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The future of food and agriculture. Alternative pathways to 2050

This report explores three different scenarios for the future of food and agriculture, based on alternative trends for key drivers, including income growth and distribution, population growth, technical progress and climate change. Building on the report The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges, this publication forms part of FAO’s efforts to support evidence-based decision-making processes. It provides solid qualitative and quantitative analysis and sheds light on possible strategic options to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating hunger, improving nutrition and ensuring economic, social and environmental sustainability of food and agricultural systems. Find out more: Report summary FAO Website: Global Perspectives [...]



Review of agricultural trade policies in the post-Soviet countries, 2016-2017: Summary report

This publication provides an overview and analysis of the trends in agricultural trade and trade policies in the post-Soviet countries. The annual review serves to enhance transparency in agricultural trade policy measures, contributing to more stable and effective trade in the Europe and Central Asia region.



Review of agricultural trade policies in the post-Soviet countries, 2016-2017 [Russian]

This report provides an overview and analysis of the trends in agricultural trade and trade policies in the post-Soviet countries between 2016 and 2017. The annual review serves to enhance transparency in agricultural trade policy measures, contributing to more stable and effective trade in the Europe and Central Asia region.



How to use the WTO instruments in the interests of agribusiness: A guide [Russian]

This publication provides a broad set of trade and WTO transparency instruments that can be used to improve market-access opportunities in agribusiness.



National programs and strategies in support of agri-food exports in the post-Soviet countries [Russian]

The review consolidates information in relation to the export support programs and systems within post-Soviet countries.



Shaping the future of livestock. Sustainably, responsibly, efficiently

Livestock are terrestrial, domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to provide traction or produce commodities such as meat, milk, eggs and hides. They contribute to diverse agri-food systems globally, playing many roles for different groups of people. From the perspective of the sustainability of the global livestock sector, there are four important and interrelated aspects: food and nutrition security; livelihoods and growth; health and animal welfare; and climate and natural resource use. Sustainable livestock are at the interface of these four topics, which provide the structure of the breakout sessions in the 10th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture. This [...]



Climate change for forest policy-makers. An approach for integrating climate change into national forest policy in support of sustainable forest management – Version 2.0

The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation is now widely recognized. Forests contribute significantly to climate change mitigation through their carbon sink and carbon storage functions. They play an essential role in reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing adaptation of people and ecosystems to climate change and climate variability, the negative impacts of which are becoming increasingly evident in many parts of the world.  In many countries climate change issues have not been fully addressed in national forest policies, forestry mitigation and adaptation needs at national level have not been thoroughly considered in national climate change strategies, and cross-sectoral [...]

Training & e-learning


How to conduct a nutrition situation analysis

This 3-hour course is part of a series of e-learning modules on Nutrition and Food Systems, which aims to develop capacities for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies, strategies, plans and programmes. It will guide you through the steps of a nutrition situation analysis. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify all the information required to conduct a nutrition situation analysis, know where to get this information, and understand how to analyse it to make sense of the situation.      



The Gender and Rural Advisory Services Assessment Tool

FAO’s Gender and Rural Advisory Services Assessment Tool (GRAST)  is designed to support providers of rural advisory services in their efforts to develop gender-sensitive programmes. By undertaking a gender assessment of rural advisory services at policy, organizational and individual levels, GRAST provides entry points for improving the gender-responsiveness of the design and delivery of advisory services in a truly transformative manner. Its ultimate objective is to ensure that rural advisory services respond to the needs and priorities of both rural women and men and that, as a consequence, they can equally access to and benefit from these services.   



National programs and strategies in support of agri-food exports in post-Soviet countries

This review focuses on the various aspects of post-Soviet countries' policies in support of agri-food products export. The report contains an analysis of agricultural exports of these countries in recent years.   This includes the latest initiatives in the field of stimulating food supplies to the foreign market are considered, and the national legislation promoting exports is described. Moreover, the review consolidates information in relation to the export support systems within post-Soviet countries, including governmental institutions, state export support agencies and non-governmental institutions. The report also evaluates the key instruments and measures for agricultural exports promotion in countries of the region, [...]