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Averting Risks to the Food Chain. A Compendium of Proven Emergency Prevention Methods and Tools

Preventing animal disease and plant pest outbreaks and food safety incidents before they occur is essential to protecting the food chain. Most food chain crises are preventable with timely actions and the right investments. The Food Chain Crisis - Emergency Prevention System, known as FCC-EMPRES, is FAO’s approach to pursuing just that. This publication, based on 23 FCC-EMPRES information sheets published on a monthly basis by the FCC Intelligence and Coordination Unit of the FAO Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, showcases some of the best practices currently in use. This publication promises to help experts, policy makers, national institutions, and development [...]



The State of Food and Agriculture 2017. Leveraging Food Systems for Inclusive Rural Transformation

Since the 1990s, rural transformations have helped millions of people to rise out of poverty while remaining in rural areas. This underscores an important fact: revitalizing rural economies helps create jobs for rural people, offering an alternative to those who might turn to migration in search of a better life.  However, these rural transformations have not happened everywhere.  For the countries that lag behind, The 2017 State of Food and Agriculture argues that it is not too late. By tapping into the potential of food systems and recognizing the role of small cities and towns in integrated rural-urban planning, inclusive transformations are [...]

Data and statistics


SMAACNET- Sustainable Mechanization across Agri-Food Chains Network

SMAACNET is a web-based database for sharing information of agricultural mechanization that is best adapted to different agro-ecologies and categories of agri-food chains in the region of Asia and the Pacific. SMAACNET focuses on the needs of smallholder farmers and Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs). The overarching goal of SMAACNET is to ensure that Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) contributes to food security, economic development and ecological balance in Asia and the Pacific Region.  More specifically SMAACNET aims: To exchange knowledge, share experience and promote collaboration and concerted efforts among all stakeholders on the use of SAM across agri-food chains To advocate for the economic, social [...]



Leveraging institutional food procurement for rural transformation. Institutional food procurement programmes (IFPPs). FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 1

The brief contains recommendations and a framework for developing an Institutional Food Procurement Programme (IFPP) based on lessons from ten case study appraisals of WFP's purchase for progress initiative and Brazil's national food procurement programmes. 



Food Outlook. Biannual Report on Global Food Markets. June 2017.

Food Outlook is published by the Trade and Markets Division of FAO under Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS). It is a biannual publication focusing on developments affecting global food and feed markets. Each report provides comprehensive assessments and short term forecasts for production, utilization, trade, stocks and prices on a commodity by commodity basis and includes feature articles on topical issues. Food Outlook maintains a close synergy with another major GIEWS publication, Crop Prospects and Food Situation, especially with regard to the coverage of cereals. Food Outlook is available in English. The summary section is also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and [...]



Report on the Second Africa Regional Nutrition Coordination and Programming Consultation. Advancing Multisectoral Nutrition Sensitive Food Systems Post ICN-2 for Africa. 22-24 July 2015, Accra, Ghana

The main objective of the Second FAO Africa Regional Nutrition Coordination and Programming Consultation meeting was to improve the coordination of FAO’s Nutrition interventions in particular mainstreaming nutrition into agriculture policies, programmes and investment plans and jointly reinforce technical capacity in advancing nutrition sensitive programming through multi-sectoral strategies. It was also the opportunity to discuss the Post ICN-2 agenda for Africa, the Malabo Declaration and the CAADP Nutrition Initiative in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) being implemented, jointly by FAO and NPCA/NEPAD. This second regional nutrition consultation brought together close to 60 Nutrition Experts from 32 country, sub-regional and regional offices, and FAO Head Quarters. This report highlights the [...]



Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition in Small Island Developing States: Supporting the implementation of the Samoa Pathway

The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) share unique and particular vulnerabilities, resulting in a complex set of food security and nutrition challenges. The complexity and magnitude of these challenges are daunting and far too great for any one agency, organization or country to solve on their own. Closer international cooperation and a more integrated approach are needed so that all stakeholders can play their part in supporting SIDS in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.



Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition in Small Island Developing States

Most Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face a “triple burden” of malnutrition in which persistent levels of undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, coexist with an increasing incidence of overweight and obesity. A contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition provides a framework for SIDS to identify and implement priority actions to achieve food security and nutrition objectives. These actions can improve nutrition and well-being, reduce poverty and inequalities, and foster economic growth. 



Addressing Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in National Adaptation Plans

These supplementary guidelines to the UNFCCC NAP Guidelines for "Addressing Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag Guidelines)" aim to support developing countries in making sure agriculture is both included in national adaptation plans and made more adaptive and resilient to climate change.  The Guidelines aim to support developing countries in: reducing vulnerability of the agriculture sectors to the impacts of climate change by building adaptive capacities and resilience; addressing agriculture in the formulation and implementation of NAPs; and enhancing the integration of adaptation in agricultural development policies, programmes and plans. Chapter One provides background information on NAP formulation and implementation processes. Chapter Two focuses [...]



Informe de Diagnóstico Institucional del Plan para la Seguridad Alimentaria, Nutrición y Erradicación del Hambre de la CELAC 2025.

La presente publicación fue elaborada por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), por encargo de la Dirección de Integración Regional Multilateral (DIREM) del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, punto focal de la CELAC en el país, y con el apoyo de las instituciones públicas que forman parte del Comité Nacional del Plan SAN CELAC: Capítulo Chile. El fin de esta publicación fue contribuir a la implementación del Plan SAN CELAC: Capítulo Chile, a través de la recopilación y sistematización de las principales dimensiones nutricionales y de seguridad alimentaria, instituciones e iniciativas públicas [...]