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FIRST - FAO–EU Partnership Policy Assistance Mechanism

The FIRST Programme is a strategic partnership between FAO and the European Union (EU), acting as a broker between those who want change –the Governments–, those who are willing to support those efforts with additional funding –like the EU– and those who can provide their expertise and technical assistance, like FAO. Through the services it provides to governments in setting the conditions for investments to achieve impact, FIRST adds value to every euro invested. From Ethiopia to the Pakistan and from Fiji to Niger, FIRST supports governments in identifying national priorities and addressing context-specific bottlenecks, so that the conditions are [...]

Training & e-learning


Introduction to Climate-Smart Agriculture

This course analyses climate change impacts on agriculture, food security and food systems and provides an overview of the main climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture. It also introduces the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach and describes the 5-step process to implement it.  Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours Publication Date: November 2018 AudienceThis course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective, but is written for the general public. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking the course include: Policy makers Development practitioners and programme managers Sectoral specialists and academics Trainers and extension agents ContentThe course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 15 to 25 minutes duration each: Lesson 1 [...]

Issue paper


Indicators to monitor and evaluate the sustainability of bioeconomy. Overview and a proposed way forward

FAO has been working for many years on non-food biomass products (including sustainable bioenergy) and biotechnology, and it received a mandate to coordinate international work on ‘food first’ sustainable bioeconomy by 62 Ministers present at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2015. Moreover, FAO has received support from the Government of Germany to develop guidelines on sustainable bioeconomy development (Phase 1: 2016; Phase 2: 2017-mid 2020). This involves work on the bioeconomy monitoring, including the selection and use of indicators. The ultimate aim of FAO’s work on sustainability indicators is to provide technical assistance to countries and stakeholders [...]



Towards sustainable bioeconomy guidelines. Brief

Bioeconomy is the production, utilization and conservation of biological resources, including related knowledge, science, technology, and innovation, to provide information, products, processes and services across all economic sectors aiming toward a sustainable economy’. Its cross-cutting nature offers a unique opportunity to comprehensively address interconnected societal challenges such as food and nutrition security, fossil-resource dependence, natural resource scarcity and climate change, while achieving sustainable economic development.However, developing bioeconomy as such is not sustainable per se. The development of an economy that is based on biomass resources faces several trade-offs. It is crucial that bioeconomy development does not hamper but rather strengthens [...]



Guidelines for increasing access of small-scale fisheries to insurance services in Asia

The purpose of these insurance guidelines is fourfold, i.e.:  to increase awareness about the needs of small-scale fishers for better risk management, disaster preparedness and insurance services;  to guide policy and decision makers to help introduce insurance services to small-scale fishers, with the ultimate objective to strengthen the sustainability and ecological and economic viability of these fisheries;  to build capacity among insurance providers, fisherfolk organizations, NGOs, and concerned government agencies, to design and implement insurance programmes that suit the needs of small-scale fishing communities and enhance social protection;  to promote insurance services that incentivize and reward a responsible and sustainable conduct of fishing operations [...]



Guidelines for micro-finance and credit services in support of small-scale fisheries in Asia

The purpose of these guidelines is fourfold: (i) Increase awareness about the financial service needs of small-scale fishers (SSF) for more sustainable and inclusive access to finance; (ii) Guide policy and decision makers in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere, to help introduce and incentivize financial services to small-scale fishers, with the ultimate objective to encourage investment in the industry and by doing so influence and strengthen sustainability, ecological and economic viability of these fisheries; (iii) Build capacity among financial service providers, fisherfolk organizations, NGOs, and concerned government agencies, to design and implement financial service products and programmes that suit the [...]



Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme

The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme is the first international initiative to tackle the wild meat challenge by addressing both wildlife conservation and food security. This African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) initiative is funded by the European Union through the 11th European Development Fund (EUR 45 Million). The SWM Programme mobilizes an international group of partner organizations with strong expertise and experience in wildlife conservation, food security and policy development. It is implemented through a consortium partnership, which includes the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Wildlife [...]

Training & e-learning


Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) - An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities

This course focuses on how to practically operationalize the indigenous peoples’ right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) throughout all stages of the project cycle. The course describes each of the recommended six steps of the process and the related actions to be undertaken.System RequirementsThe online version of this course runs on the latest versions of the major browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox.The downloadable version only runs on Windows PC’s and no additional software is needed.AudienceThe course is primarily intended for professionals directly engaged in the development and implementation of projects involving indigenous peoples. In particular, [...]



Indigenous Peoples Rome Declaration on the Arctic Region Fisheries and Environment

We, Indigenous  peoples of the Arctic,from  three  of  the  seven  socio-cultural  regions -the  Arctic,  North America  and  Russia -representing the  Inuit, Saami, Sakha, Itelmen, Yukaghir,  Ulchi,  Evenki,Golganand Chickaloonpeoples, have travelled from Finland, Greenland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and USA to meet in Rome on the 23rdand 24thSeptember 2019 at the headquarters of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Prompted by the urgent need to address current threats and challenges facing the Arctic, its peoples and natural resources, we have gathered to share our perspectives and knowledge with researchers, FAO and Government officials from the region.

Issue paper


FAO’s work on the right to food

The right to feed oneself in dignity and to be free from hunger is guaranteed by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which today has been signed and ratified by 170 State Parties. As such, the right to food is a legal obligation anchored in international law. In order to fulfill this obligation, many countries and international organizations have led concrete actions to infuence policies and laws for the realization of the right to food.FAO, as the United Nations Specialized Agency mandated with the achievement of food security and nutrition, has supported Member Countries committed towards this [...]