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Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chain (EX-ACT VC). Guidelines

This manual explains how to use the EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chain (EX-ACT VC) and how to address a multi-impact appraisal in terms of socio-economic and environmental performance of value chains. These guidelines justify the development of the tool, and introduce its goals for value chain analysis and the step-by-step approach of its modules. Specifically, Chapter 1 discusses the importance of incorporating climate change mitigation and resilience into agricultural production systems. Chapter 2 explains the development of the FAO EX-ACT Value Chain tool, along with its logic and methodology, while Chapter 3 provides a concise overview of its structure. Chapters [...]



Review of agricultural trade policies in the post-Soviet countries, 2015-2016: Summary report

This publication provides an overview and analysis of the trends in agricultural trade and trade policies in the post-Soviet countries. The annual review serves to enhance transparency in agricultural trade policy measures, contributing to more stable and effective trade in the Europe and Central Asia region.



Review of agricultural trade policies in the post-Soviet countries, 2015-2016 [Russian]

This publication provides an overview and analysis of the trends in agricultural trade and trade policies in the post-Soviet countries. The annual review serves to enhance transparency in agricultural trade policy measures, contributing to more stable and effective trade in the Europe and Central Asia region.



The State of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia

While countries in Europe and Central Asia have made significant progress reducing the prevalence of undernourishment, 14.3 million people still experience severe food insecurity. Malnutrition – in one or more of its three main forms – is present throughout the region. Demand for food is growing, consumption patterns are changing and urbanization is accelerating. The effects of climate change pose considerable challenges to agricultural production. The Sustainable Development Goals provide a fra mework for assessing and tackling these challenges and monitoring progress. Currently only a few countries have policy frameworks that address all four pillars of food security – availability, [...]

Training & e-learning


Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture

This is a training course on multisectoral approach to sustainable food and agriculture. It examines the challenges facing agriculture and food production systems and presents a common vision and coordinated approach towards sustainable food and agriculture developed through intensive consultations and discussions among agriculture specialists. It illustrates in detail the five key principles that allow the transition toward a more sustainable and productive agriculture, highlighting examples of strategies, policies and technologies and explaining several sustainability frameworks and programmes which can underpin the efforts towards the implementation of sustainability in food and agriculture.  



The Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA)

The Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) initiative promotes evidence-based decision making by collecting and disseminating information on policy decisions and frameworks through a freely accessible web-based tool. It was developedduring the 2008 food price crisis, within the framework of the Initiative on Soaring Food Prices (ISFP), with the objective to map the policy responses by FAO country members to mitigate the crisis effects. After 2009, the scope was expanded to include medium- and long-term policy decisions in food and agriculture to fill the knowledge gap on policy design and implementation.   



Policy Measures for managing quality and reducing postharvest losses in fresh produce supply chain in South Asian countries

Smallholders and traders are key stakeholders in fruit and vegetable supply chains supplying local mass markets across South Asian countries. Training these stakeholders and introducing simple technical innovations into these supply chains can dramatically improve the quality and shelf-life of fresh produce and reduce losses, thereby generating economic benefits for producers, supply chain stakeholders and consumers as well as improving nutrition. Consequently, greater support is called for to a ddress the challenges faced in traditional supply chains. This policy brief aims to provide information on applying the principles of post-harvest management of fruit and vegetable supply chains for quality and [...]



Guidance Notes. Forced migration and protracted crises: A multilayered approach

This note focuses on the topic of forced migration in protracted crises, presenting the challenges and some possible approaches to address root causes of forced migration and support displaced and host populations, illustrated by case studies from FAO’s interventions in such contexts. Improved food security, sustainable agricultural practices, access to and management of natural resources, employment and social protection benefits are key in supporting populations affected by displacement and to  ease the strain on host communities. Although forced migration poses many challenges, the long-lasting presence of forcibly displaced can create opportunities for local economies and bring skills, capital and connectivity [...]



Turning Nationally Determined Contributions into action

This brief summarizes FAO’s analysis of NDCs and provides an overview of how the Organization, through policy processes, capacity development and technical interventions on the ground, supports the implementation of NDCs in the agriculture sectors. 



Tracking adaptation in agriculture sectors

Tracking adaptation processes and outcomes is a continuous process which also encompasses monitoring and evaluation – one of the important elements of the climate change adaptation. A detailed review of existing literature on adaptation tracking tools showed a number of challenges and limitations related to their application in agricultural sectors. Though some of the tools are technically sound, practical use is constrained by non-availability of adequate baseline data and information. In addit ion, several of these frameworks are individual project specific, complex and thus seldom contribute to better informed policy level decisions and adaptation planning.  This paper outlines the importance [...]