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Blue finance guidance notes. Aquaculture insurance for small-scale producers

This “aquaculture insurance for small-scale producers” brochure is one of the Blue Finance guidance notes, prepared under FAO's Blue Growth Initiative. Other brochures in the Blue Finance guidance notes series cover subjects such as micro-finance and insurance for small-scale fisheries, blue bonds, blended finance and innovative investment approaches. The Blue Finance guidance notes aim to provide governmental, non-governmental, private and public stakeholders with information, resources and concrete pathways for obtaining finance to support blue growth transitions at local, national, regional and global scales.This brochure describes why aquaculture insurance is important for the sustainable development and management of the sector. It [...]



Blue finance guidance notes. Insurance for small-scale fisheries

This “insurance for small-scale fisheries” brochure is one of the Blue Finance guidance notes, prepared under FAO's Blue Growth Initiative. Other brochures in the Blue Finance guidance notes series cover subjects such as insurance for small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, blue bonds, blended finance and innovative investment approaches. The Blue Finance guidance notes aim to provide governmental, non-governmental, private and public stakeholders with information, resources and concrete pathways for obtaining finance to support blue growth transitions at local, national, regional and global scales.This brochure describes why insurance is important for the sustainable development and management of small-scale fisheries. It discusses the [...]



FAO’s Blue Growth Initiative: Blue finance guidance notes. Blue bonds

Blue Bonds are a subset of the Green Bond Market, a $200 billion global market of environmental bonds that has been growing rapidly. Because they are part of this environmental market, compliance of the underlying projects with appropriate green bond standards is required. This is what sets them apart from ordinary or vanilla bonds. Broadly, these standards address 3 concerns of investors, beyond financial requirements: Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG). Find more Blue Growth guidance notes here.

Issue paper


Series: The food system and the challenges of COVID-19. Food e-commerce: situation and perspectives

Critical analysis of the momentum that eCommerce has had in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, future perspectives and recommendations for the development of this marketing mechanism are discussed, so that it is equitable for all components of the food system. Find more COVID19-related resources here



Observations on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on farmers. Case of Italy

As countries report mounting cases of the COVID-19, the outbreak presents them and the global community with unprecedented challenges in recent times. FAO monitors the experience of those heavily affected by the pandemic looking at the immediate impacts and the mitigation measures of countries in responding to the crisis. Drawing from the experience of Italy in dealing with the outbreak, this article aims to inform policy makers on response options, best practices and lessons learned. Particular attention in the review is given to small-scale producers and their access to markets.



Wholesale markets. Action against COVID-19 – 15/10/2020

The fifth wholesale markets bulletin addresses the food supply and demand situation during these pandemic months. Through price monitoring that was carried out with the markets of Latin America and the Caribbean. Also available in Spanish Find more COVID-19 related resources here

Forums and community of practice


The African Continental Trade Area Agreement and agricultural development: challenges and prospects. FSN Forum in Africa report of activity No. 15

This document summarizes the online discussion The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement and agricultural development: challenges and prospects held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa (FSN Forum Africa) from 5 May to 2 June 2020. The discussion was facilitated by Jean Senahoun from FAO’s Regional Office for Africa in Accra, Ghana. This online discussion aimed to exchange ideas on the challenges to and prospects for the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement in Africa’s agricultural sector and its implications for food security and nutrition. Participants shared ideas on the Trade [...]

Data and statistics


World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Pocketbook 2020

FAO’s Statistical Pocketbook complements the Statistical Yearbook, by providing, in an easy and simple way, quick access to top-level numbers, charts and maps on many dimensions of food and agriculture – from the characteristics of the sector to production, prices and trade, as well as food security and nutrition and environmental aspects. See Statistical Yearbook 2020 

Data and statistics


World Food and Agriculture - Statistical Yearbook 2020

This publication offers a synthesis of the major factors at play in the global food and agricultural landscape. Statistics are presented in four thematic chapters, covering the economic importance of agricultural activities, inputs, outputs and factors of production, their implications for food security and nutrition and their impacts on the environment. The Yearbook is meant to constitute a primary tool for policy makers, researchers and analysts, as well as the general public interested in the past, present and future path of food and agriculture. See here the Statistical Pockebook

Forums and community of practice


Responding to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on food value chains through efficient logistics. FSN Forum report of activity No. 166

This document summarizes the online discussion Responding to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on food value chains through efficient logistics held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 4 June to 6 July 2020. The discussion was facilitated by Marco V. Sánchez, Deputy Director of the Agrifood Economics Division of FAO. This online discussion invited participants to share how the measures aimed at curbing the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted the logistics of food value chains in their respective countries. Participants discussed which measures have been put in place regarding value chains, and how the [...]