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Políticas fortalecidas para la gestión del riesgo y adaptación al cambio climático

El sector agroalimentario nicaragüense es altamentevulnerable a los eventos climáticos extremos, y sumadoal contexto social, institucional y la poca disponibilidad deinformación climática para la toma de decisiones,constituyen un factor el alto riesgo para la EconomíaFamiliar.El proyecto se focalizó en el fortalecimiento decapacidades institucionales para dar respuesta a lasnecesidades de la población en situación devulnerabilidad, desarrollar procesos de innovación y latransferencia de conocimientos para adaptar la agriculturafamiliar al cambio climático y mejorar la resiliencia de losmedios de vida de la economía familiar. El proceso se llevóa cabo mediante el fortalecimiento de las capacidades yel acompañamiento técnico a las instituciones,particularmente en planificación, [...]



Near East and North Africa regional synthesis for the State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

This report summarizes the state of biodiversity for food and agriculture in Near East and North Africa based on the information provided in country reports submitted to FAO as part of the reporting process for The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.  



Policy guide to improve water-use efficiency in small-scale agriculture − The case of Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda

This policy guide is drawn from the results of the FAO Project “Strengthening Agricultural Water Efficiency and Productivity at the African and Global Level” funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and cooperation (SDC). The long term vision of the project was that the in-country findings and processes which are of common nature can be synthesized and scaled up to other countries in a regional cooperation process and globally. This will eventually lead to the increase of investment in Agricultural Water Management (AWM) in the targeted countries – and beyond – that is socially equitable, profitable at the farm level, [...]



The multi-faced role of soil in the Near East and North Africa − Policy brief, soil salinity

Salinization is the most severe threat to soils in the NENA region after soil erosion. Indeed, more than 11 percent of the region’s soils are affected by various levels of soil salinization Salinity has direct effects on the growth and development of plants. Sodic conditions may cause important deterioration of the soil physical properties, indirectly affecting crop growth via increased surface crusting, poor water infiltration, and reduced root zone aeration. The Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management (VGSSM) provide recommendations on how to prevent the development of salt-affected soils. If soils are already degraded and prevention is no longer an [...]

Case study


Mainstreaming sustainable food and agriculture in Egypt - a case study

This case study provides information on Egypt's experience in mainstreaming Sustainable Food and Agriculture to achieve the SDGs. It links it to FAO's vision for sustainable food and agriculture and its 5 key principles.  



Seeking greater coherence between agriculture and social protection in the Philippines

Globally, synergies between social protection and agriculture are taking place as part of an effort to combat hunger and poverty while promoting rural development. These efforts resonate with the vision and current strategies set in motion by the Government of the Philippines, which is committed to the goals and targets outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This document presents a framework for analysis with the purpose of strengthening coherence between agriculture and social protection, and identifying pathways for achieving policy and programmatic synergies.  



TAPE: Tool for agroecology performance evaluation - An update on activities

A tool has been developed to support agroecological transitions, at different scales and in different locations, through informed policy-making processes. It consolidates information on the impact of agroecological approaches, and aims to produce evidence on the performance of agroecological systems across the environmental, social and cultural, economic, health and nutrition, and governance dimensions of sustainability. It is complemented by a guidance framework for reviewing policy options for agroecology and to assist policymakers in assessing the multidimensional impacts of agroecological production systems. See also:  Tool for agroecology performance evaluation (TAPE) − Process of development and guidelines for application: Test version



Enhancing pesticide life-cycle management and treatment of pesticide contaminated sites in Botswana

The Government of Botswana has made efforts in recent years to improve the control of pesticides in the country. In addition to ratifying international agreements, it enacted the Waste Management Act in 1998 and the Agrochemicals Act in 1999. However, there was little evidence of the enforcement of these regulations, and a review of their relevance and application was needed. In addition, serious gaps in the ability to control all aspects of the pesticide life cycle were identified. Against this background, the project sought to reduce the risk to public health and the environment posed by poor pesticide management and [...]



Strengthening food safety and security in the United Republic of Tanzania

In August 2017, 61 cases of aflatoxin and 17 deaths were reported from five districts in the Dodoma and Manyara regions. The Government took immediate action to investigate the outbreak. Out of the 115 maize samples tested, 52 showed high levels of aflatoxin poisoning that exceeded the World Health Organization’s (WHO) threshold of 5 micrograms per kilogram of cereal and the Tanzania Bureau of Standards’ maximum acceptable limits for maize and groundnut. Maize is the United Republic of Tanzania’s staple food and is also prone to the development of mycotoxins, produced by fungi (e.g. Aspergillus). Aflatoxins can cause acute or [...]



Enhancing rice production in Zambia

The recognition of rice as a profitable smallholder cash crop and a major contributor to food security compelled the Governmentof Zambia to develop the National Rice Development Strategy(NRDS; 2011-2015). The NRDS identified inadequate availability of quality seed, outdated production technologies, poor agronomic practices and uncoordinated markets at farmers’ level as the main constraints to rice production in the country. The project aimed to address these constraints through interventions such as the purification of existing rice varieties and the development of improved ones, and the provision of capacity building in rice production for farmers in three target districts, namely Kasama and [...]