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Decent rural employment

Over three quarters of the world’s poor live in rural areas. Most depend on agriculture to earn a living. However, rural employment opportunities are often informal, poorly paid and even hazardous. Peter Wobst, Senior Programme Officer of the FAO Strategic Programme on Rural Poverty Reduction together with Ileana Grandelis, Rural Employment Officer of the FAO Social Policies and Rural Institutions Division explain how promoting full employment and decent work in rural areas can contribute to food security and poverty reduction. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR [...]



Sustainable food and agriculture

Agriculture is feeding the world’s 7.3 billion people but at an unbearable social and environmental cost. Clayton Campanhola, Director of the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division, explains the need for sustainable food and agriculture on a global scale. He describes the FAO policy work, including key policy messages, to achieve this goal. See all videos in the Policy and Governance series :  AR  CH  EN   FR  RU  SP



Gender mainstreaming as a key strategy for building resilient livelihoods. Increase the resilience of both men and women’s livelihoods to threats and crises. Gender and resilience brief

Women and men play specific and complementary roles in agriculture and food and nutrition security, and building the resilience of their livelihoods in different ways. In most countries, women have less access to productive resources, services and employment opportunities than men. The gender gap is found for many assets, inputs and services such as land, livestock, labor, education, information services, and technology, all affecting the capacity to protect their communities from crises. While men account for the majority of direct casualties during wartime, women and children suffer more from displacement, reduced access to services and assistance, and loss of livelihoods. [...]



Transforming political will into concrete action for rural women’s empowerment and food security

This brochure describes FAO's area of work on on facilitating the implementation of Article 14 of CEDAW for rural women's empowerment and food security under Strategic Objective 1 implemented by the Cross Cutting Theme on Gender. The brochure contains a rational for why it is important to address gender inequalities for food security and nutrition through political commitment and by incorporating the perspective of gender equality and the empowerment of rural women in sectoral and cross-sectoral policies and strategies. It then describes what FAO can do to support its Member Countries to comply with CEDAW and thus to formulate gender-equitable [...]

Training & e-learning


Governing land for women and men

This e-learning course, entitled "Governing land for women and men" will help you gain a clear understanding of why it is important to take into account gender and social issues when dealing with land tenure, and what actions must be adopted so that women and men from different social groups can equally participate in and benefit from land tenure governance processes.  



FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

Consistent with its mandate to pursue a world free from hunger and malnutrition, the following “FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” has been formulated so as to ensure that FAO will make all due efforts to respect, include and promote indigenous issues in relevant work. In so doing, it joins the international community’s increasing mobilization in favour of the rights and concerns of indigenous peoples, most of whom suffer disproportionately from multiple adversities such as discrimination, poverty, ill health, political under-representation, and environmental and cultural degradation. Although much attention is focused on the challenges that indigenous peoples face, it [...]



Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA)

The objective of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA, the Framework) is to improve the food security and nutrition of populations affected by, or at risk of, protracted crises by addressing critical manifestations and building resilience; adapting to specific challenges; and contributing to addressing underlying causes. The CFS-FFA is a short document that provides a broad framework that can be used by all stakeholders who may have a role in improving or impacting food security and nutrition in protracted crises.



Nutrition and social protection. The many dimensions of nutrition

This publication presents the linkages and synergies between social protection and nutrition in the food and agriculture and proposes recommendations for maximizing the nutritional impact of social protection programmes. The target audience includes professionals working in social protection who wish to know more about how nutrition relates to their work, as well as nutrition experts who wish to know how social protection can contribute to improving nutrition. 

Issue paper


A Review of Women's Access to Fish in Small-Scale Fisheries

Women play a critical role in every link of the value chain in small-scale fisheries, although their best-known roles are in processing and marketing of fish and other fishery products. This perception of the highly gender-segregated division of labour (men fishing / women processing) has shaped the generalized approach in supporting development initiatives for small-scale fisheries. More often than not, this approach targets men as fishers, and women as processors and marketers of fishery products. However, this generalization has also made fisheries governance blind to women’s other valuable inputs to the sector. In fact, their roles can and should go [...]



Reducing Distress Migration Through Decent Rural Employment. Rural Transformations. Information Note 4

This 2-pager identifies challenges and opportunities of migration for rural areas. It also describes FAO’s work to enhance benefits for migration, while addressing the root causes of distress migration from rural areas.