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Issue paper


A multi-billion-dollar opportunity – Repurposing agricultural support to transform food systems

Public support mechanisms for agriculture in many cases hinder the transformation towards healthier, more sustainable, equitable, and efficient food systems, thus actively steering us away from meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the Paris Agreement.This report sets out the compelling case for repurposing harmful agricultural producer support to reverse this situation, by optimizing the use of scarce public resources, strengthening economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately driving a food systems transformation that can support global sustainable development commitments.The report provides policymakers with an updated estimate of past and current agricultural producer support for 88 countries, projected [...]

Issue paper


Climate finance in the agriculture and land use sector - global and regional trends between 2000 and 2018

Climate finance is a fundamental element of the global development agenda and has been accelerating in recent years. Yet between 2000 and 2018 the share of global climate finance in the agriculture and land-use sector has decreased, passing from an average of 45 percent of the total flows at the beginning of the millennium, to 24 percent in 2013 where it has since stayed. The total sum of contributions to the agriculture and land-use sector between 2000 and 2018 amounted to USD 122 billion, representing 26 percent of the global climate finance flows to all sectors.This report aims to increase [...]

Case study


Future proofing agriculture systems. Circular sanitation economies for more resilient and sustainable food systems

The Food and Agriculture Organizationof the United Nations (FAO) and the Toilet Board Coalition (TBC) have collaborated on this piece of work to shine a light on the benefits and rationale for agricultural systems, and the local and national contexts in which they operate, to champion circular sanitation economies and the products coming from them.This paper focuses on discussing the entry points of circular sanitation economies for the agriculture sector and the role they can play to meet the expected increase in population, urbanisation and global food demand.The business case section of the paper highlights the growing role of the [...]



Mejorando la gobernanza del agua en territorios agrícolas de países andinos con escasez hídrica

Se proponen cinco mensajes claves relativos a ámbitos de mejora de la gobernanza del agua en territorios agrícolas, a partir de un análisis de contexto (FAO, otras agencias ONU, otras fuentes), el desarrollo de los planteamientos sobre las oportunidades de mejora, la síntesis de los aprendizajes de los casos de estudio en Chile, Perú y Bolivia, así como el resumen de las intervenciones de representantes de instituciones gubernamentales, ONGs, la academia y la FAO en el diálogo subregional de septiembre 2020 sobre los casos de estudio:     La profundización de los ajustes en la institucionalidad     La adaptación de los instrumentos de [...]



The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 (SOFI 2021). Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all

In recent years, several major drivers have put the world off track to ending world hunger and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. The challenges have grown with the COVID-19 pandemic and related containment measures. This report presents the first global assessment of food insecurity and malnutrition for 2020 and offers some indication of what hunger might look like by 2030 in a scenario further complicated by the enduring effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also includes new estimates of the cost and affordability of healthy diets, which provide an important link between the food security and nutrition indicators [...]

Training & e-learning


Nutrition Capacity Development web section

FAO is actively supporting regional and country capacities to shape food systems that enable healthy diets. Developing appropriate food systems policies and actions entails improving governments' and non-State actors' capacities for carrying out the necessary actions. To achieve this goal, FAO has developed a Capacity Development Roadmap in support of the revised Vision and Strategy for FAO's Work in Nutrition (FAO's Nutrition Strategy). The Roadmap will steer the capacity development activities by addressing current gaps and leveraging opportunities.



Food systems and nutrition. Handbook for parliamentarians N°32

Parliamentarians are agents of change, and their role is critical to ensure a world where all people are eating healthy diets from sustainable, inclusive, and resilient agri-food systems. Members of the Parliament hold a strategic position as they can shape policies and actions for improving food availability, accessibility, and affordability for all people, especially the most vulnerable, to ensure their food security and good nutrition for health and wellbeing. Objectives that are more important than ever in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic.This handbook is addressed to Parliamentarians to support them in adopting domestic legislation, approving budget allocations, and [...]



National Framework for One Health

A framework to implement the One Health approach at the national level may facilitate its implementation and assist national authorities in addressing the agenda of (i) enhancing national capacity for zoonotic diseases and AMR for prevention, detection and response; and (ii) improving joint coordination and collaboration between major stakeholders for control of zoonoses and AMR.With this objective, FAO has developed a National Framework for One Health to assist national authorities in initiating steps to strengthen efforts towards the control of AMR and disease in a comprehensive manner through collaborative activities among various sectors. The framework has been developed through extensive [...]



Oilcrops complex – Policy changes and industry measures/ Filière oléagineuses - Évolution des politiques et des mesures sectorielles/Sector oleaginosas: cambios de políticas y de medidas del sector industrial. Annual compendium – 2020/Recueil annuel -2020

The 2020 compendium offers an overview of salient government policies and related private sector measures concerning global and national markets for oilcrops and derived products. Its purpose is to facilitate the work of policy makers, market experts, analysts and other interested stakeholders by providing a short, concise overview of policy developments relevant to the sector. Detailed news items are presented in tabular form (in English only), preceeded by a brief discussion of the key policy trends observed in the year under review.Le recueil de 2020 propose une vue d’ensemble des principales politiques publiques et mesures connexes prises par le secteur [...]

Case study


The world is converging on the need for sustainable agri-food systems. Policy recommendations based on lessons learned from eleven African countries

14 May 2021, Rome - In a sign that food security and nutrition are increasingly seen as key vectors for sustainable development, the United Nations Commission on Population and Development (CPD) approved a resolution likely to enrich and intensify discussions at the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit.  The agreement, as well as the UN Secretary General's report to the Commission to which FAO made substantial contributions, span a vast array of themes - from the need to make healthy diets affordable to all and the importance of assuring income opportunities for all even as capital-intensive industry transformations may reduce the need [...]