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Empowering youth to engage in responsible investment in agriculture and food systems. Guidance for organizers and facilitators to support the utilization of the rapid capacity assessment tool

This document provides guidance to support the utilization of the “Rapid Capacity Assessment Tool: Empowering youth to engage in responsible investment in agriculture and food systems”.  The guidance document contains two distinctive, yet interrelated parts: • Guidance notes for organizers of the capacity assessment, which provide relevant information on planning, designing and conducting the capacity assessment; and • Guidance notes for facilitators, which contain concrete suggestions on how to prepare and facilitate multi-stakeholder discussions on the questions outlined in the tool.



10 Contributions parliamentarians can make towards achieving "Zero Hunger"

Eliminating hunger by 2030 will require appropriate legislation backed up by the necessary budgets and proper monitoring, allowing a just and long-lasting legal framework to be created. The following are ten ideas for areas where members of parliament could direct efforts aimed at achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2): to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

Issue paper


NAP-Ag programme highlights 2015-2018

The joint UN Development Programme (UNDP) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Programme  (NAP-Ag) is a multi-year initiative (2015-2018) funded by the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). The NAP-Ag is supporting countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to identify and integrate climate change adaptation measures in to relevant national planning and budgeting processes. This integration will help to enhance institutional capacities and processes for operationalizing climate response strategies in the agriculture sectors and facilitate greater partnerships, [...]



The Koronivia joint work on agriculture and the convention bodies: an overview

This review aims to provide countries and other stakeholders with relevant background and knowledge related to the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) decision. It introduces the KJWA decision and further developments resulting from the 48th sessions of the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), provides a brief overview of the UNFCCC, and describes how the Convention addresses agriculture. It then looks at the subsidiary bodies and the seven constituted bodies under the Convention: the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention, the Least [...]



FAO Technical Guide 1. Introduction to gender-sensitive social protection programming to combat rural poverty. Why is it important and what does it mean?

Many social protection programmes, including cash transfers, public works programmes and asset transfers, target women as main beneficiaries or recipients of benefits. Extending social protection to rural populations has great potential for fostering rural women’s economic empowerment. However, to tap into this potential, more needs to be done. There is much scope for making social protection policies and programmes more gender sensitive and for better aligning them with agricultural and rural development policies to help address gender inequalities. Recognizing this potential and capitalizing on existing evidence, FAO seeks to enhance the contribution of social protection to gender equality and women’s empowerment [...]

Issue paper


Agricultural investment funds for development. Descriptive analysis and lessons learned from fund management, performance and private–public collaboration

This publication explores agricultural investment funds as a vehicle for financing agricultural businesses and projects. It looks at the capital needs of the different agricultural actors along the agricultural value chain and taking into consideration investment funds involving all kinds of investors (private, public as well as joint initiatives) and investment objectives. The publication draws heavily from the FAO 2010 publication “Agricultural Investment Funds for Developing Countries”, which was developed from an FAO-ConCAP research study that identified a broad range of investment funds that target agriculture in developing and transitioning countries. The identified funds were classified according to various criteria such [...]

Case study


Rural youth migration, social protection and sustainable value chains in Kenya

Exploring the links between migration, agricultural and rural transformation processes is an area where FAO has a comparative advantage thanks to its strong technical expertise and close relationship with governments and relevant stakeholders. The project "Reducing distress migration through local value chain development", funded by the Italian Development Cooperation, aims to address the root causes of distress rural out-migration of youth, by creating employment and entrepreneurship opportunities along food value chains and strengthening linkages with existing social protection programmes.

Issue paper


FAO Migration Framework. In brief

The drivers and impacts of migration are intimately linked to FAO's global goals of eradicating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, eliminating poverty and promoting the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources. FAO, given its mandate as a specialized UN agency, is uniquely placed to support Member States in addressing both the rural dimensions of migration as well as its implications for rural populations, including the future of agriculture and food systems. This document provides a brief overview of the structure of the FAO Migration Framework, explaining why and how FAO works on migration. The purpose of the Framework is to [...]



FAO Biodiversity Mainstreaming Platform

The brochure provides an overview of FAO's Biodiversity Mainstreaming Platform. This includes highlighting the importance of biodiversity mainstreaming across the agricultural sectors, fostering dialogue between the environment sector and the agricultural sectors, the development of a biodiversity strategy of FAO and shaping the global agenda on biodiversity.



Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) for Sustainable Local Food Systems

The global market of organic products increased fivefold between 1999 and 2014, Organic Monitor projects growth to continue. This trend is also true for the Asian region where the third largest market for organic products in the world and forty percent of the world’s organic producers are located (a total of 0.9 million producers, mostly concentrated in India). Consumers in the region are increasingly demanding organic products to ensure food safety. This trend represents an opportunity for smallholder farmers practicing organic production to increase their sales and improve their livelihoods. Yet, this opportunity is not readily available to smallholder farmers in [...]