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Issue paper


Agricultural value chains and social and environmental impacts: Trends, challenges, and policy options. Background paper for The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2020

With the global population approaching 8 billion, the role of agricultural value chains (VCs) is increasingly important in ensuring sustainable and equitable food production. However, in developing countries, market failures can prevent small farmers from fully participating in domestic and global value chains, and issues related to climate change create further challenges. Moreover, greening policies and actions, as well as concerns regarding nutritional outcomes, add complexity to providing nutritious high-quality food to feed a growing population. In this context, it is critical to examine how markets can be shaped to be pro-poor and to reduce negative social and environmental externalities.The [...]



Promoting rural youth employment in Uganda’s coffee sector. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 29

Coffee is one of the key agricultural commodities in the Government of Uganda’s pursuance of economic growth and job creation, especially for the rapidly expanding youth population. A significant number of job opportunities exist for young people along the coffee value chain, not only in production but increasingly in processing, trade and marketing, as well as service provision. This policy brief provides recommendations for policymakers to support youth in realizing employment and entrepreneurship potential in the coffee sector, by facilitating their sustainable access to productive resources and markets, and equipping them with the necessary skills and capital.

Issue paper


FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme

The COVID-19 pandemic is jeopardizing human health and disrupting the food systems that are the foundations of health. Unless we take immediate action, we could face a global food emergency of severity and scale unseen for more than half a century.FAO is calling for USD 1.2 billion in initial investments to finance FAO’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme that aims to provide an agile and coordinated global response to ensure nutritious food for all both during and after the pandemic.The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme enables donors to leverage the Organization’s convening power, real-time data, early warning systems and technical expertise to direct support where and when it is [...]

Issue paper


The food system and the challenges of COVID-19. Contribution of public and private supply establishments to food access and the functioning of the food system in Latin America and the Caribbean

The publication provides a description of the establishments that function to supply food to the population, in seven countries of the region. This analysis includes supermarkets, retail markets, wholesalers, restaurants and public companies in the food sector. It includes some general reflections, based on the cases analyzed, with a focus on measures that must be taken for their best performance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.Last updated date 7/10/2020 Click here for more COVID19-related resources



Exploring the decoupling of direct payments to farmers in North Macedonia. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 30

North Macedonia’s ambition to join the European Union (EU) makes it necessary to reform the agricultural sector, such that it aligns with the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This involves the “decoupling” of farm subsidies, i.e. a shift to payments that are not linked to area and production levels of specific commodities, livestock numbers, and input use. The decoupling of direct payments has significant impacts on production decisions, prices and therefore on farmer’s income. The study underlying this policy brief identifies five possible scenarios for North Macedonia to align their direct payment scheme with EU regulations and analyses the impact [...]



Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean. Towards inclusive, responsible and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Bulletin 15

The crisis has heavily affected fisheries and aquaculture. The restrictive health measures have had adverse effects on the free operation of the sector. The sector needs short term action; it also needs to modify some aspects of the activity that have been dragging on for some time. Thus for example, technology and innovation can play an essential role. Also available in Spanish. See here more FAO publications on COVID19.



OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2020-2029

The Agricultural Outlook 2020-2029 is a collaborative effort of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. It brings together the commodity, policy and country expertise of both organisations as well as input from collaborating member countries to provide an annual assessment of the prospects for the coming decade of national, regional and global agricultural commodity markets. This year's edition features a short scenario on COVID-19 and its impact on food and agriculture.

Case study


Understanding international harmonization of pesticide maximum residue limits with Codex standards. A case study on rice

This publication sets out to explore the issue of harmonization of national pesticides Maximum Residues Limits (MRLs) with Codex pesticide MRLs from different angles, by taking rice as a case study. Part A identifies the level of harmonization in main rice producing and trading countries and explores the possible effects on trade, while Part B investigates the reasons behind differing levels of harmonization.Its broader objective is to offer insights for decision-makers involved in setting of standards and design of food policy at national and international level on the significance of harmonization of pesticide MRLs.Last updated date 28/08/2020.



The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020. Agricultural markets and sustainable development: Global value chains, smallholder farmers and digital innovations

The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020 (SOCO 2020) aims to discuss policies and mechanisms that promote sustainable outcomes – economic, social and environmental – in agricultural and food markets, both global and domestic. The analysis is organized along the trends and challenges that lie at the heart of global discussions on trade and development. These include the evolution of trade and markets; the emergence of global value chains in food and agriculture; the extent to which smallholder farmers in developing countries participate in value chains and markets; and the transformative impacts of digital technology on markets.Along these themes, SOCO [...]



Trade policy review in Europe and Central Asia: Quarterly Bulletin No.2

This quarterly bulletin features agricultural trade policy changes in the region. It provides current trade measures, agreements, statistics and articles by experts covering trade-related issues in countries across the region, and it is sent to members of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network.The network connects experts from around Europe and Central Asia as part of the Regional Initiative on Agrifood Trade and Market Integration. These experts research, train and advise governments and the private sector on agricultural trade issues in the region, including participation in multilateral and regional trade agreements.The newsletter is available in English on a quarterly basis in 2020, [...]