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Strengthening Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management and their use in policy and practice: GCP/GLO/503/GER

Strengthening sustainable forest management Over the last 25 years criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management (C&I for SFM) have become a vital tool for developing a common understanding of the key components of sustainable forest management. They have been adopted and widely applied particularly for international and national reporting and for forest certification. They have undoubtedly helped to define SFM, providing a framework for discussion, and have stimulated improved monitoring. However, their use in policy and practice is limited, for a range of reasons. The project was designed to take stock of the status and use of forest indicators globally, and [...]



Groundwater Governance: A Global Framework for Action: GCP/GLO/277/GEF

Enhancing groundwater management Groundwater provides a large portion of the increasing demand for water in all sectors. It also constitutes the main source of water in water-scarce regions, acts as a buffer against climatic extremes, and sustains crucial ecosystems services. The objective of the project was to embed a process of improved groundwater governance, to halt the current trend of resource depletion and degradation, and lead to positive environmental, social and economic benefits. In so doing, the project aimed to accelerate the adoption of improved groundwater resource governance, from resource management institutions, to millions of individual users. Duration: 01/01/2011  - 31/12/2016



Technical assistance for the formulation of strategies for the control of Pestedes PetitsRuminants at global and regional levels: TCP/INT/3503

Strengthening livelihoods through control of Peste des Petits Ruminants With almost 70 percent of the global sheep and goat population at risk of Pestedes PetitsRuminants (PPR) -Sheep and Goat Plague, significant efforts are needed to consolidate the livelihoods, nutrition and food security of millions of livestock holders, in particular in Asia and Africa. In this context, the project contributed to filling gaps in existing strategies for control of the disease and supported the formulation of new ones in West Africa, Central Africa, North Africa and Central Asia. It also reviewed and updated the subregionalstrategy for Southeast Asia. Project duration: 01/01/2015  - 01/12/2016 [...]



Survey and characterization of livestock breeds and their production systems for the development of a National Strategy and Action Plan for animal genetic resources: TCP/LIR/3502

Categorizing livestock breeds and their production systems in Liberia The project conducted a comprehensive survey and characterization of the genetic resources and their production systems in Liberia, which is crucial to develop a national plan for animal genetic resources management aimed at increasing domestic livestock production to meet domestic demand and implementing sustainable livestock research and development plans. Project duration: 01/08/2014  - 01/12/2016



Supporting the implementation of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries regional strategy for food security and nutrition towards the establishment of a hunger-free CPLP: TCP/INT/3406 and TCP/INT/3601

MOVING TOWARDS HUNGER-FREE PORTUGUESE-SPEAKING COUNTRIES The project worked towards strengthening national capacities to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in the nations making up the Community of Portuguese Language Countries. It brought together leading civil society organizations, the private sector, academic institutions and parliamentarians from the countries involved, as well as fostering cooperation between member states to advance the national implementation of the strategy. The benefits were to be felt deep within communities, as with school feeding programmesin Cabo Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe and family farming in Timor-Leste and Angola. Project duration: 03/02/2014  - 03/10/2016



Strengthening the progressive control of foot-and-mouth disease in Mozambique (Maputo and Gaza provinces): TCP/MOZ/3501

STRENGTHENING CONTROL OF FOOD-AND-MOUTH DISEASE IN MOZAMBIQUE Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) is prevalent in Mozambique and livestock farmers who entirely rely on the well-being and marketability of their animals need to be protected from severe economic losses caused by movement restrictions related to the disease. The project aimed to contribute to the development of capacities to better tackle the progressive control and eradication of FMD and help improve the animal health situation in the country. Project duration: 01/10/2014  - 01/09/2016

Issue paper


Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Fisheries and Aquaculture

This fact sheet presents an overview of current gender equality and women’s empowerment issues in the fisheries sector. Women’s engagement in fisheries can be viewed from social, political and technical perspectives, all of which show that the role of women is often underestimated. This inadequate recognition of women’s contributions hampers the sustainable development process, resulting in increased poverty and food insecurity. This fact sheet provides information on policy, institutions and planning processes; statistical dimensions in gender analysis; and specific concerns in the field of fisheries industries. It identifies lessons learned and opportunities for gender mainstreaming at macro, meso and microoperational levels. The information provided does not represent an exhaustive analysis of the subject, [...]



Voluntary Guidelines for Agro-Environmental Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Strengthening Agro-Environmental Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean through Dialogue and the Exchange of National Experiences

This document containing the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on agro-environmental policies is mainly directed at people in charge of making and implementing policies on agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean. The guidelines are the result of an extensive consultation process and debates carried out through the project “Strengthening Agroenvironmental policies in Latin America and the Caribbean Through Dialogue and Exchange of National Experiences,” implemented by Brazil between 2012 and 2015 in the framework of South-South Cooperation, with the collaboration of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Nicaragua in the fi rst stage, and Costa Rica, Cuba, Panama and Paraguay in the second [...]

Case study


Governance of Food and Nutrition Security: Factors for Viability and Sustainability. Case Studies from Seven Latin American Countries

The publication will contain the following contents: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE GOVERNANCE OF FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SAFETY 3. KEY FACTORS FOR GOVERNANCE PROCESSES IN THE REGION. Critical general analysis on the key factors of SAN governance in LA: Legal and regulatory frameworks; National systems and local spaces for SAN governance, processes; Territorial scope; Participation of civil society and Regional Governance Instances. 4. CASE ANALYSIS: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Peru ,. Ecuador and Brazil. 5. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS. Policy recommendations, with the aim of improving the governance spaces of multisectoral SANs. 6. REFERENCES 



Filling the Gaps in Rural Development. Annual Report 2016. Forest and Farm Facility Steering Committee Meeting 15-16 February 2017

This Annual Report for 2016 provides detailed information on the FFF work in the ten partner countries and at regional and global levels in 2016. Updates on communications, knowledge generation, exchange visits and the M&L system are provided along with a short discussion of the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) and the broad outlines of the Phase II. The MTE in August 2016 found that FFF was well on track to meeting the outcomes and impacts projected; and was doing this in a very efficient manner – in terms of the quality of delivery, the coordination of the implementing partners, and the [...]