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Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and more sustainable

The following series of flyers highlights the work being carried out by FAO's Strategic Programmes. This flyer is specifically on "Strategic Programme 2: Making agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and more sustainable". The vision of FAO for sustainable food and agriculture, enshrined in the 2030 Agenda, requires a radical rethink of the status quo and of current agricultural policies. Farmers, pastoralists, foresters and fishers are encouraged to produce more while using less in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way. Building more efficient and equitable agriculture and food systems and investing in rural development can accelerate achievement of goals [...]

Case study


Regional Conference on river habitat restoration for inland fisheries in the Danube river basin and adjacent Black Sea areas

Inland waterway management is complex and faces unique challenges as inland waterways have a variety of users. The mixture and overlap of local, regional, national and at times international regulations exacerbate the problem of managing inland waterways. In this context, the regional conference ‘River habitat restoration for inland fisheries in the Danube River basin and adjacent Black Sea areas’ was held on 13-15 November 2018 in Bucharest, Romania. This event was organised by the FAO Regional office for Europe and Central Asia in partnership with the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Europe (EUROFISH) and EIFAAC [...]



Policy recommendations and smallholder guidelines in improved fish smoking systems. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular FIAM/C1178

Smoked fish is an important animal protein source in Ghana. However, the traditional method by which the commodity is produced leads to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH, a food safety hazard) in the commodity. This predisposes consumers to potential health challenges linked to PAH exposure in food. The extent to which that is the case in Ghana was evaluated by screening smoked fish on informal markets in the country for the hazard. Since the FAO-Thiaroye fish processing technique (FTT) has been demonstrated to address the PAH problem, it was further evaluated against traditional kilns in that respect. Consumer [...]



The unlocked potential of inland fish to contribute to improved nutrition in Sri Lanka. Policy brief

Protein-energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies are important public health issues in Sri Lanka. Fish play a crucial role in nutrition and thus, promoting fish in the diet is among the strategies to control protein-energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies. Fish are a source of proteins and healthy fats and provide a unique source of essential nutrients, including long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, vitamin D and calcium. Furthermore, fish are ideal options for maintaining good health and weight management as they are low in cholesterol and thus recommended for patients with diabetes, coronary heart diseases and hypertension over other animal proteins.  Despite their [...]



Kenya. High aquaculture growth needed to improve food security and nutrition

The publication is a policy brief jointly prepared by FAO, IFAD and Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) with the primary aim of raising awareness of the importance and potential of aquaculture development in Kenya for improving the country's food security and nutition status. The brief has been reviewed by a number of experts from the member country government, private sector, academic community, and international organizations (FAO and IFAD).  Key messages of the brief include: • Kenya’s food security and nutrition status has much room to improve. • Fish is a vital source of essential macro- and micronutrients that can play an [...]

Issue paper


Report of the FAO Expert Consultation Workshop on the “Development of methodologies for the global assessment of fish stock status”, Rome, Italy 4–6 February 2019

This document is the report of the FAO Expert Consultation Workshop on the “Development of methodologies for the global assessment of fish stock status” held in Rome, Italy, from the 4th to the 6th of February 2019. The workshop is an FAO initiative aimed at improving its ability to understand global stock status by means of a stock assessment tool that can be used to assess currently unassessed stocks. This report summarizes the presentations and main discussions of the workshop and provides recommendations. 

Issue paper


Social protection for small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean region

In the Mediterranean, particularly in Albania, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia, small-scale fisheries play a crucial role in sustaining economic activity and ensuring food security within coastal communities. However, their remuneration tends to be lower when compared to larger scale fisheries. Likewise, they face environmental, economic, social and political risks, and at times, they are unable to cope with the adverse effects of shocks.  Social protection can address these vulnerabilities in small-scale fisheries communities, through policies and programmes. However, there is limited availability of data on the sector, greatly due to the high levels of informality, irregularity and seasonal nature [...]



Promoting agribusiness development in Northern Belize

Sugar production has traditionally been the largest industry in the agricultural sector of Belize, particularly so in the northern districts of Orange Walk and Corozal, where small and medium-sized producers have played an important role in this industry. However, it is expected that as a result of the reform of the European Union (EU) sugar regime many-small scale farmers will leave sugar-cane production, mainly because of their inability to remain competitive. Against this background, the Government of Belize is supporting farmers in Northern Belize to diversify their production into market-driven non-sugar cane agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the [...]



Emergency assistance to households in Fiji after tropical cyclone Winston

Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston was one of the strongest tropical cyclones to make landfall in Fiji. The loss of food crops, livestock, fisheries and related infrastructures caused by the cyclone was extensive and a State of Natural Disaster was declared by the Government of Fiji on 20 February 2016. The objective of this emergency project was the rapid re-establishment of agricultural and fisheries production in the most affected households. The project aimed to provide the inputs and technical support needed to revive livelihoods and restore food security to households and communities in the most affected areas.

Case study


Estudio de buenas prácticas de gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra en Guatemala

A la luz de las Directrices Voluntarias de Gobernanza de la Tierra (DVGT), el presente estudio analiza las buenas prácticas de gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra, es decir, aquellas manifestaciones que demuestran la forma en que los actores locales, municipales y gubernamentales construyen y ponen en práctica mecanismos para el ejercicio de los derechos de tenencia de forma responsable, equitativa, transparente y sostenible. La tenencia supone un conjunto de derechos y deberes de una persona , o de un grupo, respecto a un determinado recurso, como la tierra, la pesca o el bosque.