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Appui à la création d’observatoires des agricultures du monde au Sénégal et en Tunisie

Les exploitations agricoles font l’objet d’analyses statutaires et structurelles classiques qui ne permettent pas de rendre compte de la diversité de ces systèmes de production, encore moins de leurs spécificités et des disparités régionales. Au Sénégal comme en Tunisie, les institutions chargées de la collecte des données, de la formulation et de l’analyse des politiques ne disposent pas encore d’une connaissance fine et de référentiels de la diversité des exploitations agricoles et de leurs transformations. Le projet devait permettre de développer et de tester une proposition de système d’information de type «Observatoire». Available only in French



Pulses. A nutrient powerhouse to combat malnutrition

Pulses are a sub group of legumes with extraordinary nutritional and environmental benefits. Pulses are rich in proteins, in comparison with other plant-based protein sources and hence, act as major protein sources for vegetarians and in regions where meat and dairy are not physically or economically accessible. Pulses have a greater genetic diversity than the other crops, with many varieties of pulses resistant to floods, drought and other extreme and marginal environmental conditions.   Considering the benefits of pulses, the Government of Sri Lanka has initiated several programmes to promote pulses to address micronutrient deficiencies, which are widespread, particularly among nutritionally vulnerable [...]



Linking Nationally Determined Contributions and the Sustainable Development Goals through agriculture . A methodological framework

This paper identifies potential “climate action-sustainable development pathways” spanning 17 major agricultural climate action categories and the 17 SDG targets. The aim of this mapping exercise is to explore the extent to which the two agendas are aligned for the prioritization of those climate actions that have the potential to co-deliver on the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda. As the window of opportunity is closing to bridge the emission gap and adapt to climate change before it is too late, the inter-linked and mutually reinforcing climate and sustainable development agendas present a natural framework for designing policies that leverage synergies [...]



Kenya. High aquaculture growth needed to improve food security and nutrition

The publication is a policy brief jointly prepared by FAO, IFAD and Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) with the primary aim of raising awareness of the importance and potential of aquaculture development in Kenya for improving the country's food security and nutition status. The brief has been reviewed by a number of experts from the member country government, private sector, academic community, and international organizations (FAO and IFAD).  Key messages of the brief include: • Kenya’s food security and nutrition status has much room to improve. • Fish is a vital source of essential macro- and micronutrients that can play an [...]



Promoting alternatives to migration for rural youth in Ethiopia and Tunisia

Poverty, food insecurity and a lack of employment opportunities drive many young men and women around the world to search for jobs elsewhere. In Africa, where youth underemployment and unemployment rates are particularly high, many young people move away from rural areas, also because they do not perceive agriculture as an attractive and remunerative sector. The project aimed to address the adverse drivers of migration in two target countries, Tunisia and Ethiopia, which are particularly prone to rural outmigration of youth, while at the same time harnessing the development potential of migratory movements. In particular, the project focused on the [...]



Boosting food security through development of climate-resilient agriculture in Nepal

The Government of Nepal prioritized a package of Green Climate Fund (GCF) initiatives to address both immediate and longer-term climate change risks posed to critical ecosystems and the most vulnerable communities in the country.  As part of this package, a Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA) proposal and supporting documentation was to be prepared and submitted to the GCF. The development impact of the activities in rural communities in the target geographical regions of the CRA proposal was expected to enhance climate resilience, sustainable livelihoods and the food and nutrition security of vulnerable farming communities, while decreasing emissions and increasing sequestration of carbon in [...]

Case study


Disaster risk reduction at farm level. Multiple benefits, no regrets

This report presents the findings of a multi-year FAO study undertaken on over 900 farms in ten different countries that measured, using field data, benefits gained through the use of innovative farming practices designed to boost the resilience of farmers in the face of natural disasters and other shocks. Its findings show that the use of good disaster risk reduction practices offer significant economic gains at the household level, and also that – because they are usually low-cost and easily implemented – they hold significant potential for reducing disaster risks at the national and regional scales as well. These results [...]



Investing in smallholder agriculture for food security and nutrition

This policy brief highlights the recommendations on "Investing in Smallholder Agriculture for Food Security and Nutrition", endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), 40th Session 2013. 



Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Management in the Agriculture Sector and Food and Nutrition Security in Latin America and the Caribbean (2018 - 2030)

A regional strategy developed by technical officers from Ministries of Agriculture of CELAC countries and its PPT in El Salvador with technical assistance from FAO and UNISDR to improve disaster risk management in agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean through a a collaborative approach between countries. It was approved during CELAC’s IV Ministerial Meeting on Family Farming and Rural Development, held on 12 and 13 December 2017 in San Salvador, El Salvador. The Strategy seeks to contribute to the CELAC Plan for Food and Nutrition Security and the Eradication of Hunger 2025 (FNS-CELAC Plan). Specifically, to its fourth pillar on [...]



Strengthening pineapple production for farmers in Vanuatu

In the aftermath of the devastating Cyclone Pam in 2015, the Government of Vanuatu intensified its support to the fruit and vegetable sector. Pineapple was identified as being particularly resilient to severe weather and as having excellent production and market potential. However, the lack of knowledge among farmers and agribusinesses on how to grow sustainably and profitably and how to add value to pineapples made it necessary to strengthen capacity in the sector. The project targeted both the public and private sectors, with a view to helping farmers to produce and sell fresh and processed pineapple products on Vanuatu’s domestic market. Find [...]