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Issue paper


Territorial Tools for Agro-Industry Development. A Sourcebook

Territorial approaches to foster agro-industrial investment at local, country and regional levels are becoming increasingly relevant as policy-makers acknowledge the influence of place-specific factors – the endowment of natural and other productive resources together with social, institutional and knowledge capital. As a consequence, a number of instruments to attract agro-industrial investments into specific locations are becoming mainstream, namely agrobased corridors, clusters and special economic zones, as well as agro-industrial parks and incubators. This sourcebook appraises these instruments and considers their nature and objectives, their potential benefits and challenges and the approaches used to implement them. It also examines the practices that have led to both successful and unsuccessful outcomes. The [...]



Options for Reducing Fertilizer Prices for Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania (MAFAP). Policy Report

This technical report reviews issues related to fertilizers access in Tanzania and identify policy options that would enable smallholder farmers to continue to access fertilizer at reasonable prices, also in the absence of subsidies. Where possible, the options have been assessed against their potential impact on input cost reduction; the implications for the government budget, mostly in qualitative terms; and the time and coordination required for their implementation. The report recommends to consider a balanced package of options to address the aspects currently undermining the effectiveness and efficiency of the fertilizer sector with a view to increase access to and [...]



Forest and Farm Facility Initiative for Climate-Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods 2018-2022

Since 2013, the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) has been empowering forest and farm producers and their organizations, the “missing links” that are needed to put the SDGs and NDCs into practice. Evidence from the last four years and strong demand for FFF support from FFPOs and governments in more than 50 countries worldwide has shaped our proposed Phase II. The goal of Phase II of the FFF is to support forest and farm producers and their organizations to enable ‘Climate Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods.’ This brochure gives the highlights of the FFF Phase II proposal.



Pluralistic Service Systems Market-Oriented Services for Reducing Rural Poverty

For smallholder agriculture to prosper and transform itself, access to rural services is essential. Rural services that enable smallholders to overcome constraints to increase their productivity, manage their farms as a sustainable business, link to inputs and outputs markets and act collectively to improve their livelihoods are a first line of action to reduce rural poverty. Undoubtedly, improving rural services has long been on the development agenda. Yet, ensuring equitable access to rural services remains a challenge that governments and their development partners need to address to improve rural livelihoods and overcome rural poverty. The pluralistic Market-Oriented Services (MOS) programme [...]

Issue paper


Oilcrops Complex: Policy Changes and Industry Measures, Annual Compendium 2016

The compendium offers an overview of salient government policies and related private sector measures concerning global and national markets for oilcrops and derived products. Its purpose is to facilitate the work of policy makers, market experts, analysts and other interested stakeholders by providing a short, concise overview of policy developments relevant to the sector. Detailed news items are presented in tabular form (in English only), preceded by a brief discussion of the key policy trends observed in the year under review.



Analysis of Public Expenditure Towards Food Security and Nutrition. Methodology Working Paper

Given the prevalence of Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) as a development objective and the importance of appropriately using public resources, the current paper aims to propose a classification table and method to construct indicators of public expenditures towards FSN, which can subsequently be used for policy analysis. The paper follows the following structure: after a brief introduction, the research question is introduced and positioned with respect to related researches available in the literature in section 2. The rationale of the MAFAP public expenditures in support of food and agriculture methodology is detailed in section 3, before being applied to [...]



Cohérence des politiques agricoles et alimentaires au Sénégal pour la période 2010–2015. Série de notes techniques

Cette note s’emploie à évaluer la cohérence des politiques agricoles et alimentaires mises en œuvre au Sénégal entre 2010 et 2015. L’analyse révèle notamment une hausse et un rééquilibrage des dépenses publiques en soutien à la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition. Toutefois, les politiques agricoles et alimentaires du Sénégal continuent de souffrir d’un déficit de cohérence, perceptible à l’échelle du secteur agricole et de ses sous-secteurs. Les cultures végétales jouissent d’une attention prioritaire au détriment de l’élevage et de la pêche, sans pour autant répondre à un objectif politique précis. Les investissements consentis dans les infrastructures de pêche et d’élevage [...]

Case study


Morocco. Adoption of Climate Technologies in the Agrifood Sector. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

Agriculture, deforestation and other land use account for roughly 25 percent of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, 2014). When the share of industry related to agriculture is included, the agriculture sector is an even greater contributor to climate change. It is thus crucial to identify technologies and practices that ensure a high and sustainable level of agricultural production while reducing GHG emissions from the sector. This report pilots a methodology developed to identify and assess a number of climate technologies that can contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions in a country’s agrifood sector. The analysis also suggests relevant policy areas that should be evaluated to incentivise the [...]



Territorial Tools for Agro-Industry Development. A Sourcebook

Territorial approaches to foster agro-industrial investment at local, country and regional levels are becoming increasingly relevant as policy-makers acknowledge the influence of place-specific factors – the endowment of natural and other productive resources together with social, institutional and knowledge capital. As a consequence, a number of instruments to attract agro-industrial investments into specific locations are becoming mainstream, namely agrobased corridors, clusters and special economic zones, as well as agro-industrial parks and incubators.  This sourcebook appraises these instruments and considers their nature and objectives, their potential benefits and challenges and the approaches used to implement them. It also examines the practices that have led to both successful and unsuccessful outcomes. The [...]



Analyse des dépenses publiques en soutien à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Sénégal sur la période 2010–2015. Série de notes techniques

Cette note technique a pour objectif d’analyser l’évolution des dépenses publiques en soutien à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle (SAN) au Sénégal. Son ambition est de livrer une analyse détaillée du niveau, de la composition et de la cohérence des dépenses en soutien à la SAN dans le pays, en identifiant des possibilités d’amélioration dans la formulation et l’exécution de ces dépenses. Elle s’emploie tout particulièrement à déterminer si les dépenses en soutien à la SAN ont été allouées de manière cohérente par rapport aux objectifs du Gouvernement (efficience verticale) d’une part, et par rapport au diagnostic d’insécurité alimentaire et [...]