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Case study


Food Chain Crisis. Stories of change

Using a storytelling approach, this special series of short stories communicates the impact of FAO's work on prevention and response to transboundary threats, told through the voice of the individuals affected.



FCC – EMPRES Information Sheets series. Invasive beetle threatens forest and fruit trees

Advocacy on FAO’s emergency prevention activities along the food chain, in addition to providing information. This series presents FCC-EMPRES core activities through successful programs and initiatives illustrating FAO’s role in supporting member countries to prevent, prepare and respond to transboundary, high impact animal and plant pests and diseases and food safety threats. See more information sheets here.



Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin

During the period April to June 2019, Food Chain Crisis (FCC) threats are expected to occur in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, where they may persist within a country, spread to neighbouring countries, remain latent, or re-emerge or amplify. The dynamics and likelihood of occurrence of FCC threats depend on a number of risk factors or drivers. These include agro-ecological factors (intensive farming systems, deforestation, overgrazing, etc.), climate change (droughts, extreme weather events, flooding, heavy rains, heat waves, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation – ENSO –, changes in vegetation cover, water temperature, etc.), human behaviour (cultural practices, conflicts and civil insecurity, [...]



Strengthening national capacity to increase food and nutrition security in Afghanistan

Entrenched food insecurity and malnutrition is a major concern in Afghanistan. It can be explained by several factors, including limited availability, fragile accessibility and instability of food supplies, among others. Food security and nutrition(FSN) is therefore a high priority on the agenda of the Government of Afghanistan. However, capacity constraints in the field of planning and management of FSN policies, programmes and projects remained a challenge for the successful implementation of FSN interventions. Against this background, the project focused on strengthening national capacities in FSN programming and implementation, and in reviewing, analysing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the food security and [...]

Case study


Quelles actions politiques pour renforcer l’accès des producteurs agricoles à des engrais chimiques à prix réduits au Burkina Faso ?

A moyen terme, la sécurité alimentaire du Burkina Faso devra passer par l’augmentation de la production agricole, pour faire face à des taux de croissance démographique élevés. L’augmentation de l’utilisation de l’engrais chimique permettrait d’augmenter la production agricole. Toutefois, les niveaux d’utilisation de l’engrais chimique restent faibles au Burkina Faso et du fait de l’enclavement du pays, les prix de l’engrais chimique sont élevés  par rapport aux autres pays de la région. L’analyse a permis de mettre en évidence les facteurs explicatifs du prix élevé de l’engrais et de proposer des actions à même de limiter le prix des engrais payés [...]

Issue paper


High-Level Expert Seminar on Indigenous Food Systems. Building on traditional knowledge to achieve Zero Hunger

In December 2017, FAO and Bioversity International entered into an agreement to contribute to the overall food systems and climate change adaptation debate through analytical and field activities on indigenous food systems. Thanks to this agreement, and through a task force thatincluded, FAO and Bioversity, the Centre  for  International  Forestry  Research  (CIFOR),  the  Indigenous  Partnership  for  Agrobiodiversity  and Food  Sovereignty,  the  French  National  Research  Institute  for  Sustainable  Development  (IRD)  and  local indigenous organizations, different food systems across the world were profiled. To  present  the first  results  of  these  studies  and  to  identify strategies  to  safeguard  the  preservation  and transmission  of  ancestral  [...]

Issue paper


Emerging opportunities for the application of blockchain in the agri-food industry

Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and smart contracts provide a unique opportunity to bring greater efficiency, transparency and traceability to the exchange of value and information in the agriculture sector. By utilising digital records, cryptography and the disintermediation of transaction processing and data storage, DLTs can improve both agricultural supply chains and rural development interventions in a number of ways. The technology has the potential to simplify and integrate agricultural supply chains, enhance food safety, facilitate access to trade finance and other types of agricultural financial services, improve market transparency, provide greater legal certainty to land-tenure systems and strengthen accountability for [...]



Home-Grown School Feeding Resource Framework. Technical Document

This Resource framework is intended as a guidance tool for stakeholders involved in programme design, implementation and monitoring of Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes and the related policy and institutional environment, including, inter alia: governments and development partners providing technical and financial assistance, as well as civil society, community based organisations and the private sector. It is a knowledge product that harmonizes the existing approaches and tools, and builds on the wealth of expertise and experience with home grown school feeding models i.e. those designed to provide children in schools with safe, diverse and nutritious food, sourced locally from smallholders, with [...]

Issue paper


Dynamic development, shifting demographics and changing diets. The story of the rapidly evolving food system in Asia and the Pacific and why it is constantly on the move

Asia and the Pacific is experiencing major demographic shifts and urbanizing rapidly. E-agriculture technologies (remote sensing, drones, sensors) are emerging, with potentially profound implications for the entire food system and management of the natural resource base. Structural transformation of the economy has also changed the nature of the food security problem. Earlier, many governments thought that producing more staple food was sufficient to improve food security. However, today’s economy, increasingly based on human capital and less on physical strength, requires that policies and programmes promote healthy diets for healthy people. This need for improved nutrition will require shifts in agricultural [...]



The future of food and agriculture (FOFA): Quantitative modelling framework

This leaflet summarizes the modeling framework used in the corporate publication "The future of food and agriculture - Alternative pathways to 2050" and related inputs from the FAO Global Agriculture Perspectives System Partial Equilibrium model (GAPS) and the Environmental Impact and Sustainability Applied General Equilibrium (ENVISAGE). Click here for the publication "future of food and agriculture".