunities for rapid economic growth and potentially help millions to improve their livelihood. Production and productivity have remained nearly stagnant during the last two decades. [...]

Issue paper


Decision-making and economics of adaptation to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector

With increased international climate finance for adaptation, and the emergence of national adaptation plans and adaptation projects, there is a greater focus on the economic appraisal of adaptation. Economic appraisal is standard practice in public sector investment decisions in many countries, as well as in international development finance and overseas development assistance. It provides support to decision makers to help ensure the appropriate use of public finance, and to assess alternative options available for meeting objectives, by assessing costs, benefits and performance against other decision criteria. This publication reviews available information on the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation [...]