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Managing climate risks through social protection

FAO recognizes that those living in rural areas whose livelihoods depend heavily on natural resources, are disproportionately affected by climate risks because of their great likelihood of living in high-risk geographical locations as well as their high vulnerability to, and limited capacity to cope with, climate hazards due to low incomes, lack of savings, weaker social networks, low asset bases and heavy reliance on agriculture and natural resources. Protecting poor and vulnerable small scale producers from the negative impacts of climate risks is an imperative in order to reach FAO’s strategic objectives and achieve Sustainable development goal one and two. Managing [...]



FAO’s work on climate change - United Nations Climate Change Conference 2019

This publication brings together FAO’s current data on climate change and proposes actions to promote sustainable agriculture and food security, including tools and methodologies to support countries’ climate commitments and action plans. Also available in Spanish and Mandarin.

Case study


Food security and nutrition policy dialogues in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia 2016–2019. A retrospective

This publication is a compendium of the main outcomes of the online stakeholder dialogue organized by the FAO project "Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia”, funded by the Russian Federation, in collaboration with the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum). It presents an overview of the multiple topics that have been discussed from 2017 onwards and provides the reader with a brief introduction to the main elements that emerged during these online consultations. Now also available in Russian.



Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results. Education. Policy Guidance Note 12

This guidance note describes an approach aimed at improving food security and nutrition through education systems, with a specific focus on schools. The note intends to support policy-makers, advisors and other relevant stakeholders in promoting greater coherence between education, agriculture, nutrition and other policies and programmes; particularly, on how the policy agenda for the education sector can be leveraged for better nutrition and food security without compromising its own priorities.

Case study


Mainstreaming sustainable food and agriculture in Egypt - a case study

This case study provides information on Egypt's experience in mainstreaming Sustainable Food and Agriculture to achieve the SDGs. It links it to FAO's vision for sustainable food and agriculture and its 5 key principles.  

Case study


Mainstreaming sustainable food and agriculture in the Republic of Moldova − A case study

This case study provides information on Moldova's experience in mainstreaming Sustainable Food and Agriculture to achieve the SDGs. It links it to FAO's vision for sustainable food and agriculture and its five key principles.



State of Food and Agriculture 2019. Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction

This new edition of the report focuses on food losses and waste, providing new estimates of the world’s food post-harvest up to, but excluding, the retail level. Addressing policy makers, the report also offers a comprehensive analysis of the critical loss points in specific supply chains, thus providing examples on appropriate measures for an effective reduction.



Reinforcing social cohesion and peace in Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia

Along the border of Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia, many communities are ethnically and politically divided. Land is at the heart of social, political and economic life, which makes land disputes and other related issues even more challenging. Tensions and conflict in Liberia, as well as the civil war, created an unstable scenario, where marginalized people increasingly take to demonstrating in cities, and roadblocks and even violence are becoming more common. Within this context, FAO, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) developed this project to promote the stabilization and cohesion of 10 communities along [...]



Strengthening food safety and security in the United Republic of Tanzania

In August 2017, 61 cases of aflatoxin and 17 deaths were reported from five districts in the Dodoma and Manyara regions. The Government took immediate action to investigate the outbreak. Out of the 115 maize samples tested, 52 showed high levels of aflatoxin poisoning that exceeded the World Health Organization’s (WHO) threshold of 5 micrograms per kilogram of cereal and the Tanzania Bureau of Standards’ maximum acceptable limits for maize and groundnut. Maize is the United Republic of Tanzania’s staple food and is also prone to the development of mycotoxins, produced by fungi (e.g. Aspergillus). Aflatoxins can cause acute or [...]



Right to Food Methodological Toolbox

The purpose of the Methodological Toolbox is to provide a practical aid for the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines. It contains a series of analytical, educational and normative tools that offer guidance and hands-on advice on the practical aspects of the right to food. It covers a wide range of topics such as assessment, legislation, education, budgeting and monitoring.  It emphasises the operational aspects of the right to food and contributes to strengthening in-country capacity to implement this right.