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Voluntary Guidelines on National Forest Monitoring

The voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring aim to present a general framework for the compilation of good practice principles, methodologies and tools for planning and implementing a multi-purpose national forest inventory and to establish long-term forest monitoring systems grounded in sound practice. The guidelines are designed as a technical reference or framework that takesi nto consideration the needs and capacities of member countries. They present the rationale for action, identify roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders and describe the engagement needed to implement a national forest monitoring process. See the flyer  



Social Protection, Emergency Response, Resilience and Climate Change. A New Interactive Learning Tool

Why a game on social protection? This interactive tool facilitates learning on the potential benefits and tradeoffs in linking social protection, resilience and climate change policies at local, national and global level. The tool allows national stakeholders and policymakers to experience first-hand the challenges that smallholder farmers face when dealing with scarce availability of productive assets and deteriorating climate conditions.  This will help participants be better equipped to solve complex problems related to social protection, climate change issues and resilience in an uncertain world. The tool captures the essence of reallife complexity simulating struggles and threats faced by smallholder farmers. It forces participants to make decisions that will have consequences; and with that [...]



Toolkit for the Application of Green Negotiated Territorial Development. Land and Water Division Working Paper 16b

The GreeNTD is based on a socio-ecological territorial development methodology that supports a wide stakeholder’s engagement in seeking progressive territorial consensus through a holistic, bottom-up and negotiated vision. The final objective is to get an agreed, socially legitimate and sustainable use and management of natural resources whilst safeguarding the ecosystem, current and future. The proposed methods and tools are thought to facilitate the potential users in the implementation of the approach and to facilitate the application of the agreement. The toolkit presents a set of tools to be used in various steps of the territorial development interventions within the GreeNTD [...]



Recomendaciones de Política Pública para Enfrentar el Cambio Climático y la Vulnerabilidad de la Seguridad Alimentaria. Resumen Ejecutivo

This publication gives recommendations (e.g. improving water management and infrastructure, strengthening resilience and consolidating institutional capacity) to tackle the negative impacts of climate change and food insecurity on rural households.



FAO Strategy on Climate Change

Climate change is a top corporate priority for FAO. Through this newly-endorsed Strategy on Climate Change, FAO aims to enhance the institutional and technical capacities of Member States, improve the integration of food security, agriculture, forestry and fisheries within the international climate agenda and strengthen the internal coordination and delivery of FAO’s work.



Community of Practice (CoP) on Food Loss Reduction

The Community of Practice (CoP) on food loss reduction acts as a global convener integrating knowledge related to reducing post-harvest losses. The CoP provides a platform to facilitate linking and sharing of information among stakeholders, relevant networks, projects and programmes. Background information found on the CoP website includes relevant news, events, online discussions, resources and links to partners. The CoP website also provides a dynamic platform that facilitates the sharing and coordination of information. The CoP is part of a worldwide effort to mobilise stakeholders and help reduce food losses and waste. Once registered members can take part in the [...]



Transversal Support to the European Union Land Governance Programme

This brochure is produced on the occasion of the 5th Capitalization Meeting held in Addis Ababa from 30 May - 01 June 2017. The Project involves supporting 14 countries in Africa to implement EU Funded projects implementing the VGGT. Transversal Support provides a platform for project implementers and partners to increase project compliance with international standards and to benefit from technical guidance, capacity development and possibilities for exchange among practitioners.  



Forest and Farm Facility Initiative for Climate-Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods 2018-2022

Since 2013, the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) has been empowering forest and farm producers and their organizations, the “missing links” that are needed to put the SDGs and NDCs into practice. Evidence from the last four years and strong demand for FFF support from FFPOs and governments in more than 50 countries worldwide has shaped our proposed Phase II. The goal of Phase II of the FFF is to support forest and farm producers and their organizations to enable ‘Climate Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods.’ This brochure gives the highlights of the FFF Phase II proposal.



Social Protection in the Sahel and West Africa. Strengthening Resilience for Food Security and Nutrition

The brief aims at summarizing the efforts of FAO to maximize the impacts of social protection interventions in the Sahel and West Africa by strengthening the linkages with resilience, food security, nutrition and economic growth; ensuring the effective reach of most vulnerable households and making national social protection programmes risk-informed and shock-responsive.



National Adaptation Plan (NAP). Guidelines for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Supplement to the LEG NAP Technical Guidelines

The Addressing agriculture, forestry and fisheries in National Adaptation Plans – Supplementary guidelines (referred to as the NAP-Ag Guidelines) responds to a call by the Least Developed Group (LEG) of the UNFCCC, inviting international actors to draft sectorial guidelines to the UNFCCC NAP Technical Guidelines.  The NAP-Ag Guidelines aim to support developing countries in: reducing vulnerability of the agriculture sectors to the impacts of climate change by building adaptive capacities and resilience; addressing agriculture in the formulation and implementation of NAPs; and enhancing the integration of adaptation in agricultural development policies, progammes and plans. The NAP-Ag Guidelines outline four elements and related steps for preparing [...]