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Reconstrucción sostenible: antecedentes y acciones de recuperación pospandemia para Chile

La pandemia por COVID-19 plantea desafíos para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, el desarrollo rural enfocado en la recuperación económica y el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales. La reconstrucción económica sostenible, como respuesta a los efectos de la crisis global que amenazan con hacer retroceder el avance del desarrollo de Chile en al menos 10 años, es también una oportunidad para fortalecer la capacidad de enfrentar futuras emergencias que, como la crisis de COVID-19, afectan de forma desproporcionada a grupos vulnerables, exacerbando la desigualdad y la pobreza. La propuesta de recuperación pospandemia de la FAO para Chile apunta a [...]



Responsible investment and COVID-19: Addressing impacts, risks and responsible business conduct in agricultural value chains

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated serious threats to food security and nutrition and has greatly affected livelihoods and working conditions in agricultural value chains. This policy brief focuses on the role of responsible investment and responsible business conduct along agricultural value chains in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides policy recommendations for governments, investors, enterprises and civil society on how they can encourage responsible investment and responsible business conduct in agriculture in these challenging times. See the full list of policy briefs related to COVID-19.

Case study


Developing capacities for agricultural innovation systems. Lessons from implementing a common framework in eight countries

This document intends to provide an analysis of the outcomes of the application of the TAP Common Framework in the eight countries of the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. The TAP Common Framework (TAP CF) was developed at the global level as an initial activity of the CDAIS project in order to guide capacity development (CD) and strengthening of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS). The project then tested this framework in eight pilot countries (Guatemala, Honduras, Burkina Faso, Angola, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Lao PDR, Bangladesh). The purpose of the transversal analysis was to understand how the CDAIS approach contributed [...]

Issue paper


Implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora through national fisheries legal frameworks. A study and a guide

An increasing number of commercially exploited and managed aquatic species has been listed in the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), triggering the attention from the fisheries sector of States on how listing would impact on the management of the relevant fisheries. CITES regulates international trade in certain aquatic species, including those which are, and can be, commercially exploited and which are being managed by the fisheries sector. The fisheries sector legal frameworks will have to recognize and enable the various requirements provided for in CITES, including the making of [...]



Addressing forestry and agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans. Supplementary guidelines

The 'Addressing forestry and agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans: Supplementary guidelines' provide specific guidance for national adaptation planning in the forestry sector. They are intended to be used by national planners and decision–makers working on climate change issues in developing countries and authorities and experts who are contributing to climate change adaptation and NAP formulation and implementation.Last updated date 23/11/2020 (interactive features have been updated).



Protecting agricultural workers through remote COVID-19 awareness campaigns in Pakistan. Using digital media and distanced messaging to promote virus mitigation and combat misinformation

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic—and related lockdowns—triggered a massive cash crisis around the world for families who depend on informal earnings, including daily wage workers. In Pakistan, a nationwide lockdown was imposed on 21 March 2020. This had major reverberations on the food supply chain and agriculture sector, where restrictive measures threatened the livelihoods of workers and smallholder farmers. In total, as of 12 July 2020, there were 248 872 confirmed cases throughout Pakistan.Lockdown-related challenges have created new threats to public health, with communities struggling to adhere to restrictions while still securing food for their families. Overall, society’s most vulnerable and [...]

Issue paper


Jordan food security update. Implications of COVID-19, May – June 2020

With the COVID-19 in Jordan under control, the government of Jordan has managed the response proactively and to mitigate potential immediate impacts on the availability of food to the population. Food security among vulnerable Jordanian households has remained largely stable as yet with 15% of households showing a poor or borderline Food Consumption Score (FCS) in 2020 compared to 16% in 2018. Nevertheless the extent of the damage to key components of the food supply chain is still not completely quantified. Also, the pandemic still ongoing globally and in the region, Jordan will have to remain attentive to multiple risks that [...]



Using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) to monitor the impact of COVID-19

This document provides guidance on implementing the Food Insecurity Experience Scale for the purpose of monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on food security. Important considerations are covered such as survey design, method of data collection, translation and linguistic adaptation of the survey module, and preparation of the interview script, among others. Also available in Spanish. Find more COVID-19 related resources here.



Impacts of COVID-19 on wood value chains and forest sector response. Results from a global survey 2020

This policy brief summarizes the findings from a global survey on the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on wood value chains and recovery measures from the forest sector. The survey received responses from 237 stakeholders registered in the Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW) network, representing all segments of wood value chains. The survey was administered for two weeks (3–15 June 2020) and the results presented here cover impacts during the reference period of February to June 2020. Based on the survey results, initial policy recommendations are formulated for current challenges and future perspectives involving wood value chains [...]

Case study


Multi-stakeholder platforms. Inclusive partnerships, from smallholder farmers to parliamentarians

In the world of development, partnerships developed through Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) produce results which exceed stakeholder expectations, as the “open atmosphere” promotes shared knowledge and lessons learnt, creating lasting outcomes at all levels. These results are a by-product of a holistic approach to development and underlying consensus between partners.Last updated date 17/07/2020