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Sustainable Development Goals - FAO

FAO’s Statistical Capacity Assessment survey for SDG Indicators provides insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. Details on the assessment conducted by FAO in 2018/19 and the resulting country profiles can be found here.



Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue (FAM)

The Food and Agriculture Microdata (FAM) Catalogue provides an inventory of datasets collected through farm and household surveys which contain information related to agriculture, food security,  and nutrition. The FAM catalogue is populated by datasets which are collected directly by FAO and datasets whose collection are supported in some way by FAO. Our aim is to be a one-stop-shop containing metadata on all agricultural censuses and surveys which are publically available as well as provide direct access and/or links to the microdata.FAM is continuously updated as new datasets from FAO and member countries become available. Organizations which collect relevant data [...]



Africa Open D.E.A.L: Open Data for Environment, Agriculture and Land & Africa's Great Green Wall

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the African Union Commission (AUC) led a land-use data collection and analysis between 2018 and 2020. With the support of the Panafrican Agency of the Great Green Wall (GGW), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and 30 African countries, FAO and the AUC coordinated the data collection operation on a scale unseen before in agriculture, environment, and land use. The Africa Open D.E.A.L (Data for Environment, Agriculture and Land) initiative has made Africa the first continent to complete the collection of accurate, comprehensive, and harmonized digital land use and [...]

Issue paper


Seizing the opportunities of the African Continental Free Trade Area for the economic empowerment of women in agriculture

The links between gender, trade, agriculture, and food security are inherently complex and difficult to generalize. It is therefore vital that the operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement ensures that future trade practices and regulations promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the African continent, especially in supporting women to seize the new opportunities created by the AfCFTA in agriculture.



Crop sector development strategy for Eastern Africa 2021–2026

The Crop Sector Development Strategy for Eastern Africa 2021 - 2026 defines a series of goals and interventions agreed by representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture from the countries within the jurisdiction of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Subregional Office for Eastern Africa, as well as inputs from FAO representatives in the member countries, the East African Community Secretariat, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development Secretariat, the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa and the CGIAR centres.The Strategy presents a holistic approach to improving crop production and productivity through a unified approach. This should be [...]



Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems

This paper is the first in a series of ongoing and planned efforts to build on current knowledge and develop methodologies for estimating new components of food systems emissions, with a view to disseminate the information in FAOSTAT. It provides a methodology for estimating the GHG emissions associated with historic and current domestic food transport, in an effort to inform countries of the environmental impact of their food distribution systems.Our efforts respond to the call of the upcoming Food Systems Summit to characterize the role of food and agriculture to accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In particular, they [...]

Issue paper


A multi-billion-dollar opportunity – Repurposing agricultural support to transform food systems

Public support mechanisms for agriculture in many cases hinder the transformation towards healthier, more sustainable, equitable, and efficient food systems, thus actively steering us away from meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the Paris Agreement.This report sets out the compelling case for repurposing harmful agricultural producer support to reverse this situation, by optimizing the use of scarce public resources, strengthening economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately driving a food systems transformation that can support global sustainable development commitments.The report provides policymakers with an updated estimate of past and current agricultural producer support for 88 countries, projected [...]

Case study


Digital agriculture report: Rural e-commerce development experience from China

This publication, produced by FAO and Zhejiang University, examines how rural e-commerce could advance the digital transformation of agri-food systems, including increasing production efficiency, expanding farmers’ market access, improving poverty alleviation, fostering agricultural entrepreneurship, and attracting young generations back to their villages for economic revival and rural revitalization.It is highlighted that an enabling ecosystem with favourable government policies and strategies, public-private partnerships and innovative business models is of great importance to accelerate the development of rural areas in China, and generate larger economic, social and environmental impacts. As the largest developing country in the world, the experience of digital agriculture [...]



Guidelines for the Control and Prevention of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in Wildlife Populations. Peste des petits ruminants Global Eradication Programme

The PPR Secretariat, the OIE Working Group on Wildlife, and the PPR Global Research and Expertise Network (GREN) have jointly developed these guidelines for PPR prevention, outbreak response, and control in wildlife, which can be used by countries to develop their PPR national strategic plans. These guidelines are intended to help countries in the development and implementation of PPR eradication programmes, including objectives, policies and strategies that can be adapted to the full range of national needs, and that facilitate the integration of the wildlife sector into the national strategic plan. Integration will enhance the conservation of wildlife populations, and facilitate [...]



Development flows to agriculture 2002–2019

This brief analyses the development flows to agriculture (DFA) dataset latest update. The objective of the DFA database is to provide readily available data to enable analysis on aid flows and the purposes they serve, with an emphasis on agriculture, its components, and environmental protection.