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Resilience Analysis of Jordan 2013. AnalysIng Resilience for Better Targeting and Action. FAO Resilience Analysis Report No. 12. Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis II. RIMA II

Jordan, in Western Asia, has a population of approximately 9.5 million people, of which a significant share (more than two million people) are registered Palestinian refugees. The country currently faces significant challenges to its socioeconomic system; the geopolitical situation is also very delicate. As of August 2017, Jordan is home to more than 660 000 UN-registered Syrian refugees. Jordan is located in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, often considered one of the most food insecure regions in the world. Pockets of persistent food insecurity in the country are present, especially in communities and areas that were affected [...]



Crop Prospects and Food Situation. Quarterly Global Report #2 June 2018

Crop Prospects and Food Situation is published by the Trade and Markets Division of FAO under the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS). It is published four times a year and focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and in particular the Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs). The report provides a review of the food situation by geographic region, a section dedicated to the LIFDCs and a list of countries requiring external assistance for food. It also includes a global cereal supply and demand overview to complement the biannual analysis in the Food Outlook publication. The report [...]

Issue paper


FAO's Work on Climate Change. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2018

The Conference of the Parties (COP) of UNFCCC is a prime opportunity to communicate FAO’s work on climate change and to liaise with potential partners, at the numerous side events and parallel events organized around the COP. This booklet seeks to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change on food security and nutrition and advocate for the importance of having the agricultural sectors properly considered in climate change mechanisms, policies and finances.

Data and statistics


Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update

The Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update (MPPU) complements FAO's bi-annual market reports. The oilcrops brief notes review the development of international prices for oilseeds, oils and meals as reflected by FAO's specific price indices and spot recent policy and market events - selected from a variety of sources - that are deemed important for the global oilseed economy. The oilcrop brief is issued on the second week of each month, for a total of 10 issues per year.  Policy archive All the information published in the second part of the MPPU (the section featuring policy developments and industry news) is now also available [...]





Issue paper


Land resource planning for sustainable land management Current and emerging needs in land resource planning for food security, sustainable livelihoods, integrated landscape management and restoration. Land and Water Division Working Paper 14

This working paper provides an overview of the historic development and current status of implementation of land evaluation and land use planning concepts and tools for land resources/landscape management and proposes a way forward. The increasing and juxtaposed challenges of population growth and increasing demands on limited resources by diverse actors, land degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change, require a rational utilization of resources to sustain and enhance productivity and maintain resilient ecosystems.  




GLEAM-i是针对畜牧业第2层温室气体(GHG)的在线计算器。 它通过网络应用程序将粮农组织全球牲畜环境评估模型(GLEAM)的核心功能带给大众。GLEAM-i当前版本可以将基准条件和实际情况之间进行直接比较,并把GLEAM 2.0 2010年数据设置为默认。 GLEAM-i旨在支持政府领导者,项目设计师,制造商,产业及相关的社会组织,用于准备国家温室气体清单,国家决定性贡献(NDC)以及事前项目的评估,并估算在畜牧,饲料和粪便管理业等方面由技术进步所带来的共同效益。 查看GLEAM-i工具准则 点击了解更多信息

Issue paper


Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in practice-Revised edition

This publication provides a list of food system-based intervention options to improve nutrition and a set concrete entry points for maximizing the impact of each intervention. Developed through leveraging different expertise in FAO, it is a key resource to assist professionals involved in different areas - from breeding to production; from food transformation and packaging to transportation and trade; from marketing and value chain to food safety; from food labelling to consumer education - to u nderstand the linkages with nutrition, and to increase their contribution for a world free from malnutrition in all its forms.Also Available in Spanish French [...]

Issue paper


Legal pluralism, women’s land rights and gender equality in Mozambique. Harmonizing statutory and customary law. FAO legal papers No.104

Throughout history, land has been considered a main source of wealth, social status and power. This publication analyses the impacts of legal pluralism on women's land rights in Mozambique arguing that despite Mozambique's progressive legal framework, efforts are still needed to fully achieve gender equitable and socially just outcomes on the ground. With a largely rural population, and limited knowledge of statutory law, customary rules that are discriminatory towards women tend to prevail over the gender sensitive statutory law, undermining women's land rights. Based on FAO field experiences in Mozambique, the document presents the realities of customary justice and challenges faced [...]



The treatment of agriculture in Regional Trade Agreements. Trade Policy Brief No. 29

The treatment of agriculture in Regional Trade Agreements provide a discussion on the growing importance of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and the trends in the treatment of agriculture in RTAs. Also available in French and Spanish