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Shaping the future of livestock. Sustainably, responsibly, efficiently

Livestock are terrestrial, domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to provide traction or produce commodities such as meat, milk, eggs and hides. They contribute to diverse agri-food systems globally, playing many roles for different groups of people. From the perspective of the sustainability of the global livestock sector, there are four important and interrelated aspects: food and nutrition security; livelihoods and growth; health and animal welfare; and climate and natural resource use. Sustainable livestock are at the interface of these four topics, which provide the structure of the breakout sessions in the 10th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture. This [...]



Leaving No One Behind: How Blue Growth can benefit women, youth, indigenous groups and migrants

The FAO Blue Growth Initiative (BGI) can contribute to resilient communities to maintain and preserve cultural heritage through sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management for Indigenous Peoples. The Blue Growth Initiative seeks to balance the sustainable management of aquatic resources with economic and social benefits for local communities through traditional knowledge and practices, capacity development and knowledge sharing, food security and nutritional benefits, and an increased voice in resource management and policymaking. Blue Growth will support Indigenous Peoples in achieving the 2030 Agenda across multiple SDGs and targets. This infographic will highlight targetted regional facts on Indigenous management and benefits derived [...]



Achieving Blue Growth. Building vibrant fisheries and aquaculture communities

Fisheries and aquaculture support the livelihoods of millions of people around the world. In rural and coastal communities they often play a key role for a society’s culture and identity. As these communities know well, fish is also a healthy and nutritious food, with the potential to feed our growing planet. But as the population grows, the demand for fish increases, and our natural resources are increasingly stressed. Sustainable management and development is crucial to preserving these resources for future generations.  Like the Green Economy principles that preceded it, FAO’s Blue Growth Initiative emphasizes the three pillars of sustainable development – [...]

Data and statistics


FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Datasets

A repository of national and thematic food composition tables, completed by an online library of methodological guidelines and user guides. It was first compiled in 1988 and most recently updated in 2018.   

Training & e-learning


How to conduct a nutrition situation analysis

This 3-hour course is part of a series of e-learning modules on Nutrition and Food Systems, which aims to develop capacities for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies, strategies, plans and programmes. It will guide you through the steps of a nutrition situation analysis. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify all the information required to conduct a nutrition situation analysis, know where to get this information, and understand how to analyse it to make sense of the situation.      

Forums and community of practice


Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) is an online platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue on food security and nutrition. The FSN Forum allows registered users to engage in policy dialogue and knowledge sharing on food security and nutrition. FSN Forum contributes to inclusiveness and innovation in policy-making. The forum is updated daily.     



Guide de sélection des projets agricoles dans un contexte de migration

This guide was developed as part of the "Youth Mobility, Food Security and Poverty Reduction"(RYM) project implemented by FAO with funding from the Italian Cooperation. The document is aimed to public and private organizations wishing to select agricultural projects with criteria to ensure compliance with all requirements of form and quality. The guide presents the selection process of agricultural projects for individuals and producer's organizations in the perspective of supporting youth mobility, food security and poverty reduction. The approach is based on 3 levels of evaluation (bidder profile, quality and form of the project, and interview with the bidder).    

Data and statistics


Food and agriculture projections to 2050

This database contains projections used for the preparation of the report "The future of food and agriculture – Alternative pathways to 2050". It disseminates foresight analyses of food and agricultural systems and provides access to country-level information on FAO projections.   Data from 2012 to 2050 in five-year intervals is available for visualization and download at country level by scenario and where applicable, by commodity or animal species. Data is organized in thematic domains, such as macro variables and indicators, crop and animal production, market balances by commodity, food security indicators and greenhouse gas emissions.  

Issue paper


Food systems for an urbanizing world

“Food Systems for an Urbanizing World” is the outcome of a collaborative effort between the World Bank (WB) Global Practice for Food and Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). it addresses a growing global concern regarding food availability and consumption patterns in an ever increasing urbanized world. Our increasingly urbanizing world carries tremendous implications for food systems and for their evolution, management and performance. Urban food issues are a critical dimension of an integrated urban-rural development agenda, contributing to multiple outcomes that are key to meeting the World Bank Group’s twin goals of boosting shared [...]

Issue paper


FAO’s role in humanitarian contexts. Saving lives through stronger, more resilient livelihoods in 2018

After decades of progress, hunger is on the rise again. The figures from The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017 report show an increase in the absolute number of people affected by chronic hunger and a rise in the global prevalence of undernourishment. Globally, the number of chronically malnourished people is estimated to have increased to 815 million from 777 million in 2015. In 2017, four countries faced a very real threat of famine and many more saw increasing numbers of people facing severe hunger. Protecting livelihoods by providing emergency agricultural assistance from the onset of a [...]