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Ample supplies to help shield food markets from the COVID-19 crisis

Global cereal markets are expected to remain balanced and comfortable despite worries over the impacts of COVID-19. While localized disruptions, largely due to logistical issues, pose challenges to food supply chains in some markets, their anticipated duration and magnitude are unlikely to have a significant effect on global food markets.  



Agri-food markets and trade policy in the time of COVID-19

The policy brief highlights that policy measures should aim to address actual rather than perceived demand and supply disruptions, and that enhanced market transparency, and coordination with trading partners is critical in this regard. It is noted that experiences from past crises have demonstrated that avoiding certain trade-restrictive measures can be equally important to more direct forms of supporting consumers and producers. In this context, following international guidelines on safe travel and trade corridors can help keep agri-food supply chains functional, mitigate food supply disruptions, and promote food security.  



Mercados mayoristas: acción frente al COVID-19

La  Oficina  Regional  de  la  FAO  para  América Latina y el Caribe y la FLAMA establecerán una estrategia conjunta para monitorear y publicitarlas  actividades  de  los  mercados  mayoristas  y Centros  de  Abastos  de  la  Región  en  esteperíodo  de  crisis  debido  a  la  pandemia  de COVID-19. El  presente  boletín  tiene  como  objetivo compartir   periódicamente   las   principales estrategias  de  prevención  de  la  contaminación adoptadas  por  los  Mercados  Mayoristas  e informar sobre sus actividades y las condiciones operativas  de  los  Mercados  para  garantizar  el suministro   de   alimentos,   que   continúan cumpliendo  su  papel  estratégico  y  fundamentalen  el  suministro  de  alimentos  de  las  ciudades. Con  informaciones  [...]

Issue paper


COVID-19: Channels of transmission to food and agriculture

This paper aims to identify the channels of transmissions of the COVID-19 pandemic into the food and agriculture sectors and, based on this, to delineate the degrees of exposure to the COVID-19 shock by geographic region. Primary production, trade and final consumption are analysed in detail and, where possible, quantified. Based on results of the analysis, a country taxonomy of the exposure is developed and presented.  



COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chains: How to respond?

This policy brief is part of a series that aims at analysing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food and agriculture sectors. This brief, specifically, analysis possible impacts of the measures adopted by countries to fight the pandemic, on food supply chains. It identifies and illustrates what countries should do in order to keep food supply chains alive.  Also available in Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian



2019 Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition - In Brief

In the 2017 and 2018 editions of the Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition, FAO reported that the prevalence of undernourishment was rising in the region. The latest data shows that the deterioration has slowed, but there remain 256 million hungry people in Africa today. The report further documents that although many African countries are making progress towards reducing malnutrition, progress is too slow to meet six key nutrition targets, which form part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) monitoring framework and the World Health Assembly global nutrition targets. Food insecurity has been rising in Africa in recent [...]



Responding to the challenge of Non-communicable Diseases. The role of the food and agriculture sector

FAO is uniquely positioned to contribute to global efforts to reduce the prevalence of overweight, obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through the support it provides to countries in reforming their food systems and its work with line ministries responsible for agriculture, trade, environment and rural development, as well as with other UN agencies and development partners. This brief, prepared by FAO as part of a set of United Nations system agency briefs under the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs, presents FAO key areas of engagement and partnerships to address the challenge of NCDs.



Trade policy & partnerships

Trade in most agricultural commodities is expected to expand, trade rules are becoming more complex and some countries are using trade instruments in times of food crises to guarantee food supplies for their own people. Trade policy can have significant implications for food security, nutrition and employment. Given this, FAO will continue to support its Members in capacity development. This will be aimed at enhancing market transparency, exports and agricultural and food systems, via better aligned trade and agricultural policies. FAO also promotes sustainable production and trade by facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural value chains. It supports the World Banana [...]

Data and statistics


Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Tool

The Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Tool was developed in the wake of the international food price crisis of 2007 and 2008 for dissemination and analysis of domestic and international commodity price data collated by Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS). The FPMA Tool provides easy access to data allowing users to quickly browse and analyse trends, serving as a basis for GIEWS analysis, including the FPMA monthly report and website. GIEWS maintains a global version of the tool, which, as of May 2024, included about 2,000 series of consumer food prices in over 120 countries and over [...]



Guidelines for micro-finance and credit services in support of small-scale fisheries in Asia

The purpose of these guidelines is fourfold: (i) Increase awareness about the financial service needs of small-scale fishers (SSF) for more sustainable and inclusive access to finance; (ii) Guide policy and decision makers in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere, to help introduce and incentivize financial services to small-scale fishers, with the ultimate objective to encourage investment in the industry and by doing so influence and strengthen sustainability, ecological and economic viability of these fisheries; (iii) Build capacity among financial service providers, fisherfolk organizations, NGOs, and concerned government agencies, to design and implement financial service products and programmes that suit the [...]