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Strengthening nutrition action

The resource guide is part of the follow-up to the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) that was held in November 2014 in Rome, Italy. It aims at guiding countries to translate the 60 recommended policy options and actions of the ICN2 Framework of Action into country-specific commitments for action. This process is done according to the national needs and conditions, and builds on existing policies, strategies, programmes, plans and investments in order to achieve the 10 commitments of the Rome Declaration on Nutrition.



The future of food and agriculture. Alternative pathways to 2050. Summary

This booklet provides a comprehensive overview of the longer Future of Food and Agriculture publication. Shorter, more easily readable for the general public, this version sets out the key trends and challenges to be addressed in order to achieve sustainable agriculture and meet the SDGs, in particular ending hunger by 2030. This report presents a summary of the challenges that agriculture and food systems are currently facing and will face into the 21st century. Analysis of 15 global trends provides insight into what is at stake and what needs to be done.  Most of the trends are strongly interdependent and combine to [...]



The nutrition challenge. Food system solutions

This brief describes what parliamentarians need to know about the current nutrition situation in the world and how our food systems are  haping food environments that steer people towards unhealthy diets which are one of the causal factors of malnutrition. Parliamentarians are well placed to facilitate action to transform the world’s current food systems. This brief gives concrete examples of measures through which policymakers can influence food systems so as to promote healthy diets and prevent malnutrition in all its forms, including undernourishment, stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight and obesity, as well as dietrelated non-communicable diseases (NCDs).



Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication

Empowering small-scale fisheries: the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. Short animated video that wants to trigger awareness and discussion about key challenges faced by small-scale fishing communities, despite their critical contribution to nutrition, food security, national economies and poverty alleviation. It introduces ways to address those challenges, as well as the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) as an important tool in this context. It is suggested to use this video to have discussions with various stakeholders on [...]

Case study


Analyse de la resilience en Mauritanie. Rapport d'analyse de la résilience No. 14

This report provides an analysis of various dimensions of the resilience capacity of Mauritanian households. The results of the RIMA analysis (Resilience Index Measurement Analysis) provide evidence to demonstrate the factors that enable certain households to overcome shocks and other sources of stress better than others. The report discusses the results of the RIMA analysis according to households’ place of residence, livelihoods, the gender of the household head, and food security status, as well as the impact of shocks on the resilience capacity of households and subjective resilience capacity. The objective of the analysis is to inform the Mauritanian government [...]



Boosting agricultural trade in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Agrifood systems in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are still adjusting to the political and economic effects of globalization and deepening trade integration, both within the region and worldwide. The region is more engaged in global agri-food trade and increasingly supplies agricultural commodities and food products to international markets. However, most countries are yet to reach their full trade potential. To benefit from trade, the countries are stepping up their efforts to implement trade agreements, align their regulation with international standards and diversify exports.  The project benefits stakeholders in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, with specific activities in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and [...]



Training farmers and enhancing food security in Swaziland

Agriculture has traditionally been the backbone of Swaziland’s economy but has experienced severe decline. Its contribution to GDP has decreased gradually over the last two decades due to a number of factors, including recurring drought, chronic underinvestment and the impact of HIV and AIDS. Despite this, agriculture-based products account for around 75 percent of the country’s total export revenues. With key extension officers lacking the skills to disseminate nutrition and gender-sensitive agricultural technologies and practices, the project sought to strengthen national capacities through the establishment of Farmer Field Schools, with farmer representatives trained as facilitators in order to support on-the-ground [...]



Organic agriculture and small-scale farmers in Cambodia, Lao people’s Democratic Republic and Myanmar

Organic producers have new opportunities to supply their products to the markets as the demand for safe product is increasing in Asia and in the world. The high cost and paperwork associated with the third-party certification hamper smallholder farmers to benefit from this trend. At the same time, consumers are faced with difficulties to trust organic or safe products in the market. In response, a pilot project in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Cambodia addressed the certification and marketing issues through the promoting of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). Through a training of trainers (ToT) 13 participants (46 percent women) from [...]



Developing agroforestry in Seychelles

In Seychelles, a move of agricultural production from flat to hill areas is expected for the next years, bringing a risk of both a decrease in food production and degradation of the forests. A development of appropriate agroforestry systems, adapted to local land capacities and markets, is the most appropriate response to counter this trend, while providing a sustainable system of agricultural production based on soil conservation, ensuring food security, improving land use and environmental services, minimizing wildfire hazards and combating invasive species. Find more Project Highlights here.



Using seasonal forecasts to support farmer adaptation to climate risks. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 14

The brief uses a unique set of data from Zambia collected from smallholders before and after the 2015/2016 ENSO event, which was widely anticipated by regional and global forecast services to contribute to dry conditions in southern Zambia and an overall shorter growing season. Three findings emerge from the analysis. Farmers receiving seasonal weather forecasts are more likely to adopt cropping systems and seed varieties that are adapted to the expected weather conditions, yet access to weather information remains limited. Access to competitive private markets increases the probability that a farmer will adopt drought tolerant cropping systems and improved seeds [...]