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Evidence platform for agri-food systems and nutrition

The 105 recommendations of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) are categorized under 7 focus areas and several thematic sub-sections. You can browse the recommendations from the "Focus Areas" section, by navigating the focus and sub-focus areas' menu, or by doing a free search by key terms.



The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. Making agri-food systems more resilient to shocks and stresses

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of agri-food systems to shocks and stresses and led to increased global food insecurity and malnutrition. Action is needed to make agri-food systems more resilient, efficient, sustainable and inclusive.The State of Food and Agriculture 2021 presents country-level indicators of the resilience of agri-food systems. The indicators measure the robustness of primary production and food availability, as well as physical and economic access to food. They can thus help assess the capacity of national agri-food systems to absorb shocks and stresses, a key aspect of resilience.The report analyses the vulnerabilities of food supply chains and [...]

Case study


Consumer organizations in action. A collection of practices driving the right to adequate food

Consumers are a powerful force for change towards a sustainably developing world that leaves no one behind and respects the human rights of all. This publication showcases the work of a selection of consumer organizations around the world in securing the right to adequate food. Intended to be frequently updated, this collection brings to the fore the experiences and good practices of members of Consumers International. It aims to be of use to multi-sector partnerships and the whole community of consumer organizations, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and skills, and to foster collaborations around thematic areas.It is designed as [...]

Data and statistics


Food and Agriculture Statistics - Working papers

Find all working papers by FAO's statistics division - here. Find the most recently published working paper under "Download PDF".  



Food and Agriculture Statistics - Data dissemination briefs

Find all of FAO's data dissemination briefs - here. Find the most recently published data dissemination brief under "Download PDF".



FAO Investment Centre – Annual review 2020

The FAO Investment Centre provides a wide range of support services to help countries make more and better investments in food and agriculture. This review looks back at the work the Centre carried out with its partners in 2020. Despite a challenging year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centre’s global team supported investment-related policy and sector studies to increase policy dialogue and contributed to the design, technical assistance, supervision or evaluation of investment projects in 120 countries. The Centre increasingly linked both its policy work with investment support to scale up impact. And it promoted greater knowledge sharing and innovation, while [...]

Issue paper


Tackling child labour through decent youth employment in agri-food systems. Background paper

Poverty reduction and food security are intrinsically linked. Both depend on sustainable food systems and safe and sustainable agricultural practices. Similarly, poverty reduction and sustainable food systems can only be realized if those producing food, for their own consumption and for local and global supply chains, have decent working conditions and stable livelihoods.Hence, it is essential that young people above the minimum age for employment are protected, offered relevant technical and vocational training, and able to work in safe, non-exploitative agricultural work. Working towards a successful school-to-work transition for the 15-17 years age cohort goes hand in hand with the [...]

Issue paper


Consumer organizations and the right to adequate food. Making the connections

Consumers are a powerful force for change towards a sustainably developing world that leaves no one behind and respects the human rights of all. This publication is aimed at making the connections between the important work of consumer organizations and the realization of the right to adequate food, increasing the visibility of these organizations and highlighting their importance to food security, healthy diets and food systems transformations. It is also intended to support consumer organizations in their awareness raising, and capacity development efforts towards even greater impact. In showcasing how the work of consumer organizations contributes towards securing the right [...]

Issue paper


Public food stockholding. A review of policies and practices

The paper investigates the basics of public stockholding, exploring the objectives of such programmes, the policy instruments used to achieve them, and their possible market impacts. It also synthesizes country experiences in implementing public stockholding programmes in different regions and presents the evolution of administered and international prices over the last decade. Finally, the paper highlights the main elements of the WTO negotiations on public stockholding for food security, and some of the issues that need to be resolved to help achieve consensus in this area.



Small-scale fisheries and the human right to adequate food

The adoption of Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (Right to Food Guidelines) by in 2004 and the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) in 2014 were two major achievements in the effort to ensure food security and nutrition.This handbook has been developed to support the joint implementation of the SSF Guidelines and the Right to Food Guidelines through an integrated approach and to increase policy coherence and uptake. The document provides an overview [...]